CTI Textual Studies

Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98

Table of Contents

Event Structure Analysis (ESA)

Description: ESA replaces the 1988 DOS application ETHNO. ESA is an on-line Java program that helps you analyze sequential events. The application consists of two parts: 'Prerequisite analysis' produces a diagram showing how some events are necessary for other events, and how abstract events are represented in concrete happenings. It is possible to test whether the diagram works as a grammar explaining the sequence of events. ETHNO consisted only of this part. The second part, 'Composition analysis', involves coding agent, action, object, instrument, setting, alignment, product, and beneficiary of each event. Through this process it may be determined how people, things, and actions were linked by the events. The Web site includes tutorial documentation and sample datasets.

Requirements: Internetworked computer with a graphical Web browser capable of running Java applications. ETHNO requires a PC running DOS 3.0 or higher and can be run from a floppy disk.

Further information: ESA and ETHNO were developed by David Heise (Indiana University). Email: heise@ucs.indiana.edu. See Heise, 1995 at http://php.indiana.edu/~heise/EventContent.html.

Distributor:ESA can be run from http://www.indiana.edu/~socpsy/ESA/Index.html. The Java files are available from http://www.indiana.edu/~socpsy/ESA/. ETHNO is still available for download from http://www.indiana.edu/~socpsy/ESA/downloading.html.

Price: Free for non-commercial use.

Version available at CTI Centre:Access to ESA.

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Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.

HTML Author: Michael Fraser
Document Created: 14 August 1996
Document Modified: 28 September 1997

The URL of this document is http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/resguide/resources/e150.html