CTI Textual Studies

Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98

Table of Contents

Lexa 6.0

Description: Lexa is a suite of programs for the linguistic analysis of text corpora. It is particularly appropriate for the Helesinki Corpus of English Texts though it can be used with any corpus which employs the COCOA markup scheme. The suite consists of numerous tools including the main program, Lexa, which permits the user to lemmatise any input ASCII texts, to create frequency lists of the types and tokens occurring in any loaded text, to generate lexical density tables, and to transfer textual data in a user-defined manner to a database environment; Lexa Text, a simple text edirot for input and output files; Lexa Pat, a pattern matching module; and a number of database management tools designed to work with dBASE formats. A font module permits the display of special characters found in Old and Middle English texts. In addition, there is the option of specifying a user font with both text editors and database managers which allows the full ASCII set and a further 256 user-defined symbols.

Requirements: PC running DOS or Windows 3.1 or higher, at least 4MB RAM.

Further information: Consult the Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities WWW page at: http://nora.hd.uib.no/index-e.html

Distributor: Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities, Harald Haarfagresgt. 31, 5007 Bergen, Norway. Tel: 47 55 212 954. Fax: 47 55 58 94 70. Email: icame@hd.uib.no. The software can be downloaded from http://nora.hd.uib.no/lexa-ftp.html The printed documentation should be obtained seperately.

Price: NOK 850.00 +shipping (disks and documentation).

Version available at CTI Centre: None.

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Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.

HTML Author: Michael Fraser
Document Created: 17 August 1996
Document Modified: 28 September 1997

The URL of this document is http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/resguide/resources/l120.html