VIEW OF FRANKPLEDGE and Court Baron. 24th April 1813.

Thomas Metcalfe Esq., Steward.
John Thomas Stevens, the bailiff, appeared.

Wytham 2s. certainty money
Abingdon 2s. "
Cumner 1s.
Botley 1s.
Hillend 1s.
Chawley 1s
Stroud 1s
Swi nfor d 1s.
Whitley 1s
N. Hinks ey 1s.
S.Hinksey 1s
Kennington 1s.
Grandpound. 1s.
Norcott 1s
Thrupwick 1s.
Besselsleigh 1s.


The Jury and Homage

Francis Brangwin foreman
James Hedges Salisbury Richards
Thomas Stone Frederick Saunders
Busby Godfrey Richard Allen
Richard Stone, senr. John Gardner
Joseph Fisher Richard Tredwell
John Hedges Richard Hall
Bartholomew Innes William Gardner



John Saunclers continued High Constable
Cumner John Hutt continued constable
Wythham William Laxton continued constable
Chawley Carey Godfrey, junr. continued constable
Stroud John Tubb continued constable
Hillend William Adams do.
Witley William Cox do.
N: Hinkscv Edward Hunt do.
S Hinksey Thomas Falkner do.
Grandpound Charles Bossom do.
Kennington William Beck tithingman
Norcott William Aldworth do.
Thrupp Joseph Badcock do.
Besselsleigh John Hosier do.
Swinford John Hedges do.
Wytham Joseph Hastings do
Kennington and S.Hinksey Thomas Carter appointed Hayward.


The jury and Homage present that the tenants of Grand Pound Owe suit of court and at this day made default in attending.
This court was adjourned to Wednesday the 27th of October next at 11 o'clock in the forenoon.

At the Court Baron and Court of Survey he1d on 21 st of October 1813 pursuant to the adjournment thereof
The Jury ant Homage present that Charles Stone , the only life named in Copy of Court Roll 23.11.1754, under which he held one messuage ancl one yard land called Gunnetts late in possession of William Perry, died. Rachel Stone , his widow, entitled to be admitted and is admitted for her widowhood. Similarly as regards Smithers and Cocks late in possession of William Perry. Rachel Stone admitted.
Rachel Stone also admitted to a messuage and cottage, 47 acres etc,(see 5.4.1756)

Presented: Dennis Willis who held for her widowhoocl a messuage and one yard land, in Cumner died, and estate fell in.
Presented. That.the messuage and premises and weir in Cumner mead now in the occupation of Abel Skinner are out of repair and to be repaired by September lst. Penalty £10.
Presented: That the several messuages or tenements and Premises in the several occupations of William Hunt, Elizabeth Morris and Baldwin as under-tenants to Richard Tredwell are out of repair. To be repaired by the persons entitled to do the same by September
1st. Penalty £20.

Bridget Saunders brought indenture of lease 19.10.1786 whereby the late Earl demised to Ralph Butler a messuage in Cumner and 5 yardlands with appurtenances to the said messuage belonging lying dispersed in the common lands, a cottage called Yelbury with 2 closes of pasture, one called Home Close containing 8 acres and the other called Rockley containing 12 acres, also 22 acres in the common meadow 'for 99 years if William Butler then aged 22 years, Ralph Butler then aged 20 years and John Butler then aged 19 years or either of them should so long live - rent £2. 10s for the messuage and 5 yardlands and 3s 4d for the cottage. All the lives in existence..

Bridget Saunders also brought assignment of above dated 5.4.1796.

Bridget Saunders also brought indenture of lease L3.4.1796 whereby Willoughby, Earl of Abingdon, demised to John Yeats a messuage or tenement and homestead containing one acre 2 roods and 66 acres in the common fields and 10 acres 1 rood in the common meadow ard 6 acres of furze lots in Cumner, and common for 2.5 yard lands, for 99 veare if John Yeats then aged 69 years, John Yeats his son aged 41 and Elizabeth King aged 32 years or either of them should so long live. Rent £1 48. - All lives in existence. Assignment to Bridget Saunders from John Yeate.

Richard Allen brought indenture of lease 10.10.1896 whereby Willoughby, Earl of Abingdon, demises a tenement cottage and garden also 8 acres of land for 99 years if Richard Allen age 26, Rachel his wife 28 years and Charlotte Allen his sister 32 years or either of them should so long live. Rent 6s. Richard Allen and Rachel the only lives in existence.

John Hutt also brought copy of court roll 23.10.1798 - revertion of one messuage 27 acres of land and ley ground in the fields of Cumner, Home Close containing 1 acre, in the common meadow three & three-quarter acres and common of pasture for 1 yardland and four & a half acres of furze (except a small bit of garden ground occupied by Robert Allen) after Sarah Hutt his mother. Rent 10s.

