

Vaccinated at Cumner 1815

Inoculated in 1815, those marked * were
Inoculated by permission of Mr Tubb
with small pox.

BAILEY - Esther & Rachel ,
COOPER - Sarah, Hannah, Jane, Robt
BENNETT - Charles, John, James
BENNETT - Elizabeth, James
INNESS - Ellen
SHERWOOD - Mary, Benjamin, Rachel
BASTON - Wm*, Elizabeth*, Nancy,
James, Wm.
CLEMSON - Thomas
FLEXON - Rachel, Sarah
WEST - Thomas Martha,
LAY - George
DIDCOCK - William
NEAL - Jonathan, Martha, John
CHURCH - Betty
DICKENS - Harriett, Nancy, Elizabeth Martha* infant
LEE - Sarah, Thomas, Mary
RICHARDS - George, Henry
ADAMS - Sarah*, Thomas
WOODCOCK - Thomas*
RIDGE - William
MORRIS - Elizabeth, John

at Dean Court
EAST - Mary*, Sarah*, Elizabeth*, Esther*
BUTTON - Wm*, James*, Jane*, Edward*
WILKINS - Elizabeth, Frances, Hannah, Eliza
WEBB - Wm, James
ALDER - Sarah*, William
DENTON - Mary, Anne.

SIMMONDS - Ann, Mary, Thomas, Sarah, John,
James, Elizabeth
BASTON - Jane, Wm, Martha, John, James
FLOYD - Frances*, Thomas*, Sarah*, John*
GARDNER - Esther*, John*

at Hill End
DAVIS - James, Mary Ann.
BASTON - Mary Ann, Elizabeth
WALKLIN - James, Christopher, Mary, Martha,
Wm, Thomas

Tumbledown Dick
ROUSE - John*, Alice*, James*, Mary*
WALKLIN - Ann*, Wm*, Thomas*, Martha*
WAKE - Ann*
INNESS - no children

  (Document among church papers)