(B.R.O.= Berkshire Record Office. Where the index is given as 'Wills:'
this is the old catalogue reference used in the Bodleian before transfer to Berks R.O. P.R.O.= Public Record Office, Kew)

Names of people, places and items have been changed to their modern spelling where this may facilitate searches.
3. ALLEN John of Comner    1772    B.R.O.: D/A1 174:138
  Anne Allen, widow, Thomas Elliot of Oxford, butcher, and John Louth of Longworth, husbandman, seek right of administration of his goods and chattels, he having died intestate. Mark of Anne Allen.
Inventory inc. household goods, two old cows and one calf £5, one little yearling bullock, one cheesepress and one old broken plough. Total: £19. 03s 8d.
Signed: Bartholomew Innes and Richard Thornes
6 ALLEY William of Cumner, carpenter    1771.    B.R.O.: D/A1 38: 171
  Bequests to daughter Catherine, wife of Tho. Coppin of Botley Pound 1s; sons William, John, Richard, and Thomas (Sellwood); Elizabeth Sellwood. Residue to son Thomas, his executor..
Bequests inc. silver spoons marked with letters; a 'load of firewood' to Susannah Bagnall; clock, white cotton gown, green quilted petticoat.
Executrix: daughter Hannah. Witn.: Richard Allen, John Dorne and Elizabeth Sellwood
of Appleton, widow..
Note that Robert Allen received £38. 8s 11d as his portion, witn.: William Rose
7 ALLIN Hannah of Comner, widow    1801.    Private copy
  Bequests to daughter Hannah, wife of William Hunt; daughter Esther, wife of Richard Stone
of Garsington; son Thomas Southby Allin; four grandchildren of Richard Allin deceased.
Bequests inc. cows called Beauty, Strawberry and Gipsey. Mark of Hannah Allin.
Witn.: Elizabeth Hewes her mark; James King. Discharge by Robert Allen.
8 ANDROWES Agnes, widow, of Botley    1584    B.R.O.: Wills G.444
  To be buried in Comner churchyard.
Bequests to Robert Tomes, Adrian and Agnes Bond; son Andrew Bond, son Andrew Bond,
Robert Andrewes,et al.
Bequests inc.brass pots, sheep, pece of russet cloth, best tablecloth, iron-bound chest.
Inventory totalling £25. 18s 6d, appraised by John Buckner, Anthony Speen, Thomas Wood.
9 ANDROWES Christopher of Botley.    1603     B.R.O.: Wills J.1126
  To be buried in Laurence Hinksey church or churchyard.
Bequests to son James, Christopher son of Robert Andrewes, son Robert, daughters Susan,
Briget, Elizabeth Swancote, Marget Inate, the poor of Comner and Botlie; John Stinton
minister of Comner for making will.
His wife to bring up grandchild Elizabeth Swancot. Residue to son John, executor.
Overseers: John Buckner of Botley, Robert Cantwell.
Bequests inc. a square table with a frame, bedsteds, chest in the main loft, sheep.
Witn.: John Stenton clarke and minister; Thomas Davis. (NB: wife Elena nee Badcock,
m. at Cumnor 21.9.1568)
10 ANDROWES James of Botley in Hinksey parish.    1604    B.R.O.: Wills J.1395
  To be buried in Hinksey churchyard.
Bequests to brother-in-law Clement Machin, Margaret Laye, Annice Briane, Ellnore
Bonde, friend William Maltone, friend Thomas Friplinge, godson Thomas Gerrie,
cousin Elizabeth Nichols, cousin Margaret Hewet, sister Breget Hewet, brother Robert,
mother Ellnore executor, Robert and John Howells.
Bequests inc. sheep, bushels of malt, green garters, silk pyntes, gowlde ring.
Witn.: Elnor Androwes, Richard Green, George Leonardes.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Broughton and John Buckner, totalling £14. 03s 0d.
11 ANDROWES John of Botley    1604    B.R.O.: Wills 1338
  To be buried in church of Hincksie.
Bequests to brother Robert, brother James, mother Elnor, brother in law Clement Machin,
sister Sewesanne (executrix), John Hewet.
Bequests inc. sheep, barley, money.
Witn.: John Androwes his mark, Adam Cantwell his mark, Jorge Lenward his mark,
Robert Cantwell his marke.
Inventory appraised by John Buckner and Thomas Broughton. Items inc. farmstock, window
glass, door locks, spurs, sarde, dager, bridle and saddle.
12 ANGELL William of Appleton, carpenter    1596    B.R.O.: Wills I.355
  Bequests to mother church of Sarum; chn William, John, Elizabeth, residue to wife
Elizabeth, executrix.
Bequests inc.cows, sheep.
Witn.: John Buckner, Raphe Langley, John Angell, Will Nevell, George Hoult
Inventory appraised by John Buckner of Botley, Raphe Langley of Whitley, Thomas
Wood of Chawley. Total: £16. 11s 4d.
13 ANGELL Elizabeth, widow, of Eaton, Appleton.    1599   B.R.O.: Wills J.247
  To be buried in churchyard at Appleton.
Bequests to mother church of Sarum, parish church of Appleton, Elizabeth my brother
William's daughter, children of brother William, John Topping, cousin William Angell
Bequests inc. apparell, money, linen.
Witn.: Toby Pledall, William Lane, Alexander Denman.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Badd and John Keate. Debt owing to her £51. Money in
purse £3. 6s, her wearing apparell 30s.
14 APPLETON Richard of Comner   1601    B.R.O.: Wills J.708
  Inventory appraised by William Ruffin, John Ellis, John Figge.
Four rooms. Items inc. painted cloth in hall, 1 saw, 1 ax, 2 owld spades. In the chamber
whear Mr Stenton lieth bedding and sartine painted cloths; 200 bordes. Total: £15. 3s 2d.
16 ATTEWOOD Thomas of Comner, fuller.    1556    B.R.O.: Wills D.136
  Bequests to mother church of Salusburye 2d, Comner church 6s 8d; parish poore at
my son's discretion, daughter Ann
Badcock, daughter Bessie Ray,
daughter Mary Holway, daughter Alice, son Thomas executor.
Bequests inc. cows, sheep. Witn.: John Collins vicar, Raffe Gunnell, Robert Ring.
Debts owed to him by Bayliss of Oxford banker, Mr. Kingwood, John Couldrey.
Inventory totalled £60. (NB 'Oxfordshire Wills', W.Foreman p.83)
17 AYRES Thomas of Swyneford Ferry, yeoman    1589    B.R.O.: Wills I.209
  To be buried in church or churchyard of Eynsham.
Bequests to mother church of Sarum, church of Comnore, poore people of Comnore, my
daughter Agnes Russell, wife Ellen, son Thomas.
Bequests of money.
Overseers: John Harris of Comnore, Robert Ring of Farmoor.
Witn.: John Wright clarke, William Maysey his mark. Will was contested.
19 BADCOCKE John of Wooton, Comner     1544       B.R.O.: Wills A.230
  Debts owed to him by Richard Bond of Oxford, John Bradstock, William Bond of Comner,
Gylls Child of Chawley, Edmund Bond of Wooton, John Hutt of Shipton, Henry Brown Roberts of Marcham.
Inventory appraised in 1556 by Thomas Rycharde, Thomas Speen, Edmund Bond, John Badcocke, Henry Broughton, Johm Rychards, Robert Ren, Robert Mayo. Inventory inc.
horse, malt, sheep.
20 BADCOCKE John of Boars Hill    1561
  Bequests to sons William, Raffe, Robert, John, daughters Maryan, Jane, Mawd, Anne;
godson John Costall, son Nicholas, wife Elyn executrix.
Overseers: Thomas Rychards, Thomas Mayo.
Inventory: £58. 10s 4d.
21 BADCOCKE Marion of Wooton, widow    1558    B.R.O.: Wills F.165
  To be buried in Comner church.
Bequests to son William, daughter Elizabeth Whit, Sybil Wodless, Avis Bond, Alice Godfrey,
Avis Whit, godson William Badcocke, John Badcocke, Maryan Myo, Elizabeth Mayo,
Ann Badcocke, son Thomas executor.
Bequests inc. cow, sheep, my best frock my best pety cot.
Overseers: Thomas Rychards, John Badcocke
Witn.: Harry Broughton, Nicolas Badcocke, John Swift.
Debts owed him by James Cox, William Broughton of Sandford, Marry Brown Roberts
Martin Langley and William Lambell.
Inventory total: £12. 15s 4d, proved 1568.
23 BADCOCKE Richard of Botley    1567    B.R.O.: Wills F.111
  To be buried at Laurence Hinksey.
Bequests to daughters Margaret, Avis, church of Hinksey, mother Nichols, Jone Wymark
servant, Walter Nichols, his godchildren, wife Elnor and daughter Margaret executrixs.
Bequests inc. money, bedstead, pair of sheets.
Witn.: John Buckner, William Badcocke, William Herne, Christopher Androwes.
Inventory totalling £32. 5s 4d appraised by John Wright, William Badcocke, William
Herne and John Buckner.
24 BADCOCKE Thomas of Wooton, husbandman    1590    B.R.O.: Wills H.232
  To be buried in churchyard of Comner.
Bequests to mother church of Sarum, church of Comner, godson Thomas Atkins, daughter Elizabeth wife of Osmund Atkins, daughter Jone wife of John Hines, daughters Marion
and Alice Shriprie, William Sheppard servant, the poor of Wooton, son William, wife
Bequests inc. money, sheep, bullock, barley, horses, oxen.
Overseers: neighbours Nicolas Badcocke, Edmond Arford.
Witn.: Richard Bowell, Richard Broughton, John Bond, Fernand Rychards.
Inventory totalled £61. 19s 7d.
25 BADCOCKE Ann of Wootton widow    1598    B.R.O.: Wills J.235
  Relict of Thomas Badcocke.
Bequests to Catholic church of Sarum, church of Wootton, church of Comner, poor people
of Wootton, daughter Joane Ives, William Hughes, Richard Ives, Elizabeth Atkins her
seven children,Alice Sheperye, Marian Bowyer, Margaret Eliot, son William executor.
Bequests inc. money, barley, apparell.
Overseers: Edmund Orpwood, Nicolas Badcocke.
Witn.: Edmund Orpwood, Nicolas Badcocke, John Bond, Richard Bowell, Richard
Broughton, Thomas Wood.
Inventory appraised by Nicolas Badcocke, Edmund Orpwood, John Bond and Thomas Wood
at £15. 14s 9d. His apparell 26s 8d..
26 BADCOCKE Nicolas of Boars Hill    1607    B.R.O.: Wills K.383
  To be buried at Comner.
Bequests to mother church of Sarum, Comner church, chapel of Wootton, son Henry,
daughters Mary, Margaret, Emma, godson Nicolas Badcocke, brothers John and Richard,
godson William Phelpe, second son Richard executor.
Bequests inc. money, blankets, barley, wearing apparell.
Overseers: son Simon of Garford yeoman, John Phelpe of Warborough yeoman.
Witn.: Simon Badcocke, John Phelpe, John Badcocke his mark, Henry Badcocke his marke.
Inventory appraised by William Dewy, Simon Badcocke, William Bowell, Thomas Richards
at £482. 18s 10d.
28 BADNALL William of Bradley, yeoman    1729    B.R.O.: D/A1 49:129
  Bequests to daughter Elizabeth Sellwood and her three sons, son William, daughter Martha,
son John executor.
Bequests of money (over £25)
Witn.: John Bromwich, Richard ( ..........), Robert Wood
29 BAKER Thomas of (Hunstanton) Sussex    1613
  Bequests to sons Richard, John, daughter Annes, brother Edward.
Bequests of money.
Witn.: John Canell, John Fenes, Richard Bretson.
30 BASELEY (BEISLEY) John of Chawley    1717    B.R.O.: D/A1 18:300
  Bequests to sons George and John, daughters Mary and Anne. Wife executrix.
Bequests of 1s.
Witn.: Katherine Mailes, Robert Wood, Joyce Dawson her mark.
32 BASSON (BARSON) Martha of Chawley    1841    B.R.O.: D/A1 146:57
  Bequests to nephew John Lyne, Elizabeth wife of Richard Richards, neice Elizabeth Repnal
of Hinksey, neice and ward Ann Smith.
Bequests of chest of drawers, irons and bellows, £10 in savings bank in Oxford, clock.
Witn.: William Richard his mark, John Basson his mark. Total value less than £20.
34 BATTIN John of Cumnor yeoman,    1729    B.R.O.: D/A1 49:132
  Bequests to wife Katherine, executrix.
Bequests of all goods and chattels, debts etc.
Witn.: Thomas Jacques, James Smith, Bartholomew Inness.
35 BECKETT John of Comner, labourer    1708    B.R.O.: D/A1 179:185
  Bond of abministration sought by Sarah Beckett widow, James Beckett of Kirtlington baker,
and John Bradley of Comner yeoman.
Inventory appraised by John Bradley and James Beckett, comprising apparell and household
goods £6 and a legacy due £8. Total £14.