John Hutt also brought copy of court roll 23.10.1798 - grant of cottage and 3 acres of arable land in Long Hams field and a piece of waste containing 10 poles, for the lives of the said John Hutt aged 29 years and George Smith 29 years and the life of the longest liver. Rent 2 s. Both lives in existence.

Robert Allen brought indenture of a lease 12.10.1765 whereby Willoughby, Earl of Abingdon, demised to William Ally a messuage and farm and One yardland in Cumner, the yardland consisting
of 32 acres of arable one close containing one & a half acres and 3 acres of meadow in the common mead with such common of pasture as then or theretofore did belong to the said premises when.the same
were in the occupation of Tomlins, for 99 years if the said William Alley, Hannah Allen and the said Robert Allen then aged 12 years or either of them should so long live - Rent £1.
Heriot £1 payable on death of each life dying in possession. Robert Allen only life in existence

Said Robert Allen brought copy of Court Roll 26.10.1797 - grant of Cottage and orchard in Cumner late Charles Capels for the
lives of said Robert Allen aged 41 years and Robert Stone 3 years and the life of longest liver of them. Rent 4s. Both lives in existence.

William Gardner brought indenture of lease 20.15.1786 whereby Willoughby, Earl of Abirigdon, demised unto William Jemmett of Little Milton in then county of Oxford Esquire a messuage or tenement with appurtenances in Wood End in the parish of Cumner with 4 closes in Wood End called Wardens, a close of arable land called Clauson and 1 acre of mowing ground In Cumner Meadow and common of pasture for half a yard land, for 99 years if said William Jemmett aged 31 years, Bett Bruce Jemmett 7 years and Thomas Stevens or either of them should so long live. Rent 10s. William Jemmett only life in existence.

Francis Brangwin brought indenture of assignment to him of a piece of land in Cumner Common field called the sands, part of the premises granted to Charles Stone by indenture of lease dated 20.5.1786 for 99 years if said Charles Stone, Rache1 his wife and Ann Stone their daughter or either of them should so long live.

Richard Hall brought an indenture of lease dated 1st March 1791 whereby Willoughby, Earl of Abingdon, demised. unto Richard Hall deceased a messuage or tenement in Botlev with the outhouses and backside thereto belonging, a close of arable or pasture land called Home Close containing -- acres, one other close of pasture called Prince Close containing 1 acre 2 roods and 6 acres of land in Botley and Hill End and 1 acre 2 roods of meadow ground, 10 acres of furze in Botley Hurst and a piece or parcel of ground containing 3 roods all which premises were reputed for a half yard land and common of pasture for a half yard land and 2 tenements or cottages with the gardens and appurtenances for 99 years if said Richard Hall aged 64, his son Richard Hall aged 29 years and Frances Hall his daughter aged 31 years or either of them should so long live. Rent 18s. 4d. Heriot £1. 16s. 8d. Richard Hall the son the only life in existence.

The said Richard Hall brought an indenture of assignment dated November 1810 whereby Thomas Ensworth assigned to him a piece of land called Rock Elm piece containing 6 acres 3 roods 1 perch in Chawley being part of the premises contained in an indenture of lease dated 7.5. 1795 granted to Rev. Richard Neale and George Birch gent.

The said Richard Hall also brought an indenture of assignment from Rachel Stone to him of Stone field containing 8 acres 3 roods, parcel of premises demised to Charles Stone by indenture of lease 20.5.1786.

Thomas Richards brought an indenture of lease 21.6.1798 whereby Willoughby, Earl of Abingdon, demised unto Thomas Richards deceased a tenement and 1 yardland in Stroud in the parish of Cumner called Whitleys and 1 toft and half yardland in Stroud called Rutters, a close called Woodbreach, 1 toft and half yardland called Nokes, 1 toft called Billocks and one piece of demense land in the top field of Wytham, for 99 years if James Richards aged 32 years, Thomas Richards aged 25 years and Benjamin Richards aged 24 years (son of the said Thomas Richards) should so long live. Rent £2. 3s 8d. All living.

Robert Jessott brought indenture of lease 1.10.1792 whereby Willoughby, Earl of Abingdon, demised to him a messuage or tenement called the George with yard or garden thereto adjoining and appurtenances in Botley for 99 years if Robert Jessott 25 years, Hester Jessott his daughter and Robert Curtis, son of James Curtis of Oxford, mercer, aged 8 years, should so long live. Rent 2s 6d.

John Francis Spenlove brought indenture of lease 29.1.1795 whereby Willoughby, Earl of Abingdon, demised unto him a messuage or tenement and premises with appurtenances called the Vine Public House in Cumner, to hold after the decease of -- Trinder, widow, for 99 years if the said J.F.Spenlove and John Tramplett aged 8 years, son of John Tramplett of Abingdon, should so long live. J.F.Spenlove only life in existence. Rent 6s 8d.

Ex. Tho. Metcalf, Steward