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Digital Culture in the 21st Century |
Oxford Union
Debating Chamber, Wednesday 21st April 1999.
MUSEUMS Chair: Sarah Porter |
10:00 | Jane Carmichael, Assistant Director, Collections, Imperial War Museum |
PERFORMANCE Chair: Sarah Porter |
10:30 | Dan
Director, Arts and Humanities Data
Service Barry Smith, Lecturer in Theatre and founder of the Live Art Archive |
ART Chair: Stuart Sutherland |
11:10 | Sean Cubitt, Lecturer in Screen Studies, author of Digital Aesthetics |
11:25 | Roy Ascott, Artist and Director of the Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts |
MUSIC Chair: Lou Burnard |
11:50 | Simon Waters, Director of Electroacoustic Music Studios, University of East Anglia |
12:05 | Nigel Morgan, Lecturer in Creative Music Technology, Co-Developer of Symbolic Composer |
12:20 | OPEN DEBATE |
Motion: | In the next century digital experiences will be preferred to 'real' experiences |
The motion was defeated by 43 votes
to 33 votes.
LITERATURE Chair: Frances Condron |
14:30 | Chris Meade, Director, Poetry Society |
14:45 | Peter Howard, Poet, http://www.hphoward.demon.co.uk/poetry/ |
STYLE AND DESIGN Chair: Stuart Lee |
15:15 | Peter York, Author, Journalist, and Broadcaster |
15:30 | Robin Baker, Director, Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication |
15:45 | OPEN DEBATE |
Motion: | The digital world is all style and no substance |
The motion was defeated by 55 votes to 6 votes | |
BROADCASTING Chair: Michael Fraser |
16:30 | Peter Gibbins, Executive Director, Digital Virtual Centre of Excellence for Digital Broadcasting and Multimedia Technology |
17:00 | CLOSE |