39 BEECHEY John of Comner    1601    B.R.O.: D/A1 41:164a
  Bequests to mother church of Sarum, church of Comner, every poor cottager in the town,
godchildren, sister Deanes Beechey, sisters Joan, Elizabeth, Dorithy, Joane daughter of
Raphe Beechey, children of Richard Fowler, brother Richard executor.
Bequests of money, livestock, cloth, sheep.
Witn.: Robert Philipson, Simon Battin.
Inventory appraised by Toby Pleadall, William Ruffin, John Ellis and Henry Hedges
of Comner yeoman at £36. 18s 10d., inc. household goods, plough, winnowing sheet, pigs, kine, wool
and 30s in his purse.
40 BEECHEY Dorothy spinster    1610    B.R.O.: Wills L.56
  Bequests to churches of Appleton and Comner, Richard Beechey, Jane Badcocke, John
Beechey, Elizabeth Beechey, Margaret Brooks, Emma Martin, Elizabeth Hedges, Jane
Barefoot, Bridget Fowler, Margerie Beechey, Hugh Clifford's daughter of Wytham,
Simon Battin, brother Richard.
Witn.: (non-cuperative) by Joan wife of Henry Hedges butcher,, Margaret wife of John
Brooks weaver, Agnes Langley and Jane Badcocke.
Inventory appraised by William Lane, Thomas Werdnam and Henry Hedges at £16. 4s.
43 BEECHEY John of Comner, yeoman.    1664    B.R.O.: D/A1 46:25
  Bequests to daughter Frances Bradley, son-in-law William Perry, grandson John
Beechey, son Thomas.
Bequests of money, sheep, furniture.
Witn.: John Longford, John (Ho ).
Inventory appraised by William Perry and William Godfrey at £77. 18s 0d, inc pewter
and brass, malt mill, feather bed, money, sheep.
44 BEECHEY John of Comner, yeoman    1713    B.R.O.: D/A1 48:206
  Bequests to wife Joan and four daughters.
Bequests of leasehold, rent and household goods.
Witn.: Mary Wheeler, Ann Bradley, John Bradley.
Inventory appraised by William Perry and Richard Hodson of Comner, comprised barley.
pease, oats, hay in various fields, cow, hog, sow. Total: £180. 12s.
45 or 46 BEISLEY (BEESLEY) John of Chawley, Comner    1717
  Bequests to sons George, John, daughters Mary, Elizabeth, Anne, his wife.
Bequests of 1s.
Witn.: Katherine Mailes, Robert Wood, the mark of Joyce Dawson
47 BETTS Thomas of Comner    1678    B.R.O. D/A1 47:31
  Bequests to kinswoman Katherine Wichold, son-in-law Robert ( y), wife Margaret,
Bequests of money.
Mark of Thomas Betts. Witn.: Robert Philipson, John Willis.
Memorandum added: Cow in hands of Robert ( y); rent due from Richard Curson,
and 10s from John Harris.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Beechey and William Bond at £25. 15s 8d, inc.
furniture, linen, pewter and brass.
48 BLACKMAN John of Comner, yeoman    1628    B.R.O.: D/A1 43:177a
  Bequests to mother, brother Richard, wife executrix.
Bequests totalled £29. 9s 6d.
Witn.: Anne wife of William Keate, Marie wife of John Hinton.
50 BLACKMAN John of Comner    1651    B.R.O.: D/A1 178:45a.
  Bond of administration sought by William Blackman of Oxford, blacksmith, and
widow Elizabeth.
51 BLAYGROVE John of Hillend, Comner    1663    B.R.O.: D/A1 45:125
  Bequests to mother, brothers Thomas, Richard, Stephen, sisters Priscilla, Mary.
Bequests of money.
Overseer: brother-in-law George Godfrey.
Mark of John Blaygrove. Witn.: William Milner deacon, Thomas Campion.
Inventory appraised by William Milner, Richard Riggins at £56. 6s 6d., inc.
debts owed by George Godfrey, James Dawling, Ann Broughton, William Stafford
52 BOLTON William of Chilswell Farm    1839    B.R.O.: D/A1 146:65
  Bequests to John Bolton of Forest Hill, James Fidel of Oxford, son Thomas, son William
and his wife Maria, son Daniel, Trustees, wife.
Bequests inc. cottages and messuages in Wootton, farming stock to public auction or
private contract, properties in Summertown.
Executors John Bolton and James Fidel.
Signed by William Bolton. Witn.: Francis Jennings of Oxford, Sam Brownlow.
Value of goods, chattels and credits under value of £100.
54 BOND WILLIAM of Comnore, yeoman    1589    B.R.O.: Wills H.285
  Bequests to mother church of Sarum, sons William, Edward, Alexander, Henry, George,
daughters Dorothy, Joan, Elizabeth, Margaret Seacole; grandchildren and godchildren, church
of Comnore, every poor household in the parish.
Bequests of 20 nobles, 6d and 4d, household items, bullocks, cesterne of stone, farm
Overseers: son-in-law John Deane, John Bond, Ralff Bond.
Witn.: John Wright clark, Henry Hedges, Alexander Hopkins.
Inventory appraised by Roger Lilbourne, John Buckner, Alexander Hopkins and Henry
Hedges at £210. 8s 4d., inc. carpets, servants chamber, pewter and brass, silver bowl and
spoons, plough oxen, five horses, twenty cattle, hogs, geese, turkeys, ducks and poultry.
57 BOND William of Comner, gent.    1695    B.R.O.: D/A1 48:36
  Bequests to grand-daughters Jane Sawer, Frances Flexney, Elizabeth Perry, grandson John
Speen, daughter Jane Speen executrix.
Bequests of money and cancelling debts to him.
Mark of William Bond. Witn.: William Peacock, William Philipson, Charles Peacock.
Inventory appraised by Charles Peacock, Henry Taylor, at £228. 5s 0d., inc. debts due upon
speciality £225.
380 BEDFORD Thomas of Whitley Farm, Cumnor yeoman    1774
  Bequests to sister Mary Bedford of Whitley executrix, brother William, sisters Elizabeth
and Sarah Bidford.
Bequests of 1s.
Mark of Thomas Bedford. Witn.: John Balding, John Slatter, Martin Shayler
58 BOURTON Thomas of Denton Court, labourer.    1778    B.R.O.: D/A1 50:171
  Bequests to son Thomas, daughters Ann and Mary.
Bequests of clothing, bedstead, cottage
Daughter Mary executrix.
Mark of Thomas Bourton. Witn.: Israel Taylor, Rose Ward, daughter Mary Law.
Mary recived his estate by virtue of having cleared her father's debts.
59 BOWELL Richard of Wootton, Comner    1600   B.R.O.: Wills J.634
  Bequests to wife Margaret, sons Richard, John, William executor.
Overseers: Richard Curtis, Richard Justice.
Witn.: Hugh Hart writer, Nicolas Mayo, Thomas Richards.
Inventory appraised by Edmund Orpwood, Richard Mayo and Thomas Richards.
60 BOWELL Edmund of Chawley, yeoman    1713    B.R.O.: D/A1 48:209
  Bequests to son John, daughter Katherine, son William, wife Katherine executrix.
Bequests inc. messuages at Wootton and Boars Hill. Governed by marriage settlement
dated 7.9.1706.
Witn.: John Viner, William Atwood, John Bradley.
63 BROOKINS Mary of Cumner, widow    1777    B.R.O.: D/A1 50:198
  Bequests to son Richard Pim and his children, Thomas son of daughter Elizabeth Taylor,
Mary Attewell, Martha Rose.
Bequests inc. horse, gold ring, silver buckles, money.
Executors: John King and John Hutt of Cumner, yeomen.
Witn.: William Capel, William Stephens, William Sessions.
Peoved 1783.
64 BROUGHTON (als MOYLE) Thomas    1549    B.R.O.: D/A1 2:276
  To be buried in Comner churchyard.
Bequests to sons William, John, the poor, wife executrix, Robin Haled my boy.
Bequests inc. lease of Cumnor parsonage, 80 sheep, oxen, silk cushions, best featherbed,
painted cloths hanging in room; 3s 4d for bread for poor at his funeral and again at his
month mind.
Overseers: Arthur Leven, William Klerke. 'Be good to Robin Haled my boy.'
Signed by Thomas Broughton.
69 BROUGHTON Henry of Stroud tithing.    1685    B.R.O.: D/A1 47:109
  Bequests to daughter Elizabeth, wife Martha.
Bequest of £100 to Elizabeth.
Overseer: George Knapp.
Mark of Henry Broughton. Witn.: George Knapp, John Beckett, John Bradley.
Inventory appraised by William Bond, William Collis, William Bradley, George Noble
and Henry Taylor at £420, inc. 7 pewter dishes, 8 silver spoons,bacon on the rack, cows £80,
sheep £40, wheat in the barn £16, wheat and barley in the fields, pulse and oats £16, and four
cocks of hay £30, implements of husbandry £60.
  BROUGHTON William of Sandford, husbandman    1560    B.R.O.
  To be buried at St.Helen's, Abingdon.
Bequests to brother Harry Broughton, John Franklin, wife Joyce, sons Thomas, Robert,
daughter Margaret; Richard Ruffin of Eynsham, James Braybrook of Sutton Courtenay.
Emma Whit.
Bequests inc. lease of John Fettiplace's Rockley Copse,money, sheep.
Executrix: wife Joyce.
Overseers: Harry Broughton, John Franklin. Witn.: James Braybrook, John Badcock,
Thomas Richards, William Dalye.
Inventory appraised by John Franklin, Harry Broughton, William Chyman, William
Lambole, John Noke, at £33. 11s, inc. Rockley Copse lease, 2 horses, 107 sheep.
  BROUGHTON Henry of Wootton, Comner, husbandman. 1586 B.R.O.:
  To be buried in church or churchyard of Comner.
Bequests to sons Jacob, John, Andrew, Edmund, Richard, Thomas; daughters Joan,
Maryan, godson Henry Badcock, Jacob Richards.
Overseers: Nicolas Badcock, Richard Bowell, Edmund Orpwood.
Executors: sons Richard and Thomas.
Inventory appraised by Nicolas Badcock, Richard Bowell, Edmund Orpwood and
Richard Mayo.
70 BUCKINGHAM John of Comner, labourer.    1583    B.R.O.: Wills G.427
  To be buried in holy ground of Comner.
Bequests to sons William and Marten, daughter Annis, wife Alice.
Bequests of cow, 40s, four sheep.
Witn.: Robert Burdet, Henry Franklin, William Smith.
Inventory appraised by Nicolas Hopkins, William Ruffin and John Beechey, at
£4. 14s 6d,, inc. brasse panne, payer of pothookes, 14 sheep 16s, one cow 20s,
household items
71 BUCKLER Rev. Dr. Benjamin, vicar    1774    P.C.C.: Prob 11/1073
  To be buried in Cumner churchyard.
Bequests to Warden and College of All Souls, six labourers who carry his coffin, six
academic friends inc. Sir William Blackstone,, neices Dorothy and Mary, John Willis,
Mary Bachelor.
Bequests inc. money, documents, sermons.
Witn.: William Welch, William Grace, Thomas Okey. Proved 1781
  BUCKNER Richard of Cumnor    1548   P.C.C.: F.27 Popplewell.
  Bequests to sons Thomas, John, daughters Johann, Elizabeth, Mary, Agnes; Mr. Berry.
Bequests inc. leasehold estate at Raccote, house at Lechlade, lands at Whitley.
Overseers: Mr. Laurence Berry, Mr. Richard Ruffin, William Secole.
Witn.: Thomas Woode, Robert King, William Buckner.
72 BUCKNER Dorothy, widow of Comner    1586    B.R.O.: Wills H.93
  To be buried in parish church by her husband William.
Bequests to Catholic church of Sarum, Comner church, sons Richard, John William, Thomas,
daughters Elizabeth Mary, Alice, Joan. Executor: Son John.
Bequests of 'Pleasants' farm and lands, corn, hogs, geese, ducks, hens, cows, barley, money,
household and farming items.
Overseers: Thomas Buckner of Whitley the elder, William Bond of Comner the elder.
Witn.: Leonard Meyrick, William Ruffin, John Beechey.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Buckner, William Bond, Thomas Wood, John Bond and
William Buckner at £42. 8s 6d..
74. BUCKNER William of Comner, yeoman.    1558   B.R.O.: Wills D.188
  To be buried in parish church in St. Thomas's aisle.
Bequests to mother church of Sarum 2d and the High Altar 8d, church of Comner 12d,
sons John, Thomas, daughters Dayse, Maye, Alice, Joan, servant Pyp, wives of John Smith and
John Marten, wife Dorothy executrix.
Bequests of lambs, ewes, house in Eaton, barley, household items.
Overseers: son John, John Fettiplace gent., Thomas Buckner, Raffe Gunnell.
Inventory appraised by John Fettiplace and Raffe Gunnell at £105. 15s 4d., inc. painted
cloths, cushions, carpets.
75. BUCKNER Thomas of Whitley, Comner, yeoman.    1587    B.R.O.: Wills H.120
  To be buried in Comner church.
