Auditing catalogue quality by random sampling

A Master's dissertation by Owen Massey, M.Math., submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Arts degree of Loughborough University, August 2000.

Supervisor: Ann O'Brien, Ph.D., MLIS, Dip.Lib., B.A., Department of Information Science

How do you measure the quality of a library catalogue? What is catalogue quality anyway? This work aims to answer the first question by examining one method for assessing the accuracy of catalogue records. If your principal interest is in the method rather than its ramifications, it is explained by Ann Chapman of UKOLN who has developed it as the CAT-ASSESS tool.

This dissertation was awarded the 2001 Library and Information Research Group Postgraduate Prize. A shorter version has been published as:
Ann Chapman and Owen Massey. A catalogue quality audit tool.
Library Management 23 (no. 6/7, 2002) 314-324
Library and Information Research News 26 (no. 82, Spring 2002) 26-37 (E-LIS open archive)

Owen Massey McKnight <>