MS. Oxf. Archd. Papers. Berks. C. 113


3 Apr 1665   We present that there is one of our bells in the tower is broke, but there shall be order taken that ye sayd bell shall be cast as soone as conveniently may bee.

It. We present that James Perry Richard Perry the younger Thomas George Joane the wife of Richard Stibbs Anne the wife of Richard Stibbes (? Sadler) doo not usually come to ye comm service nor yet receive the sacraments, at Easter last past not since. Edw. Dudson, Jo. Glover

16 July 1666   Church in good order .., "saving that there was lately stolen a parcel of lead off the church, which shall be suddenly be repaired"

it. We present that Richard Perry the younger Thomas George Anne ye wife of Ricbard Sadler and one Austen and his wife and the wife of John Hankin doo not come to heare divine service and that Joane the wife of Richard Stibbs and James Perry doo continue in the sentence of excommunication.

it. concerning schools. hospitals eto. we present we have none.

Wme Perry & George Godfrev



30 Mar 1668   We present George Austen and Margery his wife, Anne Sadler Thomas George for not coming to church as they should and also ye sayd George Austen for not having his infant child baptized and his wife Margery Austen for not giving thanks publicly after child bearing, that we know off .

it. We present James Perry for yt he continues in ye sentence of excommunication

It. We present we have noo hospitals, schools phisitians chyrurglans or unlicenced midwives In our parish.

it. We present Mary Jones lately a servant to Thomas Woller in our parrish for fornication she being very lately delivered of a bastard child there as we are informed begot by Richard Coxon.

Thomas Phips X. henary Broton



19 Apr 1669   We present that James Perrey continues yet in ye sentence of excommunication and we heare there is a sentence of excommunication shortly to be denounced agt George Austen and Margery his wife now in our minister's hand

it. We present that Anne the wife of Richard Sadler doth not come to church nor receive the sacrament.

Robert Philipson
Henry Broton


15 Apr 1672   We have but one midwife and she is licenced.

it. We present that there is one James Perry hath stood severall years and yet continues under the sentence of excommunication that John Jordane and Anne the wife of Richard Sadler doo neither come to church nor have received the sacrament this easter or any other time we know off. that ye wife of John Perry and Anne ye wife of James Taylor doo refuse to come to church receive the sacrament and also omitted to be churched after childbearing as farre as we know or understand.

Thos Beechey
Robert Langford X


7 Apr1673   We present that John Perrey and Mary his wife have neglected to bring their child to be baptized though it be now six weekes old. that ye sayd Mary the wife of John doth not come to church nor hath she received the sacrament this easter or at any time since she came into the parish

We present that John Jordan, Anne the wife of Richard Sadler and Anne the wife of James Taylor doo not come to church nor have they received the sacrament this easter nor at any time In severall passed yeares that we know off

We present that James Perry hath continued under the sentence of excommunication for severall yeares past. We present John Dickes for lncontinenoy with his wife before the time that they were married, as ye comon report goeth, and we verily believe it

Thomas Beechey
Robert Langford X


27 Aug 1674   We present that there are divers persons that never come to church on Sundays to heare divine servic nor yet have received the sacraments at this easter nor any time also since we were in office namely
John Jordan, Thoma Werdham, Anne the wife of Riohard ,Sadler, Mary the wife of John Perry, Anne the wife of James TayIor.

Thomas Ringe deceased the 2nd of this instant Aprill his son John being executor and hath the estate in his hands

James Pauling
John Battin X


31 Jan 1675   We present that Mary lles of our towne of Comner hath committed incontinence or fornication with one John Arnold (as she sayth) who is since fled for it , and that she hath a child 'borne upon it, some moneths since, so little doo we find of her repentance though she hath formerly done penance for a like offence
by her committed

Willm Bond
Willm Bradley X

Apr 12 1675   We present that Anne ye wife of James Taylor is conceived to be a Roman Catholicke and neither comes to church nor hath received the sacrament and also that John Jordan, Mary the wife of John Perry, Anne ye wife of Richard Sadler, doo neither come to church nor receive the sacrament but for all other things they are in good order

James Pauling
John Battin X


3 Apr 1676   We present that one James Lapworth of Comner hath committed incontinence or fornication with one Elizabeth Hawkings of Wotton but hath since married her

We present that John Jordan carpenter Thomas Werndham yeoman, Mary ye wife of Richard Sadler Mary ye wife of John Perry and Anne the wife of James Taylor doo neither come to divine service nor have they received the sacraments

Willm Bond
Willm Bradley X


28 Apr 1679   Wee present that John Jordane, Anne the wife of John Perry Anne the wife of Richard Sadler doo still continue in the sentence of excommunication which was pronounced against them before wee were churchwardens.

Wee present Thomas Werdham doth not come to church nor hath he received the sacrament In our time that we know or can heare of

John Knapp
ffrancis Stacy


19 Apr 1680   We present John Jourdan, Ann the wife of Richard Sadler and Mary the wife of John Perry for standing excommunicated and soo were before wee came into office.

Wee present Thomas Werdnam and Henry Dicks for not comeing to divine service nor receiving the sacrament at easter last. ......only there is a ffame upon one Elizabeth Ripingale for haveing a childe reputed to be a bastard. Richard fflexon reputed father.