Bequests to mother church of Sarum 2d., Comner church 12d.; sons Anthony, Edward, Adam, daughter Anne, son-in-law William Ruffin, poore people of Comner, every one of my servants
as well men servants as women servants, wife Dorothy.
Bequests inc. money £10 and less, household items.
Executors wife Dorothy and son John.
Overseers: Edward Denton esq., Mr. Deodatus Staverton esq., cousin John.
Witn.: Deodatus Staverton, John Buckner, William Ruffin, Thomas Wood, Raphe Langley.
Inventory appraised by Deodatus Staverton, Richard Buckner, William Ruffin, Raphe Langley
and Thomas Wood at £128. 15s 8d.
NB. Wife Dorothy was daughter of William Anne of N.Aston and Anne Denton of Hylesden.
76. BUCKNER Dorothy, widow, late wife of Thomas of Whitley.    1597.    B.R.O.: Wills J.292
  Minding to settle contentions between family.
To be buried in parish church, in St.Thomas,s aisle.
Bequests to church of Sarum 2d, church box of Comner 12d, sons Anthony, Philip, John;
daughter Anne Goulding, William Ruffin, sons Thomas, Edward, Adam, cousin Mr. Francis Barry, cousin John Anne.
Overseers: George Goulding, son John Buckner.
Win.: George Goulding, John Buckner, Edward Buckner, Adam Buckner.
Inventory appraised by John Buckner of Botley, yeoman and William Ruffin of Comner,
yeoman, at £110. 16s 8d.' including silk damask, gold rings, face cloth edged with red silk
and golde.
77. BUCKNER John of Chawley, yeoman    1599    B.R.O.: Wills J.495
  To be buried in churchyard of Comner.
Bequests to church of Sarum, church of Comner, poor of Comenr parish, poor of Whitechurche parish, goodwife Dycher, goodwife Harwood, Annis Marten, father Hoult, sisters Dorothy,
Mary, his father William executor, brother Thomas, Henry Bryant.
Bequests inc. money, livestock, calfs-skin doublet, debts owed him.
Overseer: Geoffrey Perry. Witn.: John Buckner, William Smith, Geoffrey Perry.
Inventory appraised by Geoffrey Perry his mark, and William Smith at £41. 5s 4d, inc.
household items, clothing, two bullocks and a steer £4, a sheep 4s.
78. BUCKNER John of Botley, yeoman    1609   B.R.O.: Wills K.496
  Bequests to church of Sarum, church of Comner, poor of Comner and Botley, sons William,
Hugh, Thomas, daughters Dorothy Wells, Emma Choules, Ellen Garret, Elizabeth Davies,
Frances Colton, Ann Wildgoose, wife Ann.
Bequests inc. barley, wheat, sheep, profits of excutors' year.
Overseers: son Thomas, father-in-law Henry Hedges. Executrix: wife Ann
Witn.: Thomas Buckner, Richard Beyce, writer
Inventory appraised by William Lane, Francis Wirdnam, Robert Philipson, at £88. 5s 4d., items
inc. silver spoons, wool, hemp, and wife Ann's accounts showing payments to 21 creditors
inc. Mr. Vawlby of London, Mr. Vuttan of Sherbourne, William Pearse of Oxford, hatter; John
Wildgoose for wages, Thomas Almond of Oxford, funeral expenses and heriot to Lord £10.6s 8d.
79. BUCKNER William of Chawley    1617    B.R.O.: L.781
  Bequests to Cumnor church and poor, daughters Dorothy Grace, Joan Harlet, Mary Goodwedy,
Jane; sons Thomas and Anthony, servant John Bryan.
Bequests inc. barley and money.
Executor: son Anthony.
Inventory appraised at £44. 11s 0d., inc. grey mare, cow, heifer and three pigs.
80. BUCKNER John of Comner, yeoman   1686    B.R.O.: D/A1 47:112
  Bequests to son John and his children, grandchildren, son Anthony, Thomas Smith of Comner,
John Hinton and Thomas Bell of Comner, Arthur Castle of Filchampstead, Richard Blackman
of Comner, Thomas Godfrey of Botley, son William.
Bequests of money and household goods Executor: son William.
John Buckner senior his mark, witnessed by John Battin his mark and John Bradley.
Inventory appraised by William Perry, John Willis, Thomas Beechey, William Perry jun.,
at £185. 3s 0d., inc. household and agricultural items: wearing apparell and ready money £46,
brass and pewter £4, 6 cows and a calf £12, 13 sheep £2. 10s, plows carts wheels harrows
harnesses £8, mow of barley £13. 13s, mow of wheat £13. 13s, beans and pease £5. 19s,
3 flitches of bacon and cheese £12. 10s.
81. BUCKNER John of Cumnor, yeoman    1762    B.R.O.: D/A1 50:98
  No executor named, administered by widow Anne.
Bequests to sons Thomas, James, Edmund, and daughter Maria, wife Anne; codicil names
his children Mary, Richard, Peari and Elizabeth 1s each, son-in-law William Braine.
Bequests inc. bellmetal pot, wagon and plough, money.
Mark of John Buckner, witnessed by Joseph and Mary Langford.
82. BULLOCK John of Cumner, miller    1712    B.R.O.: D/A1 180:13
  Bond of administration granted to Sarah Bullock of Botley widow, John Speen of Hillend
and William Stock of Northleigh.
Inventory appraised by William Stock and John Speene at £76. 5s 6d., items inc. scales,
weights, measures and sacks in the mill, household goods, in the stable two horses, grindstone
and an old boat at the dore £10, rick of hay and millstone in the backside, two hundred elm
boards in the mill house £1..
83. BURDETT Robert of Comner, blacksmith    1591    B.R.O.:
  To be buried in Comner churchyard.
Bequests to mother church of Sarum 2d, daughter Elizabeth, brother George, Sydrack Burdett,
wife Margett.
Bequests of goods and money.
Overseers: Roger Lilbourne, William Speen, William Smith clerk.
84. BURDETT John of Comner, husbandman    1607    B.R.O.: Wills K.387
  To be buried in Comner churchyard.
Bequests to church of Sarum, church of Comner, poor of parish, uncle John Faithe of Baydon,
aunt Catherine Gelkes of Headington, sister Elizabeth wife of Hugh Simons.
Signed by John Burdett, witn.: Laurence Wright, Edward Burneham.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Collis, James orter, Simon Stanton, Richard Jennings at
£12. 6s. Debts owed to him by William Stanton of Upton, John Higgs of Upton, and
Jennings his late master of Comner for one year's wages.
86. BUSBY Robert    1746    B.R.O.: D/A1 180:182
  Bond of administration granted to Thomas Busby of Comner shoemaker, Israel Taylor of Oxford victualler.
89. BUTLER Anne of Comner, widow    1703    B.R.O.: D/A1 48:112
  Bequests to son John, daughter Elizabeth Coxley, son Edward.
Bequests of household goods and brewing equipment.
Her mark, witnessed by William Castle and Thomas Wigin.
John Butler yeoman, John Quainton of Comner yeoman and Thomas Butler of Oxford
victualler apply for right of administration as no executor named in will.
Inventory appraised by Henry Taylor and William Perry his mark, at £11. 9s 4d., inc.
apparell and money in pocket £3, in the cellar 2 barrels 3 kinderkins 10s, the brewing vessel 15s.
90. BUTLER John of Comner, victualler    1720    B.R.O.: D/A1 ..
  Bequests to sister Katherine Hughes, sister Elizabeth Coxley, brother Thomas, wife
Mary executrix.
Bequests of money.
His mark, witnessed by John Speene, William Davis, John Quainton.
92. CAMPION William of Hillend 1591 B.R.O.: Wills H.387
  To be buried in Cumner church.
Bequests to churches of Sarum 2d., Cumnor 10s., Kingston Bagpuize 10s. and
Southeneonton 10s; highway, poor of parish; Richard Badinton, Joane Baddam, Margaret
Higges, John Homes, ringers of Comner 2s, Edith Dewer my maid one cow one sheep,
burghers of South Neonton, wife Katherine, executrix.
Bequests of barley, sheep, wheat, cow, money.
Overseers: William Speene and John Noble.
Witn.: William Speene, John Noble, Marten Langley, William Ford, William Barefote
curate and writer.
Inventory appraised by William Speene, John Noble, John Harris, Robert (Sanser) at
£49. 2s 2d. (nb. William Campion in records of South Newington)
93. CAMPION Katherine of Hillend widow    1597    B.R.O.: Wills J.239
  To be buried in Cumner churchyard.
Bequests to Cumnor church, cousin John Higgs, Joan Lowe of Eynsham.
Bequests inc. money, colt, pewter
Witn.: Marten Purefoy, mark of John Noble, William (Smith)
Inventory appraised by Wlliam Speene, marten Langley, John Noble, John Higgs, at
£33. 8s 4d., inc. five horses
94. CANDLEY Thomas of Dean Court    1580    B.R.O.: Wills G.425
  Bequests to church of Sarum, church of Comner, the poore, daughter Eme Speene,
daughter Alice Bazeley, wife Elizabeth executrix.
Bequests inc. money, sheep, bullocks.
Inventory : £16. 4s.
94a. CANDLEY Isabell of Dean Court Comner widow    1585    B.R.O.:
  Bequests to church and poor, Emma Lee, Thomas Lawley, John and Alice Baseley.
Bequests inc. money, bed, cow, sheep, lambs.
Inventory appraised by William Speene, Rafe Langley, Thomas Cantwell at £34. 8s.
N.B. widow of Thomas above.
96. CANTWELL William of Cumnor    1582    B.R.O.: D/A1 181:57
  Inventory appraised by William Perse, Richard Willis, Nicolas Rumbrell, Robert
Ringe and John Harris, at £59. 8s 6d., inc two mares, five colts, 23 sheep £4. 10s, 8 ewes,
6 kine £9, 5 qtrs of malt 36s, half a yardland in Wytham, 4 hogs four pigs 20s.
97. CANTWELL William of Wytham, buried Cumnor   1602    B.R.O.: Wills J.854
  To be buried in Comner churchyard.
Bequests to mother Jane Wright, Barbara Floyd, brother Thomas Wright, Joan Cantwell baseborn, daughter Judith, John Stenton, clerk minister, Adam and Joseph Cantwell for
making will, Richard Smith of Oxford leaseholder. Wife Katherine executrix.
Bequests inc. money, my best dublett, rapier and dagger, cast of hawks, two fowling
pieces, years of leasehold, poor of Comner parish and Botley.
Overseers: William Speene my uncle, and Robert.
100. CANTWELL William of Wormstall, Comner    1663    B.R.O.: A/A1 183:95B
  Elizabeth Cantwell widow of William Cantwell, granted right of administration over
late husband's goods.
Inventory appraised by John Lawton and William Godfrey, at £56. 0s. 0d., inc.
8 cows and a bull £22. 10s, 100 lbs hops £2. 10s, hay, 4 parcels of cheese £4, household
goods. Many debts paid, leaving residue of £4. 5s 6d.
101. CANTWELL Richard of Wood End    1692    B.R.O.: D/A1 184:73
  Inventory appraised by William Bradley and Henry Taylor, their marks, at £106. 15s,
inc. 17 cows, bull, 3 yearling calves, 4 flitches of bacon. Widow Elizabeth applied for
bond of administration.
102. CANTWELL Raphael of Stroud tithing    1732    B.R.O.: D/A1 59: 129
  Bequests inc. daughter Elizabeth Clanfield, daughter Mary Cantwell, son Robert executor..
Bequests of money.
His signature witn. by Ann Bradley and John Bradley.
104. CAPEL William of Cumner    1799    B.R.O.: D/A1 185: 223
  Son William Capel, Richard Smoth of Oxford victualler, and Thomas Charles Attwood of
Eynsham gentleman, apply for right to administer goods. Effects valued at less than £100.
104a. CAPEL John of Cumnor, carpenter and wheelwright    1855    B.R.O.:
  Bequests to brother Charles, George Howse, son James, wife Ann.
His house, shop, yard, garden and cottage to be let until lease ends in 1864. Cottage
called Oatlands to revert to family after decease of William Barrett.
Witn.: John Tubb.
106. CARTER George of Comner    1570    B.R.O.: Wills F. 243
  Bequests to godchildren, churches of Sarum and Comner, his children Alice, Gyllian and childe my wife goeth withall. Wife Alice executrix.
Witn.: Raffe Gunnell, Ronald Daye.
Inventory appraised by Raffe Gunnell, Ronald Daye and John Franklin at £16. 18s.
(nb. Wife Alice Chasie, m. 4.10.1561 Cumnor. As a widow she married John Ellis 1575).
382. CARTER George of Besselsleigh blacksmith    1687    B.R.O.:
  Bequests to grand-daughter Mary Waters, wife Katherine executrix; friends Joseph
Sillman of Witney and Robert Keate of Harwell to be overseers.
Witn.: Gilbert Howell, Josiah Blackwell, Elizabeth Blackwell.
Inventory appraised by Robert Morris and William Michell, at £42. 2s.
107. CARTER John of Foxcombe Hill, butcher    1726    B.R.O.: D/A1 59: 78
  Bequests to William Viner, John Viner (sons of wife Mary by former husband William Viner)
and wife's son Edward Wright by a former marriage. Wife Mary executrix.
