Programming Concepts

Check your understanding - Objects

Objects collect code and data together to represent the behaviour of a 'thing' which could be part of the program itself, such as a button or a form, or something that needs to be modelled such as a person or a particle. Which of the following is TRUE about objects.

FALSE. Although many modern programming languages are fully object-oriented there are many that are not.
FALSE. Coding in an object oriented programming language is no more difficult than any other type of programming. The important idea to grasp is that everything is an object, even such things as interface controls.
TRUE. This is particularly so in when we are writing programs to represent phsical objects such as particles, or vehicles, but as you become familiar with object oriented programming you will realise that everything is an object!
FALSE. All the same programming concepts apply no matter what type of programming langauge you use.
FALSE. Objects make it easier to understand and maintain your programs. Once an object has been developed, you can forget about its internal stucture and just use it, in much the same way as functions can hide many lines of code.
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