HEARTH TAX 1663 (Berks R.O.: T/A 17/13)



John Buckner 1 ; Mr Longford 5 (vicar);
John Perry 3 ; Wm Perry 6 Widow Ruffin 3 ; John Willis 4
Wm Lane 4; Mr Phillipson 8 (now 'Bear & R.Staff'); Toby
Wernham 4 ; Henry Hutt 2; Wm Bond 4; Richard Stibbs 4;
John Beechey 3; Tho.Tomlins 3; Henry Ines 1; Thomas Hart 2;
John Battin 2; Richard Stevens 2 (blacksmith); Thomas Howell 2;
Nicholas Quainton 1; Wm Batchelour 2;
Wm Child 1 ; Robert Flower 1; John Jordan 1; Rd Perry 1;
Rd Farmer 1; Robert Collis 3; Hy Loader 1; Mr Lane 7 (Bradley);
Thomas Betts 4; Tho.Smith 1; and 27 not chargeable.



William Bradley 4 ; Edward Dudson 5; Thomas Phipps 2;
Henry Dicks 2; John Glover 4



Thomas Weller 5 (Wm Davis in 1664);
George Godfrey 3 ; Rd Riggins 3
Widow Pinnock 2 (alehouse in Chawley tything);
William Cheyney 4; John Speene 4; William Stiles 1;
Robert Langford (als Siners) 1; John Bullocke 3
and 3 not chargeable.



Francis Stacey 4; Widow Michel 5
John Comfort 2 ; Deodatus Collis 3; Henry Taylor 2;
Henry Ffairbeard 2; Tho. Dodds 1; Richard Dodds 1;
James Collingbourne 2; Mr Boate 2



Francis Peacock 4; John Peacock 11
Agnis Broughton 3; James Pawling 3 ; John Dawson 1;
William Godfrey 4 ; and two not chargeable, inc. Thomas
Moulden 1.



Peter Rankle 6; Ann Painton 6 ; William Cantwell 2;
Richard Pawling 2; Toby Pawling 1; Jonas Cantwell 2;
Richard Thorne 1; Thomas Wright 5 (inc. alehouse)



Thomas Davis 6



John Knapp 3 ; Robert Legg 4



Richard Levens 3 (Seacourt Fm); Wm Palmer 2;
Henry Crutch 2.



Earl of Lyndsey 27; Mr Hodges 3 (vicar); Tho.
Wildgoose; Mr Hester 3; Edmond Greene 5; Anthony Stevens 7
Wm Weaving 4; Thomas Cox 2; John Bud 2; John Flexon 1;
John Couldrey 3; Widow North 2; Wm Speene 3; Wm Crutch 3;
Widow Webb 2; Widow Matthew 2; Rd Cantwell 3;
Rd Basely 4; Rd Smith 2;Edward Atkins 2; Ralph Smith 1; Jeremiah
Powell 1; and 10 not chargeable,with a total
of 14 hearths.