CTI Textual Studies

Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98

Table of Contents

Stalking the Ripper with Reason

Description: Stalking the Ripper is an interactive package aimed at developing the user's ability to use inference when drawing conclusions ('Inference to the Best Explanation'). In a game-like structure, the user takes the role of a detective in the famous Jack the Ripper case, and moves around a text-based space in Victorian London, where detailed information on each of the murders which took place is presented. Content come in the form of subjective opinions from characters and information tied to particular locations. The user then draws upon the information collected to try to build up a profile of the murderer.

Requirements: PC running MS-DOS 3.0 or above, or Apple Macintosh running System 6.0 or above with Hypercard version 1.0 or above.

Further information: see also Treasure Haunt.

Distributor: College Division, St. Martin's Press Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, U.S.

Price: Contact distributor.

Version available at CTI Centre: 1.0

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Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.

HTML Author: Sarah Porter
Document Created: 20 March 1997
Document Modified:

The URL of this document is http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/resguide/resources/s155.html