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Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd August 2004

Details of ARA Open Events

SATURDAY: 1000m downstream on the Isis, from Folly Bridge, Oxford. Stern-on-start, bow finish.
SUNDAY: 500m downstream on the Isis, from OUBC, Oxford.
Stern-on-start, bow finish. 
All categories of sweep-oared and sculling event will be offered for Senior, Veteran, Mixed and Junior competitors on both days according to entries received.
Distinctive pewter tankards will be awarded to the winners of all events. 
Victor Ludorum
Senior Victor Ludorum - £750 and a commemorative trophy will be awarded to the most successful visiting club in Senior & Veteran events over the two days of competition.
Junior Victor Ludorum -
£300 and a commemorative trophy will be awarded to the most successful club in Junior events over the two days of competition.
Look here for rules.
Entry Fees
£8.00 per seat in advance (excluding coxswains) if received before the event together with completed A.R.A. forms;  £10.00 per seat otherwise. Cheques payable to City of Oxford Rowing Club.
Open events will be held under A.R.A. Rules. Valid racing licences must be presented, or day tickets purchased, on registration. Every effort will be made to accommodate doubling up if notified in advance of the draw, though the Secretary reserves the right to scratch crews if it interferes with the racing schedule on the day. Trebling up of any combination of crews, coxes and equipment cannot be accommodated. 
Entries will be accepted by telephone and email, though precedence will be given to postal entries submitted on A.R.A. Regatta Entry forms accompanied by cheques. Please identify the stroke of each crew entered by telephone or email. (Exceptionally, a crew may be asked to row above status where it would facilitate the draw. Therefore please indicate on the entry form the total number of points held by your crew, and the highest status at which you would be prepared to race.)
Entries and all enquiries should be addressed to:
Robin Edwards
The King's Head
92 East Street
OX27 7Q4
Tel. 07768 712534
Email: robin@krewklips.co.uk.
Closing date
Entries close at 6.00 pm on Sunday 15th August 2004.

Revised: July 13, 2004.