Her signature witn. by Mary Price and John Harper.
Inventory appraised by Michael Booseley his mark and William Means, at about £50, inc.
hay rick, pile of faggots, furzrick, many household items.
109. CHURCH John of Comner husbandman    1573    B.R.O.: Wills F.381
  Bequest to brother Thomas.
Bequest of all his goods and debts.
Witn.: Sire John Wright, curate of Sunningwell, Thomas Cornishe, Edmund Orpwood and
Thomas Ellette.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Burnett, Henry Broughton, Robert Mayo and Edmund
Orpwood, at £19. 3s 4d., inc. apparel, wool, and debts owed him by brothers Robert, Thomas;
Thomas Bath of Marcham, Thomas Pinnell of Longworth. William Yronne of Fyfield and
Richard Pledd of Marcham.
110. CHURCHILL John of Comner    1567    B.R.O.: Wills F.107
  Bequests to father William, Joan Martyn to whom he had proposed marriage, Emote Madsey
who bears his illegitimate child, James Chipnam, Thomas Chipnam. Executrix: Joan Martyn.
Signature witnessed by Thomas Wood, Thomas Buxkner, Raffe Johnson, John Bissley,
Roger Sharpe and Frances Wood.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Buckner, Thomas Wood and William Churchill, inc. apparel
at 26s 8d and 22 sheep at £3. (nb. Em Madsie buried 18 days before him).
111. CLANFIELD Joseph of Cumnor   1854.    B.R.O.: D/A1 227: 77
  Maria his widow and James Smith of Appleton applied for bond of administration.
383. CLANFIELD Henry of Eaton farmer    1852    B.R.O.:
  Wife Martha. After her death or marriage, goods to be sold up and money divided between his
nine children: Thomas, Edith Hamilton, William, Henry, Mary wife of George White of
Appleton blacksmith, Martha, Rachel, and Elizabeth.
Bequest of farming business, later money (£200, £150, £100s).
Executors William Spiers of Eaton farmer, Henry Toovey of Eaton farmer.
Witn.: John Corbet, Thomas Johnson. (nb John Corbut was Appleton schoolmaster)
112. CLEEVE Edward of Wootton gent    1681    B.R.O.:
  To be buried in church of Comner.
Bequests to wife Abigail, daughter Margaret, son Alexander, Goodman Bennett of Wootton,
William Best, Richard Broughton, Francis Rose, Thomas Brickland, Michael Parker, Michael
Parker, Thomas Palmer, William Newman all of Wootton 7s 6d each; my servants Thomas
Winney and Mary Sandford 10s, to Edward Collins the boy who dwells in my house all the
worst of my clothing.
Bequests of rings, money, household items.
Overseers: Mr. John Fountain and my cousin Mr. John Payne, both of Abingdon.
Witn.: John Red, John Corderoy, Alice Corderoy.
Inventory appraised by Leonard Hawkins, Richard Vickers his mark, Michael Gardner
his mark, at £348, inc. farm and lands at Wootton.
115. COCK Henry of Cumner victualler    1784    B.R.O.: D/A1 185: 220
  His widow Ann, William Capel of Cumnor wheelwright, and Chris Walton of Oxford writer,
apply for bond of administration.
Inventory totalled £49. 9s 0d, inc. beer, rum and gin in cellar (of 'Vine' alehouse), brewing
equipment, and household effects. Debts from funeral and delivered malt, brandy, wine,
rum, meat amounted to £56. 13s 2d. N.B. He was landlord of the old 'Vine' alehouse.
115a. COULDREY John of Thameside, Appleton husbandman    1711    B.R.O.:
  Bequests to brothers Richard, Thomas and Leonard, sister Mary, cousin Henry Couldrey of
Witn.: Francis Whithorn, Elizabeth Ellis, Richard Couldrey, Will Ellis.
117. COLLIS Thomas of Wood End    1612    B.R.O.: D/A1 53: 234A
  Bequests to mother church of Sarum,, son Thomas, daughter Elizabeth, son Robert, poor of
Comner, my servants John Styles, Robert Wiggins, Joan Pyne, Joan Styles, wife Margery
and Deodatus Collis.
Bequests inc. lambs, money.
Overseers: John Ringe, John Fairbeard. Witn.: William Lane and Robert Philipson.
Inventory appraised Henry Taylor, John Gynner John Ringe at £166, inc. 44 sheep, geese.
119. COLLIS Deodatus of Wood End    1656    B.R.O.: D/A1 56: 68
  Bequests to daughter Margery, sons William, Thomas, Deodatus, daughters Mary, Frances
and Mabel, grandchild Elizabeth North.
Bequests inc. legacies, household stuff. Witn.: John Longford, Mabel Ferbertson her mark.
Inventory appraised by John Longford, Francis Peacock, John Speene his mark, Will
Cheyney, Henry Taylor, at £313. 0s 8d., inc. wheat, barley, pulse, 220 sheep £40, 5 working
horses, 18 cows and 3 bullocks £50, and household goods..
120. COLLIS Elizabeth of Wood End, widow    1660    B.R.O.: D/A1 56:22
  Bequests to daughters Margery, Elizabeth, Wright, Greathead, sons Deodatus, William,
Thomas; church of Cumner, poor of Cumner.
Executor: son Deodatus. Witn.: John Longford, Ann North her mark, Mary Styles.
Inventory appraised by Henry Taylor and John Speene, at £242. 18s 4d, inc. 200 sheep,
18 cows, one bull, 2 bullocks, 2 calves, in old wheat £16, corn in the ground £60, 6 working
horses and 4 colts £20, executor's year £60..
121. COLLIS Joane of Wood End, widow    1723    B.R.O.: D/A1 59:71
  Bequests to grandsons Deodatus Speene, Jacob Collis, son-in-law John Speene,
grand-daughters Ann and Jane Speene.
Bequests of money, funeral ring, lease.
Executors: kinsmen Rev. Mr. Thomas Collis of Oxford Univ., Charles Wright of Oxon
curryer. Her mark witn. by Sarah Woodward, Sarah Wright, John Bradley
122. COPER Edmund of Comner    1558    B.R.O.: Wills E.8
  Bequests to mother church of Sarum2d, high altar of Cumnor church 4d, sons Alexander,
Edward, daughters Alice Higgins, Denys Franklin, Dorothy Coper.
Bequests of money, goods.
Overseers: Thomas Dodd and Thomas Canley. Witn.: John Cornroy, Thomas Davis.
Inventory totalled £14. 13s 8d.
124. COX William of Whitley Farm    1838    B.R.O.: D/A1 148: 59
  Bequests to James Hutt of Cutmill near Stanton Harcourt, yeoman, sons James, Richard,
Charles, daughter Mary. Wife Mary.
Trust for children. Executors: James Hutt, wife Mary and son Richard.
His mark witn. by M.Walsh and Henry Clanfield. Value of estate under £800.
127. DAVIS John of Comner    1577    D/A1 168: 44A
  Inventory appraised by John Noble, William Speene John Buckner at £43, inc. corn in the
barn, croppe in the field £4, 7 cattle 4 bullocks and 2 calves £18.
129. DAVIS William of Hill End    1704    D/A1 239: 34
  Son William Davis granted letters of administraion over goods and chattles of his late
father, who died intestate.
130. DAVIS William of Hill End, yeoman     1717    B.R.O.: D/A1 187: 121A
  Eunice, his widow, and John Speen yeoman claim right administration over his goods and
chattels, William having died intestate.
Inventory appraised by Henry Taylor and John Speene at £10. 6s. 0d, mainly household items.
131. DAVIS Edward of Dean Court, Cumner    1722    B.R.O.: D/A1 64: 75
  Bequest to brother Silas.
Executor: Silas Davis. Witn.: Charles Howard and John Knapp.
Inventory appraised by John Nichols and Richard Riggins at £5. 9s 0d. Probate granted
to Ann Davis
132. DICKS John of Botley, labourer    1710.    B.R.O.: D/A1 169: 122 & 187: 104
  Inventory appraised by Thomas Wright his mark and Thomas Nevell at £8. 11s 2d, inc.
5 tables, fireshovel and pair of tongs, a debt of £8 due from William Rankell.
133. DOD Thomas of Wood End    1609    B.R.O.: Wills L.14
  Bequests to sons Matthew, John, Richard, daughters Jane, Joye, Maryanne.
Bequests inc. money, acre of land in Headington, lease of house.
Executor: son Matthew. Witn.: Henry Taylor his mark, Thomas Collis his mark,
Thomas Enmer his mark.
Debt to Martin Speene acknowledged.
134. DREWITT Isaac of Cumner    1852    B.R.O.: D/A1 150: 26
  Bequest to wife Nancy.
His mark witn. by William Hutt and George Howse. Estate less than £50.
141. ELLIS John of Comner    1610    B.R.O.: Wills
  To be buried in Comner churchyard.
Bequests to Comner church 3s 4d, wife Alys, godchildren, Ellin wife of Thomas Byllot,
George son of Nicolas Nichols, Thomas Draper, Frances daughter of Nicolas Nichols.
Bequests inc. money £10 and less, a cow, my apparell.
Executor: Nicolas Nichols. Overseers: William Lane, Robert Philipson.
His mark witnessed by Jasper Reede and Thomas Reede.
Additions: bequests to John Ffyge and Cumnor poor.
Inventory appraised by William Lane, Francis Wirdnam, Robert Philipson, at £112. 12s.
(nb. John Ellis m. Alice Carter widow at Cumnor 17 April 1575)
142. FARMER Thomas of Cumner, labourer    1691    B.R.O.: D/A1 190: 135
  Frances Farmer his widow, Robert Wood of Oxford gent, Robert Michel of Comner
yeoman granted bond of administration of his goods and chattels.
Inventory appraised by William Perry jun., and Robert Michel their marks, at £9. 4s 6d,
inc.a number of small debts due, some 'desperate', and household goods, 3 brewing tubbs,
3 drink barrels.
144. FLETCHER Anne widow of Chawley    1626    P.C.C.: 4 Skynner
  Bequests to grandchild Ann Drope, other five daughters of my daughter Mary Peacock,
William and John Peacock, latter her son-in-law.
Bequests inc. newest cloak, drinking bowls of silver white, silver tankard.
Executor John Peacock.
145. FLOWER Robert of Cumner    1688    B.R.O.: D/A1 190: 170
  Affidavit that Thomas Flower of Northleigh, his brother, renounced his rights in favour
of Henry Flower jun. of New Yate in parish of Witney agr., Thomas Flower sen. of Northleigh
and Anthony Stevens of Wytham yeoman.
Inventory appraised by George Eakins of New Yate and William Cowling of Finbrook at
£8. 16s. 0d., inc. executor's year of £5. 2s 6d.
147. FORSTER Anthony of Comner, Gent    1572    P.C.C.: 39 Daper
  Bequests to Robert Earl of Leicester, John son of brother Michael Forster, wife Anne,
nephew George Forster, Thomas Dudley esq., nephew Thomas Forster, Mr. Adam Squier,
godson Anthony Forster, servants Mary Edmonds, Hohn Harris, John Ellis, Mary, Henry
Michel, my butler Robert Callis, my warriner Harte, Mabel Staverton, Mayor of Abingdon
and my old acquaintance Robert Rodes..
Bequests inc. lordship of Comner manor, money, his bedding etc at the sign of the Catte and
Fidle in Fleetestrete in London, reversion of copyhold occupied by widow of George Carter,
my six song books.
Overseers: Doctor Renall of Oxford, Adam Squier of Oxford.
Executors: kinsman Thomas Selman, and wife Anne Forster.
His signature witn. by Robert Bellam physician, Anthonie Forster, Adam Squier, Henry
Greams, Nicolas Staverton, Francis Noble, John Ellis and Thomas Forster.
149. FOWLER John shepherd    1741    B.R.O.: D/A1 70: 133
  Bequests to John son of Thomas Allen of Grove, Wantage; his brother William Allen and
sister Mary Allen, Mary daughter of Robert Orpwood, Mary Orpwood now wife of
Jeremiah King of Appleton, Richard Fowler, William and Christopher Fowler, Mary
Bequests of money. Executor: kinsman John Fowler, to enjoy his lands and tenements.
Trustees: William Fowler of Baldon and Jeremiah King of Appleton.
His signature witn. by marks of Edward Dawson, John Howell and William Swan.
150. FRANKLIN John of Comner    1579    B.R.O.: Wills G.467
  Bequests to son John, daughters Dorothy, Joan, Marie, Anne; my wife.
Bequests inc. money, my tenement in Eaton called Cuttes, lease at (H)anney.
Witn.: William Smithe, John Ellis, John Beechey.
155. FRANKLIN James of Cumnor, farmer    1830    B.R.O.: D/A1 150: 117
  Bequests to my good friends John Hedges jun. of Botley farmer, Thomas Hedges of
Swinford Farm, wife Elizabeth.
The said John and Thomas Hedges to be possessed of my stock etc so that no future husband
of my said wife Elizabeth shall not intermeddle or have anything to do therewith.
