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Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98 |
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This section provides references for a select number of WWW sites related to Philosophy. The majority of entries represent key reference sites which provide particularly useful, comprehensive links to secondary sites, though some outstanding primary sites have also been included.
The American Philosophical Association is the main professional organization for philosophers in the United States
. This site provides a great deal of up-to-date information about current events (conferences, papers etc.) and a searchable list of APA member's email addresses. WWW address: in Cyberspace is an annotated guide to philosophy-related resources on the internet. It indexes more than 1000 philosophy-related sites, plus a large number of mailing lists and newsgroups. The site is maintained regularly, with all links checked monthly to ensure their accuracy.
WWW address: Stephen Clark of the Philosophy Department at the University of Liverpool maintains this exhaustive and frequently updated list of annotated links to philosophy resources on the Internet. Sections range from electronic texts, MUDS and MOOS, and Electronic Classes, to Philosophy department web pages and Jobs for Philosophers.
WWW address: is the web site of The Principia Cybernetica Project, an international group which is examining traditional philosophical questions in the light of recent cybernetic theories and technologies. Their aim is to 'develop a complete cybernetic and evolutionary philosophy'.The site provides links to some of the innovative work in progess, including MetaSystem Transition Theory, Learning, Brain-like Webs, and Cybernetics and Systems Theory.
WWW address: project provides a forum for electronically mediated scholarly discussion of philosophical works. The site provides links to current discussions which are moderated and contributions archived. In addition, each topic has a selection of relevant on-line materials (dissertations, bibliographies, some primary sources) which can be browsed.
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Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form
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HTML Author:
Sarah Porter
Document Created: 13 May 1997
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