In 1995, under the co-ordination of Prof. Dr Cristina Altman of the University of São Paulo, the WORKSHOP ON THE HISTORIOGRAPHY OF BRAZILIAN LINGUISTICS (o grupo de trabalho 'Historiografia da Lingüística Brasileira') was founded. This is one of the research groups which constitute the Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Letras e Lingüística ('The National Association for Graduate Research in Linguistics, Language and Literature') or ANPOLL. Two years after its foundation the 'Workshop' involves 19 researchers from 9 different Brazilian universities.

The aims of the group are twofold. In the first instance it seeks to establish and organise archives and documentation on Brazilian linguistics, and also to stimulate and disseminate work in these archives and centres of documentation as such work is carried out. In the second instance this group of scholars is addressing methodological aspects of the historiography of linguistics in its seminars. Those involved aim to share some of the general principles, which orient their research into specifically Brazilian linguistic historiography, with the wider academic community. As well as these tasks shared by the group, each member develops his or her own research, parallel studies and activities.

The group meets twice a year and every two years, at the General Meeting of the National Association for Graduate Research, assesses its achievements and lays down its plans and renews its targets for the next two years. Members of the Henry Sweet Society interested in knowing more about this important enterprise in the history of linguistics may contact Christina Altman at:

Universidade de São Paulo

FFLCH - Departamento de Lingüística

Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto 315

05 508-900 Cidade Universitária - São Paulo


or by e-mail at:


Christina Altman, São Paulo.