CTI Textual Studies

Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98

Table of Contents

Caedmon's Hymn

Description: This is a package intended to help students who are beginning the study of Old English to translate and understand a short poem. It contains background information about Bede, his History, and the Old English translation; the monstic background; introductions to prosody, literary and manuscript study; exercises for grammar recognition, translation, manuscript reading, and understanding poetic formulae; and also a select bibliograohy.

Requirements: PC running MS-Windows 3.1 and a reader for Guide 3.1.

Further information: Contact the distributor.

Distributor: Suzanne Wright, CAL Group, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD. Tel: 0115 951 5151. Fax: 0115 951 5924. Email: calgroup@nottingham.ac.uk. URL: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/cal/.

Price: £15.00 +VAT.

Version available at CTI Centre:Version 1.0.

[Resources Guide: A-Z Contents] [Resources Guide: Front Page] [CTI Textual Studies Home Page]

Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.

HTML Author: Michael Fraser
Document Created: 14 September 1996
Document Modified: 25 August 1997

The URL of this document is http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/resguide/resources/c100.html