SURVEY 1728 (Whittleray)   (Bodl. Ms Top Bks b.37)

Cumnor:                  Area      Use       Value (£)
 Wm Perry 
 2 mess. & closes        2.3      past.        8
   In comon fields      62.5      plow        26
   comon mead            3        mead         1. 10s
   a shop                                      1. 10s
   Comon for 2 yardlands                       2
   FFurz                 7                        17s 6d
            TOTAL       77.1 acres
                                              39. 17s 6d
 Old val. £25.  QR.£1.10s
 This lyes for 2 Yardlands, the one called 
 Gurnnies, the other called Smithers & Cockles.
 Two herriotts.  Copyhold. (1806 note: to John 
 Stone, Rachel Stone)
 William Ruffin
   mess.                   1.2      past.      4
   in Comon Fields        47        plow      18. 16s
   2 closes                2.2      mead       3
   in Comon Mead           7        mead       3. 10s
   Comon of pasture                            2
   ffurz                   4                   0. 10s
                TOTAL     62 acres
                                             £31. 16s
 Old val. £24.  QR.£1. 0. 0.
 This lyes for 2 Yardlands. Herriott. Copyhold. 
 (1806 note: Margaret Stone)
 Jane Speen 
   A mess. etc                                 2
   In Comon Fields        44        plow      17. 12s
   close                   2.2      past.      3
   in Comner Mead          7.3      mead       4
   Comon of pasture                            2. 5s
   ffurz                   4.2                 0. 10s
          TOTAL           58.3 acres
                                             £29. 7s
 Old val. £27. 10s  QR.£1. 5s
 This lyes for 2« Yardlands, formerly part of 
 Bonds. Copyhold. (1806 note: Margaret Stone)
 Richard Stevens (blacksmith)
   A cottage     -                             3
   In Comon Fields         3        plow       1. 4s
   piece of waste          -
               TOTAL       3 acres            £4. 4s
 Old val. £1. 6s 8d. QR.2s 0d.
 Herriott. Copyhold. (1806 note: Jn Hutt)
 Jane Willis
   A mess. etc   -                             2
   In Comon Fields        45        plow      18
   3 closes                5        mead       7. 10s
   in Comner Mead          6        mead       3
   Comon of pasture                            2
   ffurz                                       0. 3s 6d
           TOTAL          56 acres            32. 13s 6d
Old val. £24. QR.£1.4s 8d. This lyes for 2 
Yardlands, formerly 2«. Copyhold. 2 herriott
 John Perry
   A mess.                                     2
   A close                 1.2      plow       1. 10s
   In Comon Fields        53        plow      21
   In Comner Mead          5.2      mead       2. 15s
   Comon of pasture                            2
   Furz                    2                   0. 5s
             TOTAL        62 acres           £29. 10s
 Old val. £20. Leasehold.
 (1806 note: Mrs Bertie)
 Widow Polgraine
   for Rockley Close      10        past.      8
   Mess. orchard & close   8        past      10
   In Comon Fields            144   plow      57. 12s
   In Comner Mead         22        mead      11
   Furz                   20                   2. 10s
              TOTAL      204                 £89. 2s
 Old val. £60. Chief rent £2. 13s 4d.
 This lyes for 5 Yardlands and pays 2 
 herriotts. Quare what right of Comon of 
 Pasture, should be added £5. (1806 note: Bridget 
 Saunders) (NB. Roger Polgraine of Oxford was
 buried at Wytham 1718)
 Batt. Innes
   A cottage,etc           0.2                 2. 10s
   In Comner Mead          0.3      mead       0. 7s 6d
   Comon of pasture 2 kine                     0. 5s
             TOTAL         1.1 acres          £3. 2s 6d
 QR. 10s. Leasehold. (1806 note: Job Hairs). 
(NB. cottage rebuilt 1727? - date on wall)
Thomas Tomlinson 
   In Comon Fields        32        plow      12. 16s
   Close                   2        plow       2
   In Comner Mead          3        mead       2. 16s
   Comon for Pasture                           1
   Mess. etc                                   1
              TOTAL       37 acres           £18.  6s
 Old val. £8. Chief rent £6.13s.4d.
