CTI Textual Studies ![]() C l a s s i c s |
I want to include
references in Greek in my writing. What fonts can I use, and where can I get
them from?
Most modern word-processing packages have a resident Greek font, but without the accents and breathing spaces that are essential for classical and biblical Greek scholars. For these features, you need to get hold of a special font and load it onto your computer.
A range of freeware and shareware Greek fonts are available. For more on these, look at the related question under Scanning, OCR and Fonts.
If you want a wide range of fonts, you may find LaserGreek suits your needs. It is available for both Macintosh and PC. It comes in 15 classical and biblical fonts, including all 35 accents, breathing marks, iota subscripts and diereses, along with text-critical symbols and sigla (as used in Nestle-Aland, UBS, Leiden, TLG). These are TrueType fonts, and printout will therefore be of a reliable quality over a wide range of sizes. LaserGreek can be purchaced from Linguist's Software, PO Box 580, Edmonds, WA 98020-0580, USA. Voicemail: +1 425 775 1130; fax: +1 425 771 5911; email: fonts@linguistsoftware.com. LaserGreek and LaserGreek II (an additional set of fonts) each cost US$99.95. Linguist Software have a good web page with plenty of information, including an online ordering service: http://www.linguistsoftware.com/. Alternately, LaserGreek can be purchased from Lingua, 4 Glenthorpe, Holmfirth, Huddersfield, HD7 1RE, UK. Tel: 01484 68 9494; fax: 01484 68 9594. Their price is £79 + VAT. For more information on Lingua, consult their web page: http://www.lingua-uk.com/europe.html.
More information on fonts will be available in our Resources Guide.
HTML Author: Frances Condron
Document created: 31 March 1999
Document last modified:The URL of this document is http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/enquiry/cla01.html