Executrix: wife Elizabeth. His signature witn. by John Hedges and William Marsh..
(nb. widow Elizabeth died soon afterwards intestate; John and Thomas Hedges renounced
right of administration in favour of James's son William.
156. FRANKLIN John of Cumner, farmer    1854    B.R.O.: D/A1 151: 31
  Trustees and executors: George Long of Farmoor and nephew William Franklin of Chalgrove.
Wife to have what she brought to marriage; rest of estate to be sold up and put in Trust for
his children. Daughter Elizabeth Haynes, son John.
His signature witn. by William Franklin of Swinford Farm and William Brunner, solicitor, of
157. FREEMAN Elizabeth of Seacourt, widow    1797    B.R.O.: D/A1 27: 14
  Bequests to daughter Mary wife of Christopher Lipscombe of Wytham yeoman, daughter
Hannah wife of John Adkins of Wytham yeoman, daughter Elizabeth wife of John Adams of
Wytham yeoman, sons John and William Freeman.
Bequests of money, apparel and wedding ring.
159. GLOVER John of Whitley, yeoman    1669    B.R.O.: D/A1 73:46
  Bequests to son Richard and his wife Margery, their sons John, William and Richard;
kinswoman Joan Budworth, wife Marian.
Executors: his daughter Ann Budworth and their son.
His mark witn. by John Longford and Robert Smith his mark.
Inventory totalled £166. 13s 0d, plus £50 on crop sowd or to be sowd. 58 sheep and lambs £20,
15 cows and a bull £48, 4 horses and harness £10.
161. GLOVER Margery, widow    1707    B.R.O.: D/A1 74: 70
  Bequests to daughter Joan Couldrey, son John executor, sons William, Henry, Richard and
Robert. Bequests: pewter platters, household goods, executor's year.
Her mark witnessed by Richard Wyatt and Richard Thorn.
166. GODFREY George of Hill End, yeoman    1672    B.R.O.: D/A1 73: 57
  Bequests to sons Henry, William, brother Beechey, brother Crouch, Elizabeth Mouldern
and Richard Curson jun.
Bequests of money and legacies.
Executrix: daughter Elizabeth. Overseers: brother William Godfrey of Chawley and Thomas
Beechey of Comner. Witn.: William Davis, and Henry Ives his mark.
Inventory appraised by William Perry, Edward Paynton, Thomas Davis and James Pauling, at
£323. 18s 6d, inc. sheep £21, executor's year £50, wheat in the barn, household goods, in
bonds £207..
167. GODFREY William of Chawley    1694    B.R.O.: D/A1 73:150
  Bequests to son William, daughters Ann, Cicilia, wife Margery.
Bequests of money. Executrix: wife Margery.
His signature witn. by William Peacock, Thomas Beechey and William Godfrey his mark.
(nb. His chest tomb in churchyard records his military service for King in the Civil War)
169. GODFREY William of Chawley yeoman    1737    B.R.O.: D/A1 47: 177
  Bequests to wife Margaret, his children. Executrix: wife Margaret.
Witn.: Charles Taylor and Margaret Taylor.
170. GODFREY Richard of Chilswell yeoman    B.R.O.: D/A1 74: 200
  Bequests inc. sons Richard, Thomas, John; daughters Kilby and Collis.
Bequests of money and silver spoons. Executors: sons Thomas and John.
His signature witn. by Charles Shaw and Charles Shaw sen.
171. GODFREY Thomas of Chilswell yeoman    B.R.O.: D/A1 74: 207
  Bequests to sister Mary Kilby, sister Elizabeth Collis, sister Ann Butler, brothers Richard,
John. Bequests of £40 to sisters.
Executor: brother John. Witn.: Edward Grant and Sarah Webb her mark.
172. GODFREY Busby of Cumner, wheelwright    1789    B.R.O.: D/A1 75: 114
  Bequests to sister Mary wife of Robert Battin, Robert son of late brother Charles, Busby son of
my late brother Cary, John Battin, Margaret wife of Deodatus Stone, Mary wife of William
Capel, brother-in-law James Rixon, Ed Bedwell of City of London gentleman.
Bequests inc. chest of drawers, tenement called Ruseye in Appleton in possession of John
Beckett, tenement and lands in Appleton, money.
Executrix: wife Hannah. Witn. by John Barrett, Thomas Barrett jun., William Sessions.
173. GODFREY Hannah of Cumner, widow    1797    B.R.O.: D/A1 75:127
  Bequests to Busby Godfrey, children of late sister Sarah Barton, Sarah widow of brother
James Rixon, John and Peter King of Appleton, Jane daughter of kinswoman Elizabeth Trinder
Bequests inc. payments of £50, £30.
Executors: William Rixon, sister Hannah.
Witn.: Hannah Godfrey, John Dorne, Jane King.
175. GRIFFIN James of Chawley    1828    B.R.O.: D/A1 228:28
  Sarah Griffin, William Lakey of Oxford victualler and John Goodall of Oxford yeoman
granted bond of administration over goods of late James of Chawley. Effects did not exceed
176. GUNNELL Ralph of Comner    1582     B.R.O.: Wills G.313
  Bequests to mother church of Sarum 4d, Comner church 6s 8d., every householder that hath
not a yardland one bushel of wheat corn or malt; my kinsman John Reade, my kinsman
Robert Chipnam, his brother Thomas.
Bequests of money.
177. HALL Thomas of Botley, gent    1817    B.R.O.: D/A1 153: 55
  To be buried at Wytham.
Bequests to nephew John Stone of Oxford, nephew Richard Stone of Cumner, Mary widow
of Richard Akerman.
Bequests inc. use of house and a waggonlaod of coal from Oxford.
Witn.: John Parker of Botley, William Parker of Botley, James King late of Wytham and
nopw residing at Weston-on-the-Green.
178. HEAD Richard of Botley, tailor    1666    B.R.O.: D/A1 196:146
  Inventory appraised by Richard Thorn his mark, Hugo George his mark, and Edward
Paynton, at £6. 15s 6d., inc. household goods.
180. HEDGES John of Wood End    1790    B.R.O.: D/A1 85:144
  Bequests to Thomas Robertson and his wife Ann, Thomas Newton and his wife Mary of
Islip labourer, Thomas Davenport and his wife Sarah of Oxford tailor, son John executor.
Bequests inc. my tenement and cow common in Littlemore, payments of £60,£50,£20.
His mark witnessed by William Hicks and William Davis.
182. HODSON John of Comner tailor    1724    B.R.O.: D/A1 84:46
  Bequests to wife Mary only.
Bequests of all my free land in Comner that I bought of my father Richard, household
effects in copyhold.
Executrix: Mary his wife.
His signature witnessed by Richard Hodson, John Quainton sen. & John Quainton jun.
Will made 1716, probably at marriage.
183. HOPKINS Nicolas of Comner    1588    B.R.O.: Wills adm. H180
  Robert Hopkins of Comner baker abd Symon Dodswell of Oxon draper granted right
of administration over his goods.
Inventory appraised by William Bond, John Harris, William Ruffin and John Ellis,
(their marks) at £28. 18s 4d, inc. two kyne, four bullocks, malt, hay, corn in the field, wood in
the backside, four pigs, one calf, poultry
184. HOPKINS John of Chawley yeoman    1647    B.R.O.: D/A1 80:39A
  Bequests to poor of parish, Cumnor church, children of my only daughter Elizabeth Whome,
godson Thomas Nichols, Mary Dod and Ann Nichols my first wife's children, sister's son
Thomas Laye, wife Mary.
Executrix: daughter Elizabeth Whome. Overseer: Robert Nichols of Oxon tailor.
His mark 'H' witn.by John Curtis, William Lane.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Lane, William Perry and Henry Hutt, at £163. 5s 6d., inc.
household and agricultural items, and an appleloft.
185. HOPKINS Mary, widow, of Chawley    1662    B.R.O.: D/A1 80:114A
  Bequests to kinswomen Catherine and Mary Sharpe, brother Edmund Pewe, cousin Anne
Broughton executrix.
Bequests of money and legacies.
Her mark witnessed by John Longford and James Pawling.
Inventory appraised by William Godfrey, James Pawling, George Godfrey, at £89. 12s 0d,
inc. wood in the executor's year £30, corn £20, 4 cows, 2 bullocks.
188. HUTT Henry of Comner    1694    B.R.O.: D/A1 83:23
  Bequests to daughters Alice Quelch, Frances Cook, all my grand-children, son William
and son-in-law William Godfrey.
Bequests of money, and my biggest bible.
Executors: son William and son-in-law William Godfrey.
Witn.: Ann Blake her mark, Christopher his mark, John Bradley.
Inventory appraised at £53. 13s 2d, inc. profits of executor's year £18 and half-year rent
due, wood in executor's year £10.
191. INNESS Beisley of Cumner    1772   B.R.O.: D/A1 88: 140
  Bequests to brothers Bartholomew, Thomas; sisters Elizabeth, Mary, wife Mary executrix
Bequests of 1s 0d.
His signature witn. by Robert Allin, James Harper.
193. IVYE John of Comner carpenter    1584    B.R.O.: Wills G.426
  Inventory appraised by John Ellis, John Beechey, Henery Hedges, Robert Berdat, at
£11. 14s 4d, inc. 3 coffers and his carpenters tooles, eleven sheep, four beasts.
194. IVY Thomas of Cumner bachelor    1729    B.R.O.: D/A1 199:196
  John Ivy of Eaton labourer, John Stapeler of Oxon, their mark, granted bond of
adminstration of his goods, he having died intestate.
Inventory appraised by Richard Thornett and John Pike at £16. 1s 6d : his wearing apparel
and wages due to him from his Master £14. 15s, six sheep.
196. KEENE Jane of Chawley, widow    1597    B.R.O.: Wills J.237
  Inventory appraised by William Godfrey, Alexander Hopkins, John Noble, John Inness the
elder, at £4. 14s 0d., inc. 4 kyne, 1 goose, 1 gander, 2 hens, 1 cocke, 1 cart, 1 plowe.
196.5 KEEN Richard of Cumner (died Abingdon)    1768    B.R.O.: D/A1 201: 101
  Richard Stephens of Cumner blacksmith, Joseph Preston of Oxon victualler his mark, and Joseph Goodenough of Oxon writer given right of administration over his goods after his dying
intestate. Mary Keen his daughter to benefit.
197. KING Charles of Swinford Ferry    1697    B.R.O.: D/A1 90:147
  Bequest to his mother Jane of Little Barton, executrix.
Bequest of his goods, money bills, bonds, debts and funeral charges.
His mark witn. by Margaret Humphrey her mark, John Hasbee, Richard Ayres.
Inventory appraised by Edward Cockson, Thomas Haselby, at £14. 11s, inc. £8. 15s owed
to him.
198. KING Henry of Botley yeoman    1725    B.R.O.: D/A1 91:98
  Bequests to Sarah wife of Robert Stevens of Botley, my father John, brother Thomas.
Bequests of £30 and residue.
Executor: father John. Witn.: Thomas Howell, Thomas Barnard, Mary Stoner, William
Nichols of Botley innholder and Sarah his wife.
199. KING George of Hill End, carpenter    1731   B.R.O.: D/A1 201: 80
  Mary King widow of Hill End, Matthew King of Wytham, Thomas King of Botley granted
bond of administration.
Inventory appraised by John Gadney and Matthew King at £72. 0s 11d, inc. tools to his trade
in ye shop and in the house, as saws, axis, hamurs, chisolls, agios, plains and other things,
timbers saed for use £12, 187 foot of oak £8. 12s, 3 pigs, 3 heiffers.
200. KNAPP John the elder of Comner, yeoman    1713    B.R.O.: D/A1 18:157
  Bequests to sons Adam, John, Richard, George, daughters Mary, Elzabeth Perkins.
Bequests inc £260, £100 to add a life to lease, leasehold.
Witn.: John Harris, Henry Knapp, Thomas Knapp.
201. KNAPP Mary of Comner    1737    B.R.O.: D/A1 91:121
  Bequests to brother John and his children, sister Elizabeth, brother Adam and his daughter
Mary, Molly Knapp, Hester Easle. Executrix: sister Elzabeth.
Bequests inc. money, rings.
Her signature witn. by John Prianly, Elizabeth Tomlin, and mark of Mary Eyres.
Will made 1717.
203. LAMBERT John of Comner    1541    B.R.O.: D/A1 1: 208A
  Request for dirge and mass on seven days..
Bequests to ye mother church of Sarum, godson John son of Thomas Lambert, brother
Richard, the bellman at Deddington, the rood light at Comner, Mrs Warren, wife Margaret,
Henry Huggate.
Bequests inc. mass book, household goods, gown, shirts.
Executors: wife Margaret and Henry Huggate.
His signature witn. by Rafe Gunnell, J. Hartland, John Clerk.
Inventory appraised by Robert James of Oxford tailor, Thomas Elling, John Hawkins
and Robert Stanley, at 58s 10d, inc. household and personal items, money, sword,
riding coat.
