CTI Textual Studies |
Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98 |
Table of Contents |
Description: TAP is a text analysis program developed as part of the TLTP TELL consortium for modern languages. It is designed to aid various aspects of text analysis. The program consists of a shell into which written material is fed. The two main components of TAP are the text analysis option and the glossary option. The text analysis option includes aids to reading in context, analysis of sentence struture, word analysis, argument, rhetorical and figurative patterns, and style. A report facility permits the student to compose a complete analysis of the text based on the data obtained. The glossary enables students to examine the way in which the target language is used in specific contexts. Students can select and analyse expressions and store them alphabetically by keyword in the glossary.
Requirements: Apple Macintosh running System 7 with at least 4MB RAM.
Further information: The TELL Consortium have a web page at http://www.hull.ac.uk/cti/tell.htm
Distributor: Contact Kylie Baxter, CTI Modern Languages, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX. Tel: 01482 465872 Fax: 01482 473816. Email: tell-support@langc.hull.ac.uk. URL: http://www.hull.ac.uk/cti/index.html.
Price: Contact CTI Modern Languages (available to UK HE only).
Version available at CTI Centre: Apple Macintosh
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Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form
without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.
HTML Author:
Michael Fraser
Document Created: 20 August 1996
Modified: 28 Septyember 1997
The URL of this document is