CTI Textual Studies |
Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98 |
Table of Contents |
Description: Admyte provides CD-ROM access to some of the most significant works published in Spain at the end of the 15th century. Volume 1 contains around 8,000 digitized pages of 61 works from the Biblioteca Nacional together with transcriptions of each page. In addition to the images and ASCII transcriptions Admyte includes a lemmatized database of 15th century Spanish; a copy of TACT for literary analysis; UNITE, for the collation and comparision of poetic text. Admyte volume 0 contains only text without the facsimile images.
The works on both Admyte-1 and Admyte-0 range from 15th century encyclopedias, grammatical dictionaries, legal and scientific texts, through to chronicles and biographies, religious texts, poetic and prose works.
Requirements: PC running MS-Windows 3.1, CD-ROM drive, and a high resolution monitor (1280 x 960) is recommended.
Further information: Micronet have a Web site at http://www.micronet.es/. A demonstration of Admyte can be obtained as http://www.micronet.es/multimedia/download/admyte.zip.
Distributor: Micronet, Calle Maria Tubau 4, 28050 Madrid, España. Tel: 91 358 96 25. Fax: 91 358 95 44. Email: multimedia@micronet.es
Price: Admyte 0: 36.000 ptas. Admyte 1: 90.000 ptas.
Version available at CTI Centre:Demonstration version
[Resources Guide: A-Z Contents] [Resources Guide: Front Page] [CTI Textual Studies Home Page]
Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form
without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.
HTML Author:
Michael Fraser
Document Created: 14 September 1996
Modified: 24 August 1997
The URL of this document is