204. LANE Edward of Comner gent    1626    B.R.O.: D/A1 202: 71
  Bequests to wife Margery, Andrew Lydall of Dalesford, Wigtowm and George Hastings
of Salesford, Wigtown.
Witn. by Margerie Lane her mark, Andrew Lydall, George Hastings..
Inventory appraised by Henry Hedges, Robert Philipson, John Ruffin and William Perry, at
£181. 1s 3d., corn in the fielde £80, 50 acres of fallow £7, 5 horses, one dung pott,
5 sheep, 1 lambe, 7 hogges, 8 pigge, hay, hurdles, household and farming items.
Debts to 40 people listed amount to £136. 1s 8d.
205. LANE Richard of Rockley, Besselsleigh yeoman    1662    B.R.O.: D/A1 202:123
  Widow Frances and John Wood of Stanton Harcourt yeoman, given bond of administration
over his goods.
Inventory appraised by John Wood and Robert Weeke at £227. 3s 2d, inc. bible, Mr. Smiths
sermons, silver.
Debts owed to him by Thomas Lane late of Bradley ('desperate'), John Lenthall gent.,
Elizabeth Hall of Marcham widow, Mr. James Marten and Ann Pryor of Besselsleigh.
207. LANE William of Comner yeoman    1680    B.R.O.: D/A1 94:93
  Bequests inc. Comner poore, sons William, Richard, John, Thomas, wife Jane executrix.
Bequests of money.
His signature witn. by Edmond Sherwood, Margaret Sherwood, Dorothy Catchaside her mark.
Inventory appraised by William Lane, John Perry, James Pawling at £162. 3s 0d., inc.
14 beasts, four horses, 41 sheepe, six flitches of bacon, executor's year £45, household
210. LANGLEY Martin of Comner    1562   B.R.O.: D/A1 201:147
  Son Martin Langley and Joan Langley granted bond of administration over his goods.
211. LANGLEY Henry of Hill End    1581    B.R.O.: Wills G.295
  To be buried in holy ground at Comner.
Bequests to poor of Comner, mother church of Sarum, sons Richard, Martin, daughter
Joan, children of William Speene, Thomas son of William Cakebread, son Ralph,
wife Margaret.
Bequests of money, barley.
Executors: wife Margaret, son Ralph. Overseers: William Speene and Thomas Marten.
Witn.: Raufe Springe curate, William Sith clerk, John Collis, Henry Hedges, John
Noble ye younger.
Inventory appraised by William Bond, William Speene, John Collis, Alexander Hopkins,
John Harris, Nicolas Rumbwell, Thomas Marten, at £59. 4s 6d.
212. LANGLEY Margaret of Hill End, Comner, widow    1593    B.R.O.: Wills I.130
  Bequests inc.son Martin, son-in-law Thomas Marten, son-in-law William Bedall, Anthony Speene, daughter Elizabeth, William Cakebread, daughter Alice servants Elizabeth and
Richard Langley, Agnes wife of Ralph Langle, maintenance of bells at Comner.
Bequests inc. chest, wheat, barley, sheep, livestock.
Overseers: son-in-law Thomas Marten, Henery Hedges of Comner.
Witnesses: Thomas Marten his mark, Henry Hedges his mark, Thomas Bedford.
Inventory appraised by John Buckner, Henry Hedges, Thomas Marten, Thomas Bedford.
at £80. 10s 0d., inc. reference to maides chamber, chamber over the hawle, servants
chamber, malt loft, milk house.
213. LANGLEY Ralph of Whitley, Cumner, husbandman    1604    B.R.O.: D/A1 202:13
  Ralph Langley of Cumner, John Langley of East Hendred husbandman and Thomas
Langley of Whitley granted bond of administration over his goods.
Inventory appraised at £40. 15s 0d. John Langley's accounts inc. 3s 4d for the shroud,
10s for his mortuary, 2s for his knell and burial, 6s bread for the poor, 40s bestowed
among his neighbours at the funeral, and £26 bond due to Henry Langley of Whitley.
214. LANGLEY Martin of Comner yeoman    1612    B.R.O.: Wills L.273
  Bequests inc. mother church of Sarum, Comner church, poor of parish, each godchild,
son John, daughters Elizabeth Jacobs, Dorothy, servants Robert Smith, John Gardner
Eleanor Machin, my shepherd Henry Stacey, wife Agnes, son Henry.
Bequests of money. Executors: wife Agnes, son Henry.
His mark witnessed by Hugh Hunt, William Lane, Jacob Broughton.
Inventory appraised by William Lane, Robert Philipson, Ralph Bond, at £230. 18s 8d,
inc. 14 rother beasts, 100 sheep, 4 draught horses, 1 colt, corn.
215. LANGLEY Ralph of Eaton, husbandman    1618    B.R.O.: D/A1 202: 49
  Widow Marion, Walter Day of Dorchester husbandman and Thomas Day of
Wolvercote husbandman granted bond of administration over his goods, he dying
Inventory appraised by Henry Hedges, Edward Dudson, John Perry and Robert Stevens
ar £80. 7s 1d, inc. farmstock, corn in the ferry ground. Accounts inc. coroner's fee
6s 8d, funeral charges 14s 8d, debts to Robert Philipson of Comner gent, Thomas
Flexney of Stanton, Isabelle Howse of Wytham, John Blackman of Comner blacksmith
judgement and execution and the under-sheriff charges £26. 16s., John Fisher the
ferryman for ferrying over the water, servants, horse, cart and the corne of the deceased
9s 10d, Thomas Sexton of More for the fishinge and waters at Bablockhythe.
216. LANGLEY Henry of Comner husbandman    1619    B.R.O.: D/A1 202:53
  Henry Weale of Sutton Courtenay yeoman, Richard West of Sutton Courtenay yeoman
and John Curteyn of Sutton Courtenay yeoman granted bond of administration over his
Inventory appraised by Henry Hedges, Edward Dudson, Richard Matthew and Henry Langley
at £39. 7s 8d.
384. LAWLEY Alice of Cumner    1618    B.R.O.: D/A1 202: 48
  Bequest to son Thomas the elder and his son Thomas.
Inventory totalling £37. 14s 4d signed by John Noble.
218. LEAVER William of Brightwell yeoman    1596    B.R.O.:
  To be buried at Brightwell.
Bequests inc. poor of Comner from debts due from Geoffrey Perry of Cumnor and his wife
Constance, brother Thomas of Mackney yeoman, wife Alice and her daughter Alice Jesset
als Wynge of Mackneye, widow, son-in-law Ralph Langley of Mackneye husbandman,
brothers Christopher, Anthony, sister Alice wife of Robert West.
Executor: brother Thomas. Overseers: neighbour Peter Small and godson William Barrett.
Inventory totalled £159. 12s 4d.
222. LEVINZE Richard of Botley gentleman    1665    B.R.O.: D/A1 202:128
  Inventory appraised by Edward Paynton et al, at £120. 18s 4d, inc. 91 sheep, 13 cows and
a bull, household and farming items. Discharges inc. funeral £10, half-year rent of Walled
House Court Farm (Seacourt) to Rector & Scholars of Lincoln College £10, debt due to
Richard Finmore of St. Giles Oxford £72. Debts exceeded inventory value.
223. LILBOURNE Roger of Farmoor yeoman    1598    B.R.O.: Wills J.300
  To be buried in church of Comner.
Bequests to mother church of Sarum, Sisleye Hawkins, sister Alice Grant, brother Thomas, godson Roger Michel, Roger Figg, Roger Hardwaie, Roger Emblin, Nicolas Grant, wife
Margaret executrix.
Overseers: Thomas Michell, William Speene and Edward Dudson.
His signature witnessed by Walter Savage, William Speene, Henry Taylor, Richard Gidge
and Edward Dudson.
Inventory appraised at £153. 8s 4d, inc. byble and other books; debt to Edward Dudson of
£45 et al, debts owed to him by my ladie Norreys £5, Mr Cafield, Mr. Bessils Fettiplace £4,
William Cantwell 3s 4d.
230. MITCHELL Elizabeth of Farmoor 1681 B.R.O.: D/A1 98:145
  Bequests to son Richard Broughton, daughters Anne Ashers, Frances Longford, Elizabeth
Towne, son-in-law Thomas Broughton, grandchildren, son Henry executor.
Bequests of money.
Inventory appraised by Deodatus Collis and John Knapp at £112. 17s 2d., inc. 20 cows and
bull, 6 hayfors, 6 hogges and 7 sows, household goods.
231 MICHEL Robert of Comner    1719    B.R.O.: D/A1 99:130
  Bequests to kinsman William Wyatt, Henry Iles of Minster, kinswoman Mary Geate of
Faringdon, John Fulbrook of Faringdon, Anthony Yeates, Henry Michel of Oxford, William
Michel formerly of Heddington, John Johnson, Mary Fellows of Reading, wife.
Kinsman John Wyatt of Appleton executor.
His mark witn. by Robert Morris, Rdward Bachelor, Francis Yeates.
Inventory appraised by Leonard Coxhead of Appleton and Thomas Savery of Appleton., at
£66. 11s 9d., inc. barley, beans threshed, hay out of the meadow, apple press, small
bonds due from William Bachelor, William Alley, John Waldron, Henry Cooper.
231A. MOULDEN Brian (Bryant) of Besselsleigh yeoman    1708    B.R.O.:
  Bequests to my aunt Katherine wife of Robert Cheer of Harwell, mr servant Sarah
daughter of Robert Costarde of Appleton, Mary daughter of Francis Collins, my
lovinge kinsman Robert Keate the elder of Harwell yeoman executor.
Witn.: John Pope, Elizabeth Pope her mark, John Wise, Robert Keate jun.
234. NEALE John of Cumner farmer    1857    B.R.O.: D/A1 159:29
  Bequests to Richard Williams of Wolvercote in trust for daughter Eleanor, wife Elizabeth.
Bequests inc. tenements at Osney, £200.
Witn.: Dan Godfrey solicitor of Abingdon, Moses Butler of Cumner brickman.
238. NICHOLS Alice of Comner, widow    1632    B.R.O.: D/A1 119:101
  To be buried in Comner churchyard.
Bequests to daughter Frances Willis, Alice Parker of Besselsleigh, church of Comner,
poor of Comner Towne, son George executor.
Her mark witn. by Thomas Drope, Edward Willis his mark.
Inventory appraised by John Ruffin his mark, John Beechey, Edward Willis and John
Willis, at £84. 18s 4d, in household and farm goods.
239 NICHOLS George of Comner yeoman    1643    B.R.O.:
  Non-cuperative will.
Bequests to church of Comner, poor of Comner Towne, maid servant Frances Smith,
sister Willis, brother-in-law Edward Willis.
Witn.: John Longford, Thomas Howell.
Inventory appraised by John Willis, John Beechy, John Ruffin his mark, Henry Hutt,
at £90. 0s 6d, inc. household goods.
241 NOBLE Joan of Comner widow    1556    B.R.O.: Wills D.129
  To be buried in churchyard.
Bequests to daughters Elizabeth, Alice, Johann, son Richard executor.
Witn.: Thomas Faffurt, curate Leare, Thomas Davis, Henry Langley, John Clarke.
Inventory appraised at £2. 12s 0d.
242 NOBLE William of Comner    1578    B.R.O.: Wills G.145
  To be buried in church or churchyard.
Bequests to sons Thomas, John, George, daughters Joan, Margaret, Frances, every church-
going cottager 2d, wife Marion executrix.
Bequests of money and goods.
Overseers: William Noble, Robert Ringe, William Speene.
Witn. by John Harris, Henry Langley, William Campion, Nicolas Nichols, William Smith,
John Ames the writer with others.
Inventory appraised at £4. 12s 4d, inc. 4 coates, 4 dubletts, 3 paire of hoose, 2 cloaks.
244 NOBLE John of Hill End yeoman    1622    B.R.O.:
  To be buried in parish church.
Bequests to son John, daughter Margaret Fortie, my servant Martin Boothe, my wife's
brother Robert Hopkins, poor of the town, parish church, wife Dorothy executrix.
Bequests of money and household goods.
Overseers: John Sambridge of Botley and William Appleby of Oxon.
His mark witn. by John Sambridge and Martin Boothe.
Inventory appraised by John Sambridge, Henry Langley, Thomas Davis, Roger Hanwell
at £103. 1s 4d., inc. household and farm items.
245 NOBLE Dorothy of Hill End widow    1631    B.R.O.:
  Bequests to my brother Robert Hopkins, god-daughter Dorothy Fortie, town and parish
of Comner, servant Martin Boothe executor.
Bequests of money and household goods.
Her mark witn. by George Box, Andrew Stringer, Margaret Box, George Box jun.,
Magdalene Box.
Inventory appraised by Adam Buckner, Robert Cantwell his mark, Thomas Daire and
Roger Hanwell, at £133. 1s 8d..
246 NOBLE George of Hill End    1723    B.R.O.: D/A1 102:168
  To be buried in church in St.Catherine's aisle.
Bequests to poor of £10 charity, daughter Hannah wife of Richard Kent, grandson Noble
Kent, William son of my late nephew Thomas Noble, children of my late neice Hannah
wife of John Coley, neice Susannah Phipps.