 Leasehold. Herriott £1. (1806 note: Widow Allin's lease)
 John Allen 
   Cottage,etc.                                2
   In Comon Fields         7        plow       2. 16s
   In Comner Mead          2        mead       1
   Comon of Pasture                            0.  5s
             TOTAL         9 acres            £6. 01s.
 Old val. £6.  QR. 6s 0d.
 This lyes for « yardland. Herriott. Copyhold. 
(1806 note: Lease Richard Allin)
 John Allen
   Mess. & close           1.2                 2
   In Comon Fields        88        plow      35
   In Comner Mead         10.2      mead       5. 5s
   Comon of Pasture                            3   
   Furz                    4                   0. 10s
             TOTAL       104 acres           £45. 15s
 Old val. £30.
 Lyes for 3 yardlands, late Toby Werdnam. 
Leasehold. (1806 note: Now lease to Mrs 
 John Beechey
   Mess.,etc                                   2
   In Comon Fields        27        plow      10. 16s
   In Comner Mead          3.2      mead       1. 15s
   Home close              1        mead       1. 10s
   Comon of Pasture                            1
   For furz                2                   0.  5s
           TOTAL          33.2 acres         £17.  6s    
                 Old val.£13. 6s 8d     QR.9s
  Lyes for a yardland. Herriott. Copyhold. 
(1806 note: Lease Kirby)
John Buckner
   Mess. etc                                   2
   In Comon Fields        27        plow      10. 16s
   2 closes                4        p&p        4
   Comon meadow            3        mead       1. 10s
   Comon of Pasture                            1
            TOTAL         34 acres           £19.  6s
  Old val. £13. 6s 8d.  QR.9s
  Lyes for a yardland. Herriott. Copyhold. 
(1806 note: lease Carey Godfrey)
John Bodily
   In Comon Fields        44        plow      17. 12s
   2 closes                2        past       2
   Comon Meadow               7.3   mead       4
   Comon of Pasture                            2
   Furz                   10                   1.  5s
           TOTAL          63.3 acres         £26. 17s
  Old val. £27. 10s. QR.10s
  Lyes for 2 yardalnds, formerly part of 
Bond's. Herriott. Copyhold. (1806 note: lease
    to Thomas Faulkner
 John Hutt
   Mess. etc               0.2                 2
   In Comon Fields        27        plow      10. 16s
   Home close              1        plow       1
   Comon meadow            3.3      mead       2
   Comon of Pasture                            1
   Furz                    4.2                 0. 12s
            TOTAL         36.3 acres         £17. 8s
  Old val. £11. QR.10s.
  Lyes for one yardland. Herriot. Copyhold. 
(1806 note: Copy Widow Hutt)
 Robert Mitchell
   Cottage & orchard etc   0.2                 2. 10s
   In Comon Fields         3        plow       1.  4s
   Comon meadow            1        mead       0. 10s
   Comon for 2 cows, 5 sheep                   0.  8s
           TOTAL           4.2 acres          £4. 12s
  Old val.£4. QR.6s
  Late Howells called Cavis. Herriot. Copyhold. 
(1806 note: lease exors of Tho. Turner)
 Widow Hodson 
   Cottage & Franklins Close 1.2    past       5
   In Comon Fields        66        plow      26.  8s
   In Comner Mead         10.1      mead       5
   Furz                    6                   0. 15s 6d
   Comon of Pasture                            2. 10s
           TOTAL          83.3 acres         £39. 13s 6d
  Old val.£24. QR.£1. 5s.
