This post describes how to create a Lubuntu-based virtual machine (VM) to be used when teaching of computer forensic analysis and investigation. The post discusses the background to the use of the VM, how the VM is created in VMware Fusion, and how Sleuthkit and other Linux-based utilities are installed. The post finishes with some suggestions on how the VM issued in class can be configured for the classroom teaching computers.
Aug 30, 2015
These instructions describe how to access Autopsy running on the FOR2014 Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance used for the FOR classroom exercises.
Sep 14, 2014
These instructions describe how to create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance from a customized Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for the FOR classroom exercises. The instructions also provide information on setting up an ssh session to log into the instance once it is running.
Aug 27, 2014
In this post I describe how to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from a customized Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance. The AMI allows software and data to be prepackaged and distributed to students for use in classroom exercises.
Aug 26, 2014
In this post I outline how to install and use [Sleuthkit]( to conduct computer forensic analysis on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance. The EC2 instance is used in classroom exercises by students using the Linux command line to investigate and analyze forensic evidence.
Aug 25, 2014
In this post I describe the decisions points I have been through as I have introduced AWS-based teaching resources into the course I teach. The post gives a high-level overview of the steps I took to identify, create and distribute the AWS-based teaching resources for use in my course.
Aug 12, 2014
This post describes how I use virtual machines to create exercises and assignments for the course I teach. The post also shows how the distribution of the virtual machines to the students allows them to take the skills they have learned in class away with them.
May 3, 2014
This post describes how to create a Lubuntu-based virtual machine (VM) to be used when teaching of computer forensic analysis and investigation. The post discusses the background to the use of the VM, how the VM is created in VMware Fusion, and how Sleuthkit and other Linux-based utilities are installed. The post finishes with some suggestions on how the VM issued in class can be configured for the classroom teaching computers.
Aug 3, 2013