CTI Textual Studies

Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98

Table of Contents

Mindfields and Protagoras

Description: Mindfields and Protagoras are two hypertext applications aimed at teaching philosophy to first level undergraduates. Protogoras is an introduction to the philosophy of knowledge, covering all the central areas including the nature of knowing and believing, and the sources and types of knowledge. Mindfields introduces students to the basics of the philosophy of mind (dualism, materialism, machine consciousness etc.). Both texts contain a detailed index and bibliography, self-assessment and formal assessment tests, plus a 'Notes and Queries' page where students and tutors may interact.

Requirements: PC running Windows 3.1 or higher, with Guide 3.1 software or viewer.

Further information: Learning technology and the teaching of Philosophy (Johnston) in Active Learning 5, 1996.

Distributor: W. Johnston, Dept. of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Manchester Metropolitan University, All Saints, Manchester M15 6BG. Tel. 0161 247 3025. Fax. 0161 247 6321. Email: B.Johnston@mmu.ac.uk

Price: £45 for each tool (if purchased separately); £80 for both tools.

Version available at CTI Centre: Demo.

[Resources Guide: A-Z Contents] [Resources Guide: Front Page] [CTI Textual Studies Home Page]

Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.

HTML Author: Sarah Porter
Document Created: 21 March 1997
Document Modified: 3 December 1997

The URL of this document is http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/resguide/resources/m130.html