  Lyes for 2 1/2 yardlands. Leasehold. (1806 note: 
lease Bridget Saunders)
 John Quainton
   Mess. orchard etc       2        past       4
   Field land              7                   2. 16s
   Comon meadow            2        mead       1
   Comon of Pasture                            0. 10s
           TOTAL          11 acres            £8.  6s
  Old val. 13s 4d. QR.10s
  Lyes for 1/2 yardland. Leasehold. (1806 note: 
lease Widow Allin)
 John Hodson
   2 cottages & cops closes 4       past       8
   In Comon Fields        19        plow       8
   In Comner meadow        1.2      mead       0. 15s
   Comon of Pasture                            0. 10s
           TOTAL          24.2 acres         £17.  5s
  Old val. £10. 13s 4d. Chief rent £8.
  Lyes for 1/2 yardland. Leasehold. (1806 note: 
lease to Mr Hart for lives)
  Later called Cuts End Farm.
 John Knapp
   Mess. & homestall      20        p&p        20
   Lords Mead             30        mead      20
   Great tythes         (442)       corn      88.  8s
   For tythes of 15 yardlands att Swinford    30
           TOTAL          50 acres          £158.  8s
  Old val. £80. Ch.R.£50
  Leasehold. Tythable lands of Comner consist 
of c.764 acres,2/3 annually with
   corn, which at 4s per acre makes the amount 
shown. (1806 note: Fell into hand
   and lett to Wm Stone & others)
 Robert Collis 
  Cottage & garden        0.1                  3
  Old val. £3.  QR. 6s 8d.
  Herriot. Copyhold.  1762 note: let at œ10 per ann.  1806 note: lease Mr Spenlove.  This was the former 'Vine' opposite the 
 Widow Butler
   A cottage. Val.£2.  Ch.R. 2s.  (at 
Filchampstead but S. of boundary stream)
 Edward Batchelour
   A cottage. Val.£1. Ch.R. 2s  (1770 note: now 
Rd Stevens)
 Church House. Rent 8s
 Stirpool & Warren  R.£11
 Widow Stibbs
   QR.6s. Free rent. (formerly and later 'Mount 
     Pleasant Fm, N. of Leys Road turn)
 Parson of Appleton. 12s Free rent
 Vicar of Comner  10s. Free rent.
 Certainty money   18s  Free rent
 Exec. of Mr Bacon £1. 0s 6d for freehold at Whitley
     Comner tything:    Old val. £429.   
                         Re.val. £657.  QR. £142
Whitley tything:
 Mr Phillipson 
   Bushey Leys          24        -          8
   Middle Croft          7        -          2.  5s
   Long Croft           10        -          4
   New Close             9        -          3
   Furze Ground         20        -          3. 10s
   Sheppards Close       3        -          3
   Great Leys           80        -         13. 6s.8d
   Groves Hill           9        -          3. 12s
   Groves Leys           9        -          3
   Mead Platt           12        -          4
   Comon Mead           35        mead      27. 10s
   West Field           18        -          6
   Lammas Hole          16        -          5
   Sheepleas             7        -          1. 15s
   Barn Hill            14        -          2. 10s
   Barn Hill             9        -          1. 10s
   Lanes Ground         28        -          7.  4s
   Collins Leys         16        -          7.  4s
   A Grove              10        wood       3
   Collect of Great Tythes of this tything on 
120 acres of corn grown annually
                       356 acres          £143. 6s 8d
  QR. £9. 14s 4d. Late note: lease Folker).  
Comment: 'wrought-out'...'black clung clay
    tuff loam unto a brick earth easily wrought 
    out by over-plowing - better all to grass
    to improve'.
 In hand, late Bacon 
    Wine Mead           4        plow       1. 12s
    Main lands          8        plow       4
    Cooks Close         4        plow       2
    Cooks Close         2        plow       1
    3 leas             32                  17
    Hop Yard            1        past       0. 15s
    Harkley encl.       2        plow       0. 16s
    Next Harkley        1        plow       0.  8s
    Gravelly Piece      5        plow       2. 12s
    Dunditch            2        plow       0. 16s
    Dunditch            3        plow       1.  4s
    In the slip         1        plow       0.  8s
    Mourn ditch Close  10        past       4
    In Comner Mead     18        mead      15
    Comon of Pasture                        1.  4s
    In far eastfield   17                   8. 10s
            TOTAL     110 acres           £61.  3s
   Comment: New house & other buildings. Let to 
tenant at will. Field land much mixed
    with previous estate. Field land good, 
better if all layd together. Inclosures poor,
   Later called Lower Whitley Fm.
