CTI Textual Studies |
Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98 |
Table of Contents |
Description: WordCruncher for Windows is the upgrade from the previous DOS version of the program. WordCruncher provides sophisticated text indexing and retrieval softare for text analysis. Texts can be indexed up to ten levels which can be either hierarchical (play, act, scene, line,etc.) or non-hierarchical (speakers, themes, etc.). More than one WordCruncher book can be searched and results are displayed by book. Searches consist of words, phrases or multiple word searching using Boolean logic. Searches can be narrowed using the filters option or expanded through the collocation facility. WordCruncher results are displayed with counts for each reference code in each reference level.
WordCruncher includes synchronous scrolling for searching and viewing parallel texts, and an image library manager which allows for the inclusion of graphics in WordCruncher texts. Image maps with hyperlinks to other images can be created. Hyperlinks can also be created between graphics and text and for cross-referencing texts. Bookmarks and user notes allow for the annotation of texts. WordCruncher books indexed with the DOS version can be converted to work with the Windows version.
WordCruncher Publishing Technologies have created an electronic library of WordCruncher compatible books. The WordCruncher Viewer can be downloaded free of charge and the contents of the library are available for an annual subscription charge.
Requirements: PC running MS-Windows 3.1 or higher with at least 4MB RAM and 5MB free hard disk space.
Further information: There is a WordCruncher web site at: http://www.wordcruncher.com/.
Price: WordCrincher Viewer: free download. Wordruncher Index:
Version available at CTI Centre: Windows
[Resources Guide: A-Z Contents] [Resources Guide: Front Page] [CTI Textual Studies Home Page]
Guide to Digital Resources 1996-98. Not to be republished in any form
without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.
HTML Author:
Michael Fraser
Document Created: 20 August 1996
Modified: 28 SEptember 1997
The URL of this document is