Abortion. Absent fathers. Alienation. Apathy. Awareness. Barriers. Bibliography. Blackness. Bullets. Bureaucracy. Card catalog. Complacency. Condescension. Corruption. Courage. Despair. Discrimination. Distrust. Dope. Defiance. Draft. Employment. Feminism. Freedom. Hate. High prices. Homelessness. Hopelessness. Hunger. Horror. Ignorance. Illegal police acts. Imperialism. Indifference. Injustice. Insults. Liberation. Librarians. Lobbies. Love. Machismo. Manhood. Media. Middle class. Mobility. Music. Open door. Oppressed mothers. Paranoia. Peace. Peoplehood. Poetry. Police brutality. Politics. Poverty. Power. Pride. Prisons. Rage. Rats. Reading. Red tape. Reference. Respect. Revolution. Riots. Segregation. Sexism. Small children. Squalor. Strength. Struggle. Study quietly. Survival. Teachers. Teargas. TV. Violence. War. Welfare. Whiteness. Womanhood. Working class. If these are not our concerns, why do we profess to be librarians? The interest in people as individuals with human problems, feelings, and attitudes is not social work but social concern and should be an integral part of any profession engaged in service. |