Bequests of money.
His signature witn. by John Bradley and Thomas Norton and Elizabeth Pawling her mark.
252 ORPWOOD Edmund the elder of Wootton yeoman    1610    B.R.O.: Wills L.114
  To be buried in Comner churchyard.
Bequests to sons Edmund, Robert, daughter Em, godsons Edmund Franklin, Edmund Pearse,
Edmund Wilde, Thomas son of daughter Nichols, wife executrix, cathedral church of Sarum.
Bequests inc. money, team of 5 working horses, furniture.
His mark. Inventory appraised at £230. 9s 5d.
253 ORPWOOD Em, widow of Wootton    1616    B.R.O.: Wills L.659
  Bequest to sons Robert, Edmund.
Executor: son Edmund. Overseers: Richard Franklin, Thomas Sherwood.
254 PALMER Ralph of Comner yeoman    1626    B.R.O.: D/A1 105: 116a.
  Bequests inc. children of sister Pawlene, brother John, poor of Cumnor, John son of kinsman
John Willis, church and ringers of Cumnor, sister Elizabeth..
Bequests inc. money, apparell.
His mark witn. by Jmes Selton, Thomas Prince.
Inventory appraised by Henry Hedges, Thomas Werdnam and Toby Pleadall at c.£240, with
debts exceeding £20. Inc. 15 beasts, one bull and a calf, 11 sheepe in the field, corn in the
barns and backside £70, beans, pease, hay, 4 flitches of bacon. Accounts inc. 20s for 2 sermons,
mortuaries 20s, to the poor 4s, for passing this account 3s 8d :total paid out £86. 13s 10d.
385 PALMER Elizabeth of Comner    1626    B.R.O.:
  Bequests to Cumnor poor, brother Ralph, Elizabeth Sayer, sister Emblyn Porter .
Executor: Thomas Price.
Inventory appraised by Robert Philipson gent, Henry Hedges, Toby Pleadall gent. Thomas
Werdnam at c.£217, inc 13 geese and other poultry.
255 PPAWLING James of Long Deane,Chawley    1683    B.R.O.: D/A1 108:25
  Brother Tobias of Newnham in Oxon, Deodatus Collis of Comner, Richard Stone
of North Hinksey,and George Noble to be his executors.
Bequests to wife Mary, son James, daughter Mary.
Witn. by John Peacock, Charles Peacock, Francis Heywood.
Inventory appraised at £411., including Long Deane farm, Mrs Painton's at Botley and
Swetman's farm: 32 cowbeasts £72, 101 sheep £30, 39 loads of hay, 10 horses and harnesses,
50 qtrs of beans £50, vetches, pulses, wheat blue pease, barley.
259 PAINTON Anne of Botley, widow    1672    B.R.O.: D/A1 107:108
  Bequests inc. my daughter Elizabeth Hodson, grand-daughters Elizabeth Towerterne, Ann Smith,
Joane Hodson, Ann Painton, Elizabeth Cantwell, grandsons Edward Cantwell, John Painton, son
Edward executor. Overseers: cousin John Painton Town Clerk of Oxford, Richard Corseteene
of Bagley Wood.
Her mark witn. by William Broughton, Edward Swadling.
Inventory appraised by William Davis and Richard Stone at £66. 19s 10d, inc. the executor's
year £50.
261 PEACOCK Mary of Chawley widow    1662    B.R.O.: D/A1 208: 138
  Inventory appraised by Thomas King and John Longford at £114. 2s 4d, inc. executor's year
at £45 on Hill End living.
262 PEACOCK John of Chawley gent.    1669    B.R.O.: D/A1 209: 1
  Inventory appraised by John Longford clerk, William Philipson and Robert Ringe at
£197. 12s 4d, inc. 101 sheep and 38 lambs on the Comon £40. 16s, 21 further sheep and
24 lambs, about 4 cwt of hops £10, crop of barley on the ground £40, of wheat £20, of
pulse £15, various horses.
264 PEACOCK Frances of Chawley widow     1669    B.R.O.: D/A1 108:104
  Bequests to son Henry, daughters Frances, Susannah, Anna, poor of Cumnor.
Bequests inc.linen, furniture, money.
Witn. by William Wright, Frances Collingbourne her mark, Stephen Bishop.
266 PEACOCK William vicar of Comner    1726    B.R.O.: D/A1 109:65
  Bequest solely to daughter Ann Peacock.
His signature witn. by William Swan and John Bradley.
Inventory appraised by William Allen and William Capel at £54. 16s 0d, inc. copper grate £3. 10s,
all in the great hall, brewhouse, ale cellar, small beer buttery.
267 PEACOCK Mary of London spinster    1760
  Bequests inc. £500 in 3% annuities to establish a charity providing for a teacher for six poor
children in Cumnor parish.
270 PERRY Joan of Comner widow    1662    B.R.O.: D/A1 107:41
  Bequests to children of son Richard, four sons of her son William, kinsman Humphrey
Dawson executor.
Her mark.
Inventory appraised by Henry Martin and John Wood at £29. 18s 0d, inc a twigge chair,
in her chamber one bedsteade with curtaines a feather bed one bolster 3 pillows with a
straw bed mat & cord one coverlid and a pair of blanket, cheese press, 3 cowes,
2 flitches of bacon, a live pigg and a few beanes.
271 PERRY William the elder of Comner yeoman    1695    B.R.O.: D/A1 108: 87
  Bequests to son Thomas, daughter Ann, son William executor.
Bequests inc. money, new pewter, furnishings.
His signature witn. by John Smith his mark, Thomas Hopkins his mark and John Bradley.
Codicil regarding children of late grand-daughter Sarah wife of William Day.
276 PHILIPSON William of Cumner gent    1698    B.R.O.: D/A1 108:98
  Bequests to Cumnor church of 40s for repairs, poor, sister Elizabeth Astrey, neices Mary
Hanks and Elizabeth Frogley daughters of my brother Robert, daughters Ann Southby and
Elizabeth Eustace, maid servant Jane Smith, nephew William son of brother Robert executor.
His signature witn. by William Peacock, Richard Wyatt, John Bradley.
278 PHIPPS Thomas of Whitley harness-maker    1693    B.R.O.: D/A1 209: 102
  Inventory appraised by at £7. 8s 0d, inc. 2 shopp boards, 3 stoll stooles, repusiell of white
entler and other working tools belonging to the trade in the shopp, chamber over shop,
kitchen items.
279 PINNOCK Richard of Comner    1663    B.R.O.: D/A1 208:151
  Inventory inc. 3 bottles & 2 skilletts in pewter nine small dishes 7 sawcers 14 spoones, a
doz of trenchards, 2 tinne candlesticks six barrell ten small vessels.
Discharged: funeral £3. 10s , to son Richard £13, to son Francis, grand-children 5s.
279a PINNOCK William of Long Deane, Chawley yeoman    1626    B.R.O.:
  Bequests to wife Lettice, sons Richard, William, daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Agnes,
godson William Ambrose.
Bequests inc. money, plot of land on which house is being built
Overseers: Henry Godfrey, Henry Ambrose.
Inventory inc. contents of cockloft, 8 stocks of bees in the garden, household items,
debts owed to him of £37.
280 PINNOCK William of Comner    1669   B.R.O.: D/A1 107: 94
  Bequests to son-in-law John Butler, grandchild Mary Butler, sister Mary Cox, kinsman
Richard Pinnock, John Gibbs executor.
Bequests of money and goods.
His mark witn. by William Godfrey et al.
Inventory appraised at £50, inc. 38 sheep £10, 17 more sheep £3. 8s, 14 lambs £2,
croppe of corne £12. 10s.
287 QUAINTON Mary of Comner spinster    1696    B.R.O.: D/A1 210: 138
  Daughter of Nicholas Quainton yeoman.
Inventory inc. moiety of messuage and half yardland with six years remaining on lease.
288 QUAINTON John of Comner    1728    B.R.O.: D/A1 20: 57
  Bequests to sons John, Edward, William, daughters Mary, Sarah, sons-in-law
John Faulkner, Thomas Cox., wife Ann. Son John executor.
Wife has estate for widowhood of £30 a year, plus third of his goods.
289 QUAINTON Ann of Comner widow    1737    B.R.O.: D/A1 110:100
  Bequests to sons John, Edward, William, daughters Sarah, Mary, daughter Ann wife of Thomas
Cox of Bletchingdon, Ann wife of John Faulkner, Richard son of John Faulkner of Beckley.
Bequests inc. one diamond ring, one large diamond, my late wedding ring, my former
wedding ring.
Witn.: by Joseph Gage, Matthew Kirry, Richard Parker.
290 RANKELL Peter of Botley    1665    B.R.O.: D/A1 113: 18
  Wife Izabell, son Henry, grandchilden Peter, Henry and Mary Rankell, Ann daughter of
Richard Wyatt, Mary daughter of Richard Pitts, sister Ursula Collier.
Bequests inc. tithes of Botley and Hillend, Botley mill, money.
Executors: Thomas Richards gent, John Pleadell gent,.
Overseers: Edward Hall bayly of Christchurch in Oxford and my kinsman John Earle.
Witn.: Edward Painter, John Hudson his mark, John Earle.
291 RANKELL Henry of Botley    1714    B.R.O.: D/A1 113:138
  Bequests to sons Peter, Henry, William, daughter Mary, grandson John Sacheverall,
sons John, Thomas.
Executor: son Thomas.
Witn.: John Bullock, Francis Clark.
Son Thomas refused to be executor and revoked his rights. Will proved by son John
and Edith Sacheverall.
293 RANKELL William of Botley victualler    1733    D/A1 211:136
  Rights of administration over goods of late William Rankle granted to his principal
creditor John Sacheverall.
295 RICHARDS James of Dean Court, higgler    1838    D/A1 161:141
  Bequests to wife Ann, sons Richard, Robert, William, daughters Hannah, Ann; Ann Hodgekins
of Oxford spinster, James son of Robert Richards.
Bequests inc. properties in Ramsden and Summertown.
Executors: wife Ann, daughter Ann and Hannah.
His signature witn. by James Westall solicitor, Ann Westall, solicitors clerk.
296 RICHARDSON John of Comner    1582    B.R.O.: Wills G.312
  To be buried at Great Coxwell.
Bequests to sons Thomas, John, Toby, Leonard, daughters Mary, Jane, Fre(......).
Bequests inc. money, livestock.
Inventory appraised at £17. 10s.
297 RIGGINS Richard of Hill End yeoman    1727    B.R.O.: D/A1 113:166
  Bequests to brothers William, Edward, wife Mary executrix.
Witn.: Edward Davis, Silas Davis.
Inventory appraised by William Harding and John Buckner at £56. 3s 6d, inc. 8 cow cattells £16. 11s
four piggs £5. 11s 6d, a horse and harness £1. 4s 6d, 3 ricks of hay £4. 10s, 3 sheep, 3 qtrs
of corne £2. 6s.
298 RINGE Robert of Farmoor yeoman    1559    B.R.O.: D/A1 110: 143
  To be buried in Comner church.
Bequests to cathedral church of Sarum 6d, to high altar of Comner church 6d, sons William,
Bequests of money, sheep.
Robert, wife Elizabeth, cousin Thomas Wood.
Executors: wife Elizabeth, son Robert.
Overseers: my loving friends William Buckner and Thomas Wallis.
Witn.: Thomas Wood and William Howse.
Estate valued at c.£60. Debts owed to him by William Horne of North Hinksey, John Noke,
John Clifford of Botley, William Smith of Abingdon, Thomas Collis of Eynsham and others.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Wood, John Noke and John Howse, included 6 silver spoons
12s, 10 horses mares and colts £10, 10 oxen £15, 16 kine and 15 oung and calves , 10 hoggs.
301 RINGE Robert of Farmoor yeoman    1606    B.R.O.: D/A1 111: 148
  To be buried in parish church.
Bequests to mother church of Sarum 4d, poor of Stroud tithing, sons Henry, William, John;
daughter Dorothie Sherry. Executor: son John.
Overseers: son-in-law Richard Sherry, Thomas Collis and Thomas Joyner.
His mark witn. by Thomas Joyner his mark, Thomas Collis his mark, Richard Sheery his mark.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Ginner, Henry Taylor and John Finline at £96, inc. household
and agricultural goods, corn in the field and grasse in the rick mead and closes £10, the
fallow at £3.
302 RINGE John of Cumner yeoman    1615    B.R.O.: D/A1 210:241
Inventory appraised by William Lane gent, Robert Philipson, John Ruffin and Deodatus Collis
at £396. 9s 10d., inc. household and agricultural goods, eg. 87 sheep £37, 14 milk kine and
one bull £42, 16 horses mares and colts £25, 7 poultry and 5 geese 8s.
Debts owed to him by John Hopkins of Chawley, John Ruffin of Cumnor, Henry Langley of
Whitley, John Sambridge of Botley, Henry Godfrey of Chawley, John Emblin of Farmoor et al.
  ROSE Edward of North Hinksey, blacksmith    1740   B.R.O.: D/A1 114: 2
  Bequests to wife Frances, son James.
Bequest inc. two tenements in St.Thomas's parish, household goods.