John Green 
   Lower Ferry Close    8        plow       3.  4s
   Russell Acre         1        plow       0.  8s
   Upper Ferry Close    6        -          3. 12s
   Middle Ferry Close   8                   5
   Racy Piece           9                   4
   In Crawlands (2 pieces) 7.2              2. 18s
   Cooks Close (4 pieces) 27               18.  4s
   Tythe Close          9                   5
   Mony Close           3        past       1. 10s
   Knights Close        2        plow       0. 16s
   Harkley              1                   0.  8s
   Harkley 2 lands      2                   0. 16s
   Next the barn        2                   0. 16s
   Mortar pitts         1                   0.  8s
   Duns ditch           2                   0. 16s
   2 butts              0.2                 0.  4s
   2 lands in Asleys    1.2                 0. 12s
   Long Ham             1        plow       0.  8s
   Wire & Piece        10                   7. 10s
   Comon for 2 yardlands                    1. 10s
            TOTAL     110 acres           £62. 15s
  Old val. £45. QR.£1. 17s.
  Yardland called 'Fishers' and certain fishing 
in the Thames.
  Lease. Later note: lease Roberts. Comment: 
Better to merge this with previous
  Whitley tything:  Old val. £214.  New val. £301. 
  R. £100. 11s
Hill End tything:
 William Stevenson
   Smiths Dean          16        past      12
   Mess. etc             0.1      past       3
   Home Close            3        past       4
   Titts Close          12        past       6
   In Field Lands       18        plow       7.  4s
   Comon Meadow          4        mead       2
   Sheep comon                               1
         TOTAL          53.1 acres         £35. 14s
  Old val.£30. QR.£1.4s.8d.
  Copy once, now lease. Tenement and one 
yardland called Black Giles, and mess & «       
 yardland called Titts, 5 acres of pasture 
called Lammas Ground.
 Robert Blea 
   Mess. orchard         0.1      -          3
   Six closes           43        p&p       35
           TOTAL        43.1 acres         £38
Old val. £40. QR.16s
1 1/2 yardlands, now at lease. (1762 note: lease 
Wm Morris). Later called Red House Fm.
 George Noble 
   Mess. orchard         0.2      -          4
   Six pieces           12        past      12
   Comner Mead           5        mead       2. 10s
   Cottage & orchard     0.1                 2
   In Comon Fields      13        plow       5.  4s
   Comon for sheep                           0.  7s 6d
           TOTAL        30 acres           £26  1s 6d
  Old val.£20. QR.11s 6d.
  Copyhold. 1 1/2 yardlands. (1762 note: Noble 
Kent; later note: J.Hedges) 'Noble's Fm'.
 Richard Riggins 
   Mess. etc                        -        3
   3 closes             10        past      12
   Hill Close            4        past       4
   Comner Mead           2.2      mead       2.  5s
   In Comon Fields      11        plow       4.  8s
   Comon of Pasture                          0. 15s
   In lieu of tythes                         2. 10s
           TOTAL        27.2 acres         £28.  8s
  Old val.£25.  Rac.œ1. 1s 8d  Copyhold. (1762 note: Wisdom) 
William Davie
   Mess. & orchard       0.2      -          3
   Homestall             6        past       4. 10s
   Stubbell Close       10        plow       6
   In Comon Fields      20        plow       8
   Comner Meadow         3.2      mead       1. 15s
   Comon of Pasture                          1.  2s 6d
   3 closes             15.2      past      15. 10s
           TOTAL        55.2 acres         £39. 17s 6d
  Old val.£42  Rac. £1. 8s
  Mess.& 1 1/2 yardlands, and 1/4 yardland in Botley 
tything. Copyhold. (1762 note: Rack-
    rent John Tubb. Later note: Busby, 
Freeman). Later 'Dean Court Fm'.
