Oxford City Royal Regatta & Sprint
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd August 2004

Instructions for Competitors
- Open Events are held under A.R.A. Rules
of Racing. Competitors must present racing licences at Registration on arrival. Day
tickets may be accepted in place of racing licences.
- The Isis
is just 2000 m long and in places less than 20 m wide. In the
interests of safety, and to prevent overcrowding, the Marshals' instructions
and Navigation Rules will be strictly adhered to. Crews should attend to the position of
other crews and river users, and comply swiftly with the directives of
marshals and umpires.
- Competitors and supporters should be courteous
to other crews, officials and members of the public. The use of foul
language will not be tolerated and could result in disqualification.
- Competitors double up at their own risk.
In the event of a clash, it may be possible to change a race time but
the Secretary reserves the right to scratch crews if this cannot be
done without compromising the schedule and causing inconvenience to
other competitors.
- All requests to reschedule races and notifications
of withdrawals should be addressed to the Pairing Marshals (see
below). Objections should be lodged with
the Coordinating Umpire at the Finish.
- Competitors and members of the public
are advised not to leave valuable belongings unattended at any
- The draw, timetable and results will be
posted on the Regatta's web-site at http://i.am/corc.
Parking and Trailers
See How
to get here for map and directions.
- Trailers should be parked in the City
Boathouse car park, and towing vehicles moved to the Sea Scouts' field
immediately afterwards. Scullers should park in the Council car park
and carry their boats through to the lawn in front of Riverside Centre
(not Falcon RC).
Other vehicles may be parked in the Sea Scouts' field. This field is
privately owned and a fee of £3 per day (or £5 for two days) will be charged.
Public parking is also
available at Redbridge Park & Ride.
University and College Crews based on the
- College crews must embark with their
opposition from the City/Riverside area, and their boats should
therefore be placed there on trestles before the first race of the
day. Any crew failing to comply will be
deemed to have withdrawn.
Boating Instructions
A.R.A. Open Events & Corporate Eights
- The Regatta will run to time.
- According to local rules, all crews must report to the
Pairing Marshals with their opposition, ready to boat, 25 minutes before the
time of their race. Failure to do so will incur a false start. Single scullers should report to the
Pairing Marshal at Riverside
Centre, and all other crews should report to the Pairing Marshal at the City
Boathouse. Having reported to the Pairing Marshal, crews must embark
in pairs not later than 20 minutes before the time of their race. Any
crew that fails to do so will be deemed to have withdrawn.
- Embarking crews should use the upstream half of the landing
stages and disembarking crews should use the downstream half.
- Crews double up at their own risk. In
the event of a clash of races, Pairing Marshals may authorize a race
to be rescheduled only provided that both parties present themselves
in person not later than 45 minutes before the original
scheduled time and are able to agree a new time. If an agreement is not reached because one or
both crews neglected to report to the Pairing Marshal before the
deadline, or if the crews cannot agree on a mutually convenient time
for the rescheduled race, the original race time will stand and
any crew that then failed to embark 20 minutes before that time
will be deemed to have withdrawn.
- Crews will not
be asked to row over if their opposition has withdrawn.
- Coxswains should obtain a weight
certificate on registration, and present them to the Boat Marshal on
Adaptive Sculls
- Crews must embark and disembark in pairs from the
landing stage at Long Bridges. Boats should be placed there on
trestles between races.
See Map of
the Course
- Normal navigation rules apply downstream
of the Gut (i.e. crews should keep to the right). Crews
intending to warm up should turn opposite Riverside immediately after
embarking, proceed downstream, turn before Iffley Lock and then
proceed directly upstream to the Start. Allow 20 minutes to reach the
Start from Iffley Lock.
- On the way to the Start, crews should
not proceed through the Gut (i.e. past the Sea Scouts' landing
stage, just upstream from Riverside) without their opposition. If
necessary crews should wait for their opposition by the Sea Scouts'
landing stage. Unpaired crews arriving at the Start will be sent back
immediately to report to the Pairing Marshal.
- Proceeding upstream of the Gut, there is
a buoyed navigation channel on the left-hand side of the river,
adjacent to the Course, which must be used by all boats making way
upstream as well as pleasure craft making way downstream. On passing
through the Gut crews must stop and await instructions before crossing
the river to enter the navigation channel. Unless instructed
otherwise, crews must not stop within the navigation channel, but must
keep moving up to the start area, proceeding on the right hand side of
the navigation channel.
- On crossing the finish, racing crews
should wind down before the Gut and be alert to marshals'
instructions. Be wary of craft approaching the Gut downstream from the
navigation channel as well as craft cutting across the entrance of the Gut
upstream towards the entrance to the navigation channel.
- Winners should collect their prizes from the landing stage at the
Finish immediately after the race.
Use the course
map to specify a river location. The rowing club's address is City
Boathouse, Meadow Lane, Donnington Bridge Road, Oxford OX4 4BL.
Telephone 01865 242576.