CTI Textual Studies | Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98 |
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Description: The Royal Irish Academy has been working towards producing a Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources (DMLCS). A second objective has been the creation of a database of Celtic-Latin literature in electronic form. The Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature on CD-ROM makes the work of the Royal Irish Academy available to a wide range of scholars. The first edition of the CD-ROM contains all the material processed to the standard of the DMLCS. Two further editions are expected to enable all accessible texts to be processed to the same standard. The current CD-ROM includes a range of texts drawn from British, Irish, Scottish, and Breton authors. Anonymous hagiography, liturgical works, charters, and historical texts are also included. The database complements the CETEDOC Library of Christian Latin Texts, producing a pan-European archive of Patristic and Medieval Latin texts. The database can be searched by author, work, period, or by a combination of Latin forms and phrases. The results of a search can be saved to disk or printed.
Requirements: PC running MS-DOS 5.0 or higher with at least 4MB RAM, and CD-ROM drive.
Further information: Brepols have a WWW site at http://www.brepols.com/
Distributor: Brepols Publishers, Steenweg op Tielen 68, B-2300 Turnhout, Belgium. Tel: 32 14 40 2500. Fax: 32 14 42 8919. Email: hdraeve@brepols.com.
Price: BEF 35,000. The second edition is expected in 1998 and the final edition in 1999.
Version available at CTI Centre:First edition.
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Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form
without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.
HTML Author: Michael Fraser
Document Created: 14 September 1996
Document Modified: 24 August 1997
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