 In hand 
  Mess. & orchard        0.1      -          2. 10s
  Home Close             1        past       2
   4 closes             10        past      12
  In Comon Fields       10        plow       4
  Coppice by Stevensons ham 1.2   wood       1. 10s
  Comner Mead            2.2      mead       1.  5s
  Sheep comons                               0. 15s
  In lieu of tythes                          2. 10s
           TOTAL        25.1 acres         £27
  Old val.£25. Rac.£1. 1s 8d
  Lease. Late Cantwell. (1806 note: lease Adams)
 John Speen 
   Higgins & coppices   12        plow       6
   Little Grove          1        past       1
   Lower Grove           4.2      past       4. 10s
   Newlandmoor           2        past       2
   House,etc             0.2      past       3
   Home Close            2        plow       3
   In Field Lands       66        plow      26.  8s
   Comner Meadow        10        mead       5
   Comon for sheep                           1. 10s
           TOTAL        98 acres           £58.  8s
  Old val.£45.  Rac. £1.10s.8d
  Copyhold. Two mess. & 2 yardlands. (1806 
note: Franklin lease)
Mrs Peacock
   Togwells             10        plow       5
   Middle Ground         5        mead       6
   Long Ground           4        past       5
   Mess. & orchard       0.2      -          3
   2 closes              4        -          5
   Cottages & grounds    7        past      10
         2a in Cumner
   In Comon Fields      53        plow      21.  8s
   Comner Mead           6        mead       3
   Comon                                     1. 10s
            TOTAL    89.2 acres            £59. 18s
  Old val.£40. Rac.£1. 11s 8d.
  Copy once, now lease. 3 cottages & 2 
yardlands. (1806 note: mess. & orchard now
   Aaron Green's cottage ). Latter cottage now 
Hillend 'Farmhouse'.
 In hand:       Coppices  80 acres  Val.£40.
 Great tythes on 150 acres corn £30
Hill End tything: Old val. £332  New val. £377. 
 QR. £73. 3s 10d
Stroud tything:
Widdow Collis 
   Stroude Close         2.2      plow       1. 15s
   Coppice               3.2                 1. 15s
   Grass close           2.2      past       2. 10s
   Thongs                2.1      past       2
   Nealings              3        past       1
   Bartletts             1.2      p&p        1. 10s
   Short Croft           5        mead       5
   In Comon Fields      36        plow      14. 10s
   Wood Croft    -
   Comner Mead           9        mead       4. 10s
   Comon for 2 yardlands                     2.  8s
           TOTAL        65.3 acres         £37.  8s
  Old val.£45  QR £1. 5s 6d
  Mess & yardland called Roads, messuage & « 
yartdland called Thames; quarter land
   called Bartletts, yardland called Machins. 2 
mess. not mentioned.  Copyhold.
   (later note: Annersley)
 Henry Taylor
   Stroud Close          8        plow       4
   In Field Land        19        plow       7. 12s
   Upper Ground          6        past       4
   Home, orchard etc     0.1      -          1
   Comner Mead          10        mead       5
   Comon of Pasture                          1.  4s
          TOAL          43.1 acres         £22. 16s
  Old val.£21  QR. 13s 4d
  Copyhold. « yardland. (Later note: lease 
 In hand, late Stevens 
   Nicker               18        past      10
   Broad Close           7.2      mead       7. 10s
   Gutrict               6        past       6
   In Field Land        29        plow      12
   Comner Mead          10        mead       5
   Mess. & orchard       1                   3
   Right of comon                            1.  4s
   Comon wood Ground                         0.  7s 6d
          TOTAL      72 acres              £45.  1s 6d
  Old val.£45.  QR.£1.2s 3d
  Copyhold. Mess.& 1/2 yardland called Bowdens,  
   1/2 yardland called Hetteridges, land
    called Lucas. (1762 note: John Tubb at will)
 Widdow Quainton 
   Mess.& orchard etc   20        past      20
   Field Lands          17        plow       6. 16s
