CTI Textual Studies |
Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98 |
Table of Contents |
Description: This resource consists of a collection of 400,000 incipits (the first words of a particular work), the product of research carried out by the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes and the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library. The collection covers Latin literature from the pre-classical age to the Renaissance; for each incipit, references are given to the author's name and title of a work, the manuscript or manuscripts which contain the text, and bibliographical references. The records are fully searchable; boolean searching is possible and spelling variants have been accommodated. Over 100,000 incipits will be added each year, coming from a variety of scholarly sources, thus building a database which will contain one million incipits before the end of this century.
Requirements: PC running MS-DOS or higher with CD-ROM drive.
Further information: from Brepols web site at http://www.brepols.com/publishers/pubcdrom.htm. See Dutschke (1996).
Distributor: Brepols Publishers, Steenweg op Tielen 68, b-2300 Turnhout, Belgium. Tel. 321 440 2500; Fax. 321 440 8919. Email: hderaeve@brepols.com
Price: 120,000 BEF (approx. $3750). Network licence available.
Version available at CTI Centre: Version 3.
[Resources Guide: A-Z Contents] [Resources Guide: Front Page] [CTI Textual Studies Home Page]
Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form
without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.
HTML Author:
Sarah Porter
Document Created: 8 November 1996
The URL of this document is