John Ruffin
George Bisly X


28th April   1690 We present all in good order

John Perry X


24 Apr 1693   Omnia bene

Edw. Butler X
George Eaking

16 Apr 1694   (Minister)
We presents Robert Michel for not coming to either church for this two months or thereabouts.

Will Peacock vicar


We present Edward Godfrey for not paying his church dues to the Minister and Clark and for all the rest we present onmia bene

William Lane
John Speene Jun.


1st Apr 1695  Omnia bene

Wm Lane
John Speene


Wm Bond departed this life the 23rd day of March. Jane Speene his daughter executrix of his last will and testament


20 Apr 1696   We present the churchwardens of Wooton in the p'she of Comner not paying their dues to church as being the mother church to the church of Wootton

Wm. Cantwell
Henry Tayler


3 May 1697   They present the churchwardens and other landholders of the hamlett of Wootton for not paying the church Tax that hath been customarily paid to the churchwardens of Cumnor being £1 4s 6d

Wm Cantwell
Henry Taylor


17 Apr 1699   We present Elizabeth the wife of George Richin of Botley for incontinence in being begot with child before marriage.

We present Thoman Harris of Comner and Mary his pretended wife to show cause why they cohabitt and are att bed and board together

John Buckner
David Trinder X

8 Apr 1700  omnia bene

Wm. Perry X
Deodatus Collis


28 Apr 1701  omnia bene

Wm. Perry X
Deodatus Collis

13 Apr 1702   omnia bene

John Green
Wm. Awnutt X


5 Apr 1703   John Speene the older dyed about November last and made Jane his wife sole executrix

Wm. Arnutt X
John Green

24 Apr 1704   We present Mr. William Peacock our vicar for not reading of morning and evening prayers at such hours on Sundays and holydays as the parishioners may conveniently come to hear him

it We present the said Mr. Peacock for misimploying six pounds left by Mr. John Longford late vicar of Comner to be put out to three poore inhabitants and to be payd in againe by 3s 4d quarterly for every such inhabitant.

We present him likewise for cuting down an elme tree wch did grow In the churchyard and for converting the same to his own use for firewood.

John Green
John Maxwell


We the churchwardens and overseers of the poor and the rest inhabitants of the parish of Comner being meet together are unanimously agreed to  give you notice that we expect you should perform your duty in reading divine service and what else doth belong to your ministerial function at seasonable times as the Canon Law directs in that case otherwise wee will complain speedily against you ; and hereunto we sett our hands this
seventeenth day of ffebruary Anno Domini 1703

Signed John Green churchwarden John Green churchwarden
John Maxwell churchwarden
Deodatus Collis  Richard Wyatt
William Lane  John Speene
William Munt
George Eakins X  William Cantwell
John Quainton Robert Mitchell X
William Rankell Richard Hodson
Will. Arnut John Hutt



14 June 1707   The presentment of the late churchwardens of Cumnor in the county aforesd made and exhibited to the Archdeacons Court of Berks the 14th day of June 1707 being a full presentment which ought to be delivered in at the visitation held at Abingdon the 24th day of Aprill last past.

We present Mr. John Sacheverill and Edith his pretended wife to show by what authority thev live together as man and wife wee know nothing else at to present

John Quainton
Basill Hampshire
(Note. They had already presented 'omnia bene' on 21st Apr. 1707)


The presentment of the churchwardens of the parish of Cumner In the county of Berks made and exhibited at Oxon the 23rd day of July 1707

we present Wm. Broughton junr of Challow being the reputed father of the child that Mary Campin is now great with and that thereof there is a publick ffame and oath made before a justice of peace.

Robert Blea ch..warden.


19 May 1712   We present the death of John Beechey the older and John Beechey the younger his executor to prove the will of the sd John Beeclwy the elder.

We present Thomac Coker of the tything of Botley (who lives now In the par'she of St. Peters in the Bayly in the City of 0xon) for not paying his tax.

We present Thomas Wright of the said tything of Botlev for not paying his tax.

We present James Freeman of the tything of Chawlev for not paying his tax.

Raphael Cantwell
Richd. Hodson.


18 May 1713   Nothing presentable

Richard Hodson
Will. Davis


2 May 1715   Omnia bene

John Hutt
John Warland X


Apr 16   1716 All well 

John Warland X


12 May 1718
Wee present Mr. John Sacheverell sen. for living with a young woman as man and wife and not proveing his marriage.

John fflexon
James Winter


27 Apr 1719   Omnia bene

John fflexon
William Ruffin


24 Apr 1721    All in good order

Richard Riggins


16 Apr 1722    All in good order

Will. fflexon


1 June 1724   Nothing presentable

John Adkins Richd Hodson


5 Apr 1725    All in good order

Richd Hodson


10 Apr 1727           "

John Speene


6 May 1728            "

Charles Taylor Wm Boldin


6 Apr 1730            "

William Alley


6 May 1734    Wee present Christian Sherwood of Shippon for refusing to pay her church tax being one pound six shillings and three pence.

We present William Wells and Ralph Quarterman for refusing to pay their easter due. Ralph Quarterman for two years five pence and and William
Wells for one year being two pence halfpenny.

Wee present the pavement in the church out of repair and the church to be whitewashed and the letters to be new drawne being out of order

Wm. Alley


17 May 1736    walls of church to be whitewashed

Will Alley


30 Apr 1737    Pavement in our church out of repair

Will Alley