          TOTAL         37 acres           £26. 16s
  Old val.£22. Rac.13s 4d
  Copyhold. Mess. & yardland (1762 note: 
Annersley lease)
 Dr Dobson
   Plumers               5        past       3. 15s
   Youngs               15        ppp        9
   Wall Close            5        past       5. 10s
   Mess. orchard         1.2      -          5
   Gyers                 8        ppp        4. 10s
   In Comon Fields      60        plow      24
   Comner Mead           8.2      mead       5
   Comon for 2 yardlands                     2.  8s
   Cottage               1.3                 4. 15s
            TOTAL           105 acres      £63. 18s
  Old val.œ50. Rac.œ2  Leasehold late Fulks. Cottage to Smith, Lord Abingdon's gamekeeper in 1762
Mr Dewes 
   Woodbridges          51        ppp       17
   Rutters               6        mead       6
   Oakes                 9        past       5.  8
   Whitom                6        past       6
   Red Croft             3        plow       2
   Comon Fields        101        plow      40
   Comner Mead           8        mead       4
   Comon for 3 yardlands                     3. 12s
   Comon wood ground     0.                  0.  2s 6d
            TOTAL      184.1 acres         £84.  2s 6d
  Old val.£60. Rac.£2.3s.8d
  Lease. (1762 note: Prickett)
 Mr Webb
   Duncroft              5.1      plow       5
   Smalls land          10        plow      10
   Stiles                6.2      plow       6
   Mess, home close,etc  6        past      12 
   Grass Close           6        past       6
   Gandy Croft           3.2      plow       2
   Field Lands          37        plow      12
   Comner Mead          13        mead       6. 10s
   Comon for 2 yardlands                     2.  8s
           TOTAL        87.1 acres         £61. 18s
  Old val.£70  Rac.£1. 19s
  Leasehold. Mess.& « yardland called Cowlis, 
yardland called Cadesplace,« yardland
   called Floodgates. (Later note: lease Jane 
Tubb).  Later called Farmoor Valley Fm.
 Widdow Stevens 
   Cottage & 5 closes   15        past      15
   Comon Fields          7        plow       3. 10s
   Comner Mead           1        mead       0. 12s
   Comon for « yardland                      0. 12s
           TOTAL        23 acres           £19. 12s
  Old val.    QR. 10s 0d
  Leasehold. Later known as 'Jumpers', situated 
beside 'Wardens' and Newberry Field.
 Mr Beckett 
   Cottage & close       1        -          3
   Field Lnds           10        plow       4
   Comner Mead           1        mead       1
          TOTAL         12 acres            £8
 Old value £8. R.£8.
 Later note: Wm Tubb)
 John Nichols
   Cottage & land        2 acres  past       £2
               (Later note: Gardiner). Later 
known as 'Froghole'.
 Flexney & Smith. A cottage each, R.3s 4d
 Great tythes with 250 acres of corn annually. 
Old val.£40. New val.£50. R.£20
 Stroud tything:  Old val.£380  New val. £421. 15s 4d. 
    QR.£37. 4s 10d.
  'If Comner Mead under one regulation, of 
great advantage by keeping of a large stock
    to increase the strength of the enclosed 
land ... Field lands lye much together in
    large pieces - could easily be enclosed'.
Chawley tything:
 Dr Bertie
   Guy Closes          17        -          5. 13s 4d
   2 ..yes             20        plow       6. 13s 4d
   Pickett Close        2                   1
   Home Close           8        -          4
   Bromhouse Close      4        past       2.  8s
   Sandy Close          4        plow       2
   Mess. & cherry orchard  1     past       2
   3 Arnolds           10        -          4
   In Comon meadow     16        mead       8
   Hutchcums           12        p&p        4
   In Comon Fields     58        plow      24
   Furz                26                   5
   In lieu of tythes                       10
   For comon            2.3                 2.  3s
           TOTAL      181.2 acres         £81.  9s 8d
  R. £5.
  Swetmans leasehold. 'Overplowed & quite 
wrought out'.
