CTI Textual Studies |
Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98 |
Table of Contents |
Description: BIDS gives on-line access to a number of commercial and other bibliographic collections, some of which are relevant to humanities disciplines. Each database can be searched on-line; bibliographic details can then be displayed on the terminal, or returned over the network using electronic mail; full text documents can also be delivered to the terminal, or an order placed for a hard-copy version. The British Library Inside Information Service, a database maintained by the British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC), consists of information for every major article in their 10,000 most requested titles (updated twice weekly). The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) database covers over 16,000 international journals, books, and proceedings in arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. The IBSS ONLINE service contains data from over 2,600 international social science journals and 6,000 books per annum, with 30% of the entries in languages other than English. Access is made via the BIDS gateway using remote log-in; World Wide Web access is also available in some cases.
Requirements: Internet connection with WWW Browser or telnet client.
Further information: from the BIDS web site at http://www.bids.ac.uk/
Distributor: Bath Information & Data Services, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK. Tel: +44 1225 826074; Fax: +44 1225 826176. E-mail: BIDS@bids.ac.uk
Price: Subscriptions are on an annual basis, per UK HE institution. British Library Inside Information Service: £3,000; ISI: £7500; IBSS: free to UK HE.
Version available at CTI Centre: Current.
[Resources Guide: A-Z Contents] [Resources Guide: Front Page] [CTI Textual Studies Home Page]
Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form
without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.
HTML Author:
Sarah Porter
Document Created: 28 January 1997
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