Computers & Texts No.
11 | Table of Contents | March 1996 |
Can Information Technology really help us to extend teaching and learning beyond the classroom? What are the practical and pedagogic implications of the Virtual Seminar? What modes of learning will be expected by the next generation of students?
This one-day colloquium, organised by Oxford University's Humanities Computing Unit, will address these and similar questions. Our aim is to bring together both practitioners and visionaries in an attempt to tackle both the practical and the theoretical implications of using IT to extend teaching and learning beyond the walls of the classroom. Digital technologies are already being enthusiastically applied in such areas as distance learning and lifelong learning, for which they seem to offer unique advantages and opportunities. However, the pedagogical implications of this rush to 'be digital' may be as rarely discussed as the practical problems which IT may present. We are inviting a small number of expert speakers from projects where these issues are confronted daily, to present their work and share their ideas with us. The day will consist of four or five formal presentations, with ample time for discussion, which we hope will be lively and stimulating.
Further details are available from
[Table of Contents] [Letter to the Editor]
Computers & Texts 11 (1996) 27. Not to be republished in any form
without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.
HTML Author:
Michael Fraser (
Document Created: 25
April 1996
Document Modified: 27 April 1996
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