 Mr Heywood 
   Hutchcums            6.2      past       2
   Slade                6        past       3. 12s
   Barn Ground          9        p&p        6. 15s
   Horse Close          5        mead       7. 10s
   Long Croft           4.2      past       4
   Gallant              6        mead       7
   Figg Close           2        past       2
   Dairy Ground         5        past       5
   Comner Mead         18        mead       9
   In Comon Fields     80        plow      32
   Comon for 3 yardlands                    5. 16s
   Coppices            15.2      wood      10
   Ramers               3.2      mead       5
   The moor             4        mead       5
   Grays                8        past       8
   Couldrey Close       2.2      past       3
   Broughton paddock    0.3      past       0. 15s
   Comon in Botley mead                     3
              TOTAL   176.1 acres        £123. 18s
  Old val.£75. Ch.rent £6. 3s.1d.
  For the Great Tythes of 220 acres corn œ40.    Copyhold.
  3 yardlands. 2 herriots. 17 acres of 
fieldland in Botley, 66 acres in all so total £115.
 Robt Sellwood 
   Mess, barn & close   7        past      10. 10s
   Ley Croft            4.2      past       2. 10s
   Heads Horse Cl. 
     & Horn Pce        20        p&p        5
   Coppice              6        wood       3
   Comon fields        20        plow       8
   In Comner mead      10        mead       5
           TOTAL      67.2 acres          £34
  Old val.£40
  Ch. rent £1. 3s 4d.  Copyhold. 2 yardlands. 
'Quite wrought out, over ploughed, full
    of bushes'.
 William Godfrey
   Mess. & orchard      1        past       3
   Kemps Close          4        plow       3
   Bean & Well Close    4        past       4
   Coppice              1                   0. 10s
   Lye Croft            5        past       2
   In Comon Fields     39.1      plow      15. 12s
   In Comon mead       10        mead       5
      -                                     0. 16s
             TOTAL     64.1 acres         £33. 18s
  Old val.£35. Ch.rent 19s 8d.
  Copyhold. 2 yardlands. Herriot.
 Henry Tooker
   New Close            5        past       3
   Dry Ground (Hill End)8                   4
     Do.                4.2                 2.  5s
     Do.Sheppard Close  1.2                 0. 15s
   Long Dean           25                  15
   Coopers              6        mead       9
   Cottage & close      2                   7
   In Field Lands       9.2      plow       3. 12s
   Bushey Land (Shadwell)4                  2
   Rochester Close      2                   2
   Messuage,etc ('down in 1770')            2
            TOTAL      67.2 acres         £50. 12s
  Old val.£45. Ch.rent £2.13s 4d.
  Leasehold. Later note: Ensworth. Floyd.
  NB. Cottage was formerly Blind Pinnocks alehouse.
 Mr Kirkham 
   2 Broomans          13        past       3
   Church lees         14        plow       9.  8s
   Burnt Ground         6        plow       3. 12s
   Cops Ground          6        past       3. 12s
   3 coppices          10                   5
   Home Close           4        past       2.  8s
   Mess & 3 orchards    8        past      12  Arbours             12        plow       7.  4s
   2 Mead Closes etc   20        mead      12
   In Comner mead      30        mead      30
   In Comon Fields     11        plow       4.  4s
             TOTAL    134.2 acres         £97. 12s
  Lease. Was part of Tudballs.
 Chapman & Broughton each have £3, part of Dr 
Bertie's Swetmans.
 Cottages: Thomas Brown R.£1, Henry Dicks R.£1, 
Wm Godfrey R.£1. 10s, Tho. Hanks R.£1. 10s
 Tything: Val.£473.  
Botley tything
 Henry Ranklin
   Mess. & orchard      1                    2
   Home Closes 2        3.2      mead        6
   Croft & cottage      6.2      plow        7
   Hitchcombs           4        past        2. 10s
   Pound Close          5        plow        3
   Field lands         44        plow       18
   Comner Mead          5        mead        2. 10s
   Right of comon                            3. 10s
   Furz                10                    1. 10s
          TOTAL        73. acres           £46
  Old val.£50. R.13s 4d
   Coppices             2.2 acres            2. 10s                                           
   £48. 10s
  Leasehold. Cottage situated at Dean Court 
  (later note: Bartholomew Innes). Late note
   on main holding: Annersley, then Davies.
