CTI Textual Studies |
Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98 |
Table of Contents |
Description: Musaios is designed for the searching of the TLG and PHI 5 & 6 CD-ROMS. The word search facility includes Boolean Searching and Wildcard characters. For each search conducted multiple windows may be opened at the same time to view the individual sections of text retrieved. For searching the TLG CD-ROM the TLG word index is fully supported. Other features include the capacity to export text to other Windows applications (for example Word) using cut and paste and the opportunity to allow lists of authors to be created and saved for later searches.
Musaios is available for the Windows 3.1 and in a 32 bit version for Win 95 and Windows NT 3.5. A Macintosh version is currently under development.
Requirements: PC running Windows 3.1 or higher with at least 8 MB of RAM and 2 MB hard drive space. A CD-ROM drive is required to load the texts to be searched and a Greek font must be preinstalled to display the texts in Greek.
Further information: The producers of Musaios have their own web page at http://www.cerfnet.com/~ddumont1/ with more detail about licensing arrangements etc.
Distributor: Musaios c/o Darl J. Dumont 15237 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 20 Pacific Palisades, California 90272 U.S.A. Fax +310 454-4819. Email ddumont@musaios.com or rsmith1@cerfnet.com.
Price: Registrations via Internet: $65. Disk and Manual Set: $81. An institutional site licence is available at a fixed price of $330 for installation on any number of workstations.
Version available at CTI Centre: Current
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Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any
form without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.
HTML Author: Sophie Clarke
Document Created: 3 February 1998
Document Modified: 11 August 1998
The URL of this document is