Court Baron 22nd October 1754

Jas. Unwin, steward John Ayres, Bailiff of the Hundred and Manor appeared.
Tobias Carr, high constable appeared.
Cumnor         John Allen, Tithingman
Wytham        George Carey, constable
Chorleigh     Joseph Langford
Stroud          John Collier, Tithingman
Hillend        Wm. Morris         "
Whitley        Daniel Blake       "
Botle.v         John Ayres          "
N. Hinksey   John Kirby          "
S. Hinkeey   Thos. Towneend "
Grampound  John Gray           "
Kennington   Robt. Bannister  "
Noroott         John Pink           "
Thrup            John Gumming Beisselsleigh
Wm. Fisher
Swinford      Wm. Winter

Jurors for our Lord the King

John Allen                first sworn
John Read    Thomas Winter    Jeremiah Atkine   Richard Gardiner
Wm. Morris   Thos. Bedford   Carey Godfrey   Saml. Haines
Wm Fawkner   Thomas Budd   John Greenway
John Grey   Joseph Falkner   Wm Thatcher Wm Fisher
Homage: John Allen, John Stone.
Tobias Carr was continued High Constable.
S. Hinksey and Kennington, John Cooper appointed Hayward and sworn.
Cumner Thomas Willis app. Tith. and sworn
Wytham John Baldwin constable and sworn
Chorleigh Joseph Langford continued constable
Stroud John Collyer app. Tith.
Hillend Richd. Gardiner app. Tith. and sworn
Whitley John Trinder
Botley John Ayres continued
Hinxey John Kirby
S Hinxey Thos. Towneend
Grampound Wm. Atkine app. Tith. and not being present a warrant was issued by the Steward.
Kennington Richard Gibbard app. const. and sworn
Norcott Robert Weston app. tith. not present
Thrupp John Cumming
Besselsleigh Wm. Thatcher app. tith. and sworn
Swinford Wm. Winter cont. tith.
And now of the court Baron
AT THIS COURT the Lorcl of the Manor aforesaid bv his Steward aforesaid granted by the Rod to Busby Godfrev the elder one cottage
orchard and backside three acres of land in the common field be the same more or less and common of pasture for two kine with the appurtenances in Cumner in the occupation of widow Hutt to have and to hold the premises aforesaid with the appurtenances unto the said Busby Godfrey for and during the term of his natural life at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the Manor yielding therefore
3 shillings yearly and an heriot when it shall happen and doing and so performing all other duties services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and he gives to the lord for a fine for such hi estate and entry to be had therein as is agreed between them and so he is admitted tenant thereof, and did his fealty and it is provided and agreed that no person whatsoever by virtue of or under this grant shall enjoy any executors year.

AT THIS COURT the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his steward aforesaid by the Rood to Busbv Godfrey son of Cary Godfrey the reversion of one cottage etc (as above) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises aforesaid with the appurtenances thereof the said Busby Godfrey the sone of the said Cary Godfrey for and during the term of his natural life immediately from and after the decease surrender or forfeiture of his uncle Busby Godfrey the elder at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the manor yeilding therefore 3 shillings yearly and an heriot when it shall happen and doing and performing all other duties services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and for such his estate and entry to be had in a reversion he gives the Lord for a fine as is agreed beteen them and he is admitted tenant thereof as in reversion and his fealty respited till such reversion shall happen, and it is provided and agreed that no person whatsoever bv virtue of or under thts grant shall enjoy any executors year.

THOMAS WILLIS to have reversion of  one moiety of a messuage and one yardland after the death  of Mary Willis widow of Thos Willis deceased.    She holdes during widowhood. yielding 12s 4d a year.
Other moiety also granted yielding 12a 4d. held bv Mary Willis.
AT THIS COURT came  John Wyatt who holds by copy of the Rolls of  the Court of the Manor bearing the date 25th September 1718 one cottage and a parcel of land called Callice  formerly Riohard Wyatt's in  Cumner within the Manor aforesaid for the term of  his life and in open court surrendered the said premises with their appurtenances to the hands of the Lord by the hands and acceptanceof his steward aforesaid  together with all  his estate right title interest possession claim and demand therein to the endl the lord may do therewith his will upon which there fell to the Lord a heriot for which it is agreed with the Lord Whereupon CHARLES GODFREY came into court and took of the Lord in the court aforesaid by the delivery of the steward aforesaid all and  singular the said premises with the appurtenances to which the said Charles Godfrey the Lord by his Steward aforesaid granted seizin thereof by the rod to have and to hold the premises aforesaid with the appurtenances to him the said Charles Godfrey for and during the term of his natural life at the will of the Lord according to custom of theManor aforesaid and yielding 6s. yearly etc.