 Robert Blea 
   Cottage & garden     2 acres             £6
    Old val.£4 QR. 10s 4d
 In hand,late Piddington
   Paddock              0.3      mead        1
   Hill Moor            3        plow        1. 10s
   Dean Close           1.1      past        1
   Woodcombs            4        plow        2. 10s
   In Comon Fields     14        plow        6
   Comon mead           1.2      mead        0. 15s
   Comon of Pasture                          1. 10s
   Furz                 5                    0. 15s
            TOTAL      19.2 acres          £15
  Old val.£15. QR. 6s (Later note: lease Annersley)
 John Partenton
   Mess. & orchard      1.2                  5
   Home Close           3         past       3
   New Close            3.2       plow       2. 10s
   Boulds               4         plow       1. 10s
   Salist               2.2       plow       1. 10s
   Lordship             0.2                  0.  5s
   North Closes 2      15         p&p       10
   Glovers              2         past       2
   In Comon Fields     48        plow        20
   Comon of Pasture                          3. 15s
   Furz                10                    1. 10s
   In lieu of tythe                          6
            TOTAL    90.1 acres            £57.  2s
  Old val.£65. R.£1.17s 3d
  Was copy, now lease. Mess & 1 1/2 yardlands, 3/4 
  yardland in Chawley (latter tythe-free)
   (1770 note: lease Mrs Blaygrove)
 Martha Dean 
   Dundee Leds Close    2        past        2
   Mess,orchard & close 3        plow        5
   In Field Land       13        plow        5. 12s
   Comon meadow         1.2      mead        1. 10s
   Comon of Pasture                          1. 10s
           TOTAL       20.1 acres          £15. 12s
  Old val.£18. R. 10s 6d
  Lyes for « yardland. Coppyhold. Herriot.
 William Wright
   Mess.& orchard       4        past       10
   Princes              1.2      past        1. 10s
   In Field Lands       8        plow        3.  4s
   Comon for 1/2 yardland                    1. 10s
   Furz                10                    3. 10s
           TOTAL       25 acres            £21. 4s
  Old val.£17. R.13s 4d
  Coppyhold. Herriot. Messuage and « yardland 
   called Elmicks. (later note: Hall)
  NB. Alehouse, situated in Hinksey Lane.
 John Scates
   Cottage: alehouse   R.£3  NB. Later and now 
    called the 'George'.
 Thomas Martin
   Princes 2            7        past       7. 10s
   Broad Close          9.2      plow       5.  8s
   Poulters             6        past       4. 10s
   Mess.& orchard       1                   3
   In Comon Fields     37        plow      12
   Comner meadow        3        mead       1. 10s
   Comon of Pasture                         3
   Furz                10                   3
            TOTAL      73.2 acres         £39. 10s
  Old val.£45. R.£4.6s 8d.
  Leasehold, formerly coppyhold. Mess.& 
  yardland called Archers, toft and « yardland
   called Princes. 'Rent at £50 a hard bargain'.
 John Wynn 
   Latter marsh         2.2      past       2. 10s
   Stubble Close        2        past       2
   Mess.& orchard       1        past       4
   3 Hales             11        ppp       11
   In Field Lands      18        plow       7.  4s
   Comner meadow        1.2      mead       0. 15s
   Comon of Pasture                         2
           TOTAL       42 acres           £30. 9s
  Old val.£20  R.12s 8d
  Mess. & yardland in Dencourt. Coppyhold. 
  Herriot. (1770 note: Pottle)
  Great tythes in corn 144 acres. Val.£28. 16s. 
  Botley tythes formerly Thomas Dalby,
   now in many parts. Val. £13. 13s 4d.
  Tything: Val.£275
  Botley Mill  V.£10. R.£1. 6s 8d.
Swinford tything:
  Not included in survey as in independent ownership.