6th November 1789

William Elias Taunton, Steward

COURT LEET Thomas Richards of Wootton appointed High Constable
Cumner Bryant Louch appointed Constable Warrant
Wytham John Adkins       "                 "  
Chawley Carey Godfrey    "              "
Stroud William Tubb continued Tithingman
Hillend John Adams         "                 "
Witley James Trinder      "                 "
Botley William Davis  appointed Tithingman
N. Hinksey Edward Hunt elected constable. Warrant
S. Hinksey John Taylor        "            "
Grampound William Toner   "            "
Kennington Thomas Hedges continued Tithingman
John Coggins appointed Hayward
Norcott James Curtis continued Tithingman
Thrupp James Munday   "                 "
Besselsleigh William Hale     "                 "
Swinford Richard Akerman  "              "



Richard Hall, foreman.
George Fortnam, William Tubb, Joseph Eden, Richard Ranks, William Hale,
William Davis, Thomas Hedges, John Bannister, Richard Stone, James Curtis,
John Atkins, James Trinder, Carey Godfrey, Thomas Trinder, James Durham,
John Eaton, John Tubb, William Parker, James Minday, John Yates sen.

The jury present that the footpath leading from the Lion at Cumner up the Sandfield to the Hurst is no public way but a way upon trespass only.

The jury also present that the footpath leading through James Trinder's Cuts End closes into the Oatlands is no public way but a way of trespas only.


Present:  Bartholomew Inness senior died possessed of a cottage with appurtenances (late Ranklins) at Botley and Bartholomew Inness his son is next life and did fealty.

Present: Death of Busby Godfrey senior who held for his life one cottage orchard and backside with 3 acres of land in the common fields and pasture for 2 kine with appurtenances in Cumner and his widow Hannah Godfrey admitted.

  (2 presentments also for South Hinksey, omitted)

BE IT REMEMBERED that on 25th January 1790 Ann Stone surrenders 44 acres of arable land in the common fields of Cumner, 2 closes containing 2 acres, 2 acres common meadow 7 acres 2 roods, common of pasture for 2 yard lands and 10 acres of furze (hekd for her widowhood)... with intent that this be granted to Richard Faulkner yeoman of Hinksey and Richard Grain bargemaster of Oxford unless she repays £100 with interest £5 per annum on 25 July next.    (surrender taken at Abingdon)