Executors in trust: Thomas Willmot of Oxford brewer and John Flexney of St.Thomas's parish
Oxford glover.
His signature witn. by Robert Lawson, William Mallbone and Edward Prickett.
304 ROWLAND (als PENTICOST) Thomas    1539    P.R.O.: 5 Alenger Prob/11/28
  Last abbot of Abingdon, retired to Cumnor Place.
Bequests to high altar of Cumnor church, sister Alice Stone, Thomas Cooke, my servant
Raphe Gunnell, my chaplain Master Pamphillion, Master John Stone of London, nephew
Master Sergeant, et al.
Bequests inc. vestments, money, books, two messuages in Chilton, cloth of St George,
arras hangings, black gowns, plate.
Executor Master Sergeant Latham.
His signature witn. by Richard Gunnell, William Pinde, Thomas Cooke, Richard Bentley et al.
305 RUFFIN Joan of Comner, widow    1547    B.R.O.: Wills Battell 126
  Bequests to church of Sarum, Comner, sons John, William, Steven and Richard, daughter Bess.
Bequests inc. my cow called Redlegs, household and farm goods.
Executors: sons William and Steven
309 RUFFIN John of Comner, yeoman    1662    B.R.O.: D/A1 113: 9
  Bequests to daughters Joan, Elizabeth Werdnam, Alice wife of John Smart, son John, church
of Cumnor and the poor. Executor: son John.
Bequests inc. money, household goods and livestock.
His mark witn. by Edmond Franklin, Edward Castle, John Franklin.
Inventory inc. household and farming goods, eg. 40 sheepe with wool and some hemp £12,
15 acres ploughed and ready to be sowed £12, in ready money £20.
313 RUFFIN John sen. of Cumner yeoman    1707    B.R.O.: D/A1 113:120
  Bequests to daughter Elizabeth wife of William Enstone, sons William and Thomas, poor,
wife Elizabeth executrix.
Bequests inc. £140.
Witn.: Nathan Collins, Christopher Swan his mark, Richard Matthews.
Inventory appraised at £191. 8s 0d.
314 RUFFIN Elizabeth of Cumner, widow    1714    B.R.O.: D/A1 113:140
  Bequests to daughter Elizabeth Enstone and all her children, sons Thomas and William.
Bequests of money.
Executor: son William.
Witn.: William Smith, Thomas Bradley, John Bradley.
319 SAVAGE Walter of Comner, gent    1600    B.R.O.: Wills J.653
  To be buried in churche of Comner.
Bequests to cathedral church of Oxford, poor of parish, kinsman Thomas Savage, Philip
Buckner and Frances his sister, daughter-in-law Mary Rogers of Clanfield, Elizabeth Taylor als
Chapman, poor people of Clanfield, Bartholemew Watson, wife Jane executrix.
Bequests of money, household goods, silver spoons, rent from lease.
Overseers: Thomas Dollane Esq., John Blaygrove gent.brother-in-law.
Witn.: William Ruffin, Thomas Savage, Philip Buckner.
Inventory appraised by William Ruffin, Jeffery Perry, John Elize, Thomas Savage et al, at
£114. 5s 4d.
320 SEYMOUR Nicholas    1611    B.R.O.: D/A1 117: 669
  Bequests to Cumnor church, son Edward, daughter Annes, John and William Davey.
Bequests of money, sheep, household goods.
Inventory appraised at £4. 11s 8d. inc. a cow 46s 8d, two sheep and a lamb, a sheep hook.
321 SLATTER Thomas of Cumner, shoemaker    1730    B.R.O.: D/A1 124: 19
  Bequest to wife wife Jane, executrix, son Thomas, daughters Jane, Elizabeth.
Bequests of money £20, £5.
Witn.: Dark Kings his mark, Richard Hodson.
322 SMITH Richard of Comner    1583    B.R.O.: Wills G.423
  Bequests to sons John, Rafe, William and Richard, daughters Marian, Anne, Avis and Elizabeth,
brother William and his son William,, wife Joyce executrix.
Bequests of money, sheep.
Witn.: John Beechey, William Ford.
Inventory appraised by William Ruffin, Thomas Ruffin, William Smyth, John Beechey and
William Ford at £39. 8s 4d, inc. 5 horses, two plows, 1 long cart, 1 dung cart.
232 SMITH William of Comner, parish clerk    1600   B.R.O.: Wills J.633
  Nuncuperative will in presence of Raphe Marten, Anthony Hillcocke, Thomas Savage et al.
Bequests to children, 2s 6d each, wife Joan residue.
Inventory appraised by Henry Hedges his mark, John Nevell his mark, Raphe Marten his mark,
at £22. 2s 0d.
324 SMITH Robert of Cumner, yeoman    1760    B.R.O.: D/A1 23:142
  'Somewhat indisposed'.
Bequests to sister Martha wife of John Stephens, sister Susannah Weston of Harwell,
Mistress Jane Ruffin executrix.
His signature witn. by Edward Harraden, John King, John Ayres.
325 SPEEN Thomas    1562    B.R.O.: Wills Batell 272
  Bequests to daughters Margaret, Elizabeth, Joan; sons William, Anthony; William Cantwell.
Bequests of money, tithes of Hill End and Botley mill, livestock.
Executrix: wife
Witn.: William Cantwell, John Buckner, Richard Badcock, John Wright.
326 SPEEN Emma widow    1580    B.R.O.: Wills G.302
  To be buried in Comner church by late husband Thomas.
Bequests to cathedral church of Sallesbury, Comner church, North Hinksey chapel, the poor
of Botley and Comner, sons William, Anthony, daughters Deanes Bagwell, Joan Cantwell, Elanor
the wife of Hardwick, Eme daughter of John Buckner of Botleye, housemaid Edith, my
shepherd Thomas Henshawe, Thomas Wright.
Bequests of lease of Botley mill, Hill End lease, tithes, money and goods.
Executors: sons William and Anthony.
Witn.: John Buckner, John Saunders, Thomas Hardwick, Thomas Wright his mark, Hopkins his
327 SPEEN Anthony of Botley yeoman    1589    B.R.O.: Wills H.195
  Bequests to cousin Thomas Hardwick, sister Joan Wright, sister Deance Wright, cousin
Joan Middleton, Comner church, Hinksey church, poor of Comner and Hinksey, cousin
Martin Speene, servants William and Walter Perry, son Thomas, brother William, wife executrix.
Bequests of money, goods, livestock.
Inventory appraised by William Speen, Thomas Hopkins, John Buckner and John Wright, at
£121. 0s.
328 SPEEN Katherine of Botley, widow    1605   B.R.O.: Wills K.136
  Bequests to daughters Deanes Davy, Elizabeth Sellwood, poor of Botley, Hill End and Comner,
Martin Speen, William Wilmott.
Bequests of money and household goods.
Executors: Thomas Davy. Overseers: Martin Speene, William Willmot.
Her mark witn. by William Willmot, William Harris, John Willmot.
Inventory appraised by William Speen, John Buckner, Robert Philipson and William Lane at
£112. 10s 4d, inc. glasse in the windows 16s.
330 SPEEN John of Hill End, yeoman    1702    B.R.O.: D/A1 122: 119
  Also referred to as gentleman.
Bequests to daughters Mary, Jane wife of Thomas Sayer of Horspath, daughter Frances wife of
Richard Flexon of Cumner, Elizabeth wife of William Perry of Cumner, Judith wife of
William Wyatt of Horspath, wife Jane executrix.
Overseers: cousin Thomas Ruffin of South Hinksey and son John.
His mark witn. by Henry Taylor, Anne Speen, William Peacock.
331 SPEEN Jane of Hill End, widow    1728    B.R.O.: D/A1 20: 32
  Bequests to daughters Jane Sawyer, Frances Flexon, Elizabeth Perry, Judith Wyatt, Mary Hutt,
son John, poor of Cumner parish.
Bequests of £5 and less. Executors: son John and Mary Hutt.
Witn.: Charles Wright, John Bradley.
333 SPEEN Elizabeth of Wytham, widow    1743    B.R.O.: D/A1 22: 29
  Bequests to John son of my last husband John, Mary Warner daughter of John; John son of my
second husband John Lambourne, daughter Sarah Ayres, son-in-law John Ayres, James Towne
Bequests of money, £40 and less.
Executrix: daughter Sarah Ayres.
334 STACEY Francis of Seacourt, yeoman    1692    B.R.O.: D/A1 122: 41
  Bequets to son Thomas and his children Ann, Francis, Thomas, Jane and William; son Moses,
son Henry, son-in-law Thomas Stone, wife Anne.
Bequests of money, £5 and less; share of lease.
Executors: wife Anne and son-in-law Thomas Stone.
His mark witn. by John A.Flexon, Martha Kinnix, John Greene.
Inventory appraised by Thomas Ruffin and John Flexon, at £152. 0s, inc. 46 sheep £10,
wheat £20, oats pulse and peas £12.
336 STEVENS John of Appleton    1590    B.R.O.: Wills
  Bequests to his brothers John Stevens of Eaton and Robert Stevens of Appleton; Morrice Jones
of Appleton, wife Elizabeth, sons John, Peter, Thomas, Robert and William.
Bequests of leases, money, goods.
Overseers: brothers John and Robert, and Morrice Jones. Executrix: wife.
Witn.: Peter Yeate, Morrice Jones, John Stevens, Robert Mayo et al.
He owed several family members and others sums from £4 to 20s.
Inventory appraised by Robert Mayo, John Wise, Robert Dubber, at £252. 2s 8d; lease of his
tenement valued at £123. 6s 8d.
338 STEVENS John senior of Eaton    1640   B.R.O.:
  Bequests to son Anthony, daughters Frideswide Fisher, Ann Stevens, Elizabeth Akers,
Curl Baskerville, Joan, Grace, daughter-in-law Alice, wife Marion, son John.
Bequests of £20 and less, wife's use of part of the tenement, goods.
Executor: son John.
His mark witn. by Robert Stevens and William Tubb.
339 STEVENS Richard of Cumner, blacksmith    1672    B.R.O.: D/A1 214: 158
  Inventory appraised by William Perry, William Godfrey and Thomas Beechey, at
£135. 10s 0d, inc. owing on the shop book £37, due in bonds and bills £35, in several
debts £16. 17s., 2 hoggs £2, the sheep £1, tools belonging to the trade.
342 STEVENS Richard of Cumner, blacksmith    1730    B.R.O.: D/A1 216: 109
  Peter Stevens of Abingdon wheelwright and Thomas Winsome of Abingdon tanner
granted bond of administration over his goods and gave their marks.
Inventory appraised by Ambrose Collins and Benjamin Timbrell at £15. 6s 0d, inc. executor's
year due on his lands and houses £11.
344 STEVENS Richard of Cumner, blacksmith    1788    B.R.O.: D/A1 125: 140
  Bequests to daughter Mary wife of Francis Yeates, son William and his three daughters
Eleanor, Mary and Elizabeth. Executor: son William.
Bequests of freeholds and money.
Witn.: John Smith, Alan Pimm, Richard Stevens, James Harper.
Estate less than £100.
345 STONE Richard of North Hinksey gent    1675    B.R.O.: D/A1 121: 72
  Bequests to daughter Katherine, wife, 'brother and sister Blaye's four children Ann, Ralph,
|Joseph, Marey, father Richard, father-in-law Thomas Strainger.
Bequests of money. Executors: father Richard and father-in-law.
His mark witn. by Mary Stiles her mark, Edward Paynton.
Inventory appraised by James Pawling, William Strainge, Joseph Bleay, at £267. 9s 0d.,
inc. 140 sheep £40, 17 cattle £40, household and farming goods.
346 STONE Richard of North Hinksey yeoman    1686    B.R.O.:
  Bequests to daughter Ann Bleay, wife Sarah, poor of North Hinksey, son Richard,
Bequests of money
Trustees: William Perry, Thomas Ruffin. Executors: wife Sarah and son Richard.
Signature witn. by Thomas Howell, Richard Broughton senior and junior.
347 STONE Richard of Cumnor    1784    B.R.O.: D/A1 216: 251
  Ann Stone widow, Thomas Townsend of South Hinksey farmer, and William Townsend of
Oxford stablekeeper grant right of administration over his goods and chattels. Her mark.
Inventory appraised, inc. goods at Hill End lease, Chawley Farm, Perry's Farm and Home
Farm. Dated 1788. Bonds repaid, totalling £875, inc. Dudson Rawlings.
348 STONE Rachel of Cumner, widow    1814    B.R.O.: D/A1 161: 99
  Bequests to her nine children: Rachel wife of Richard Allen, Ann Morrell, Elizabeth wife
of John Beesley, Jane wife of Henry Carr, sons William, Richard, Thomas, Deodatus, John.
Bequests chiefly of £100.
Executors: sons Richard and Thomas.
Witn.: William Slatter of Merton College, John Miller of Abingdon, gent.
351 TAYLOR Alice of Wood End, widow   1669    B.R.O.: D/A1 218: 22
  Inventory appraised by Francis Peacock and Thomas ( )issy at £94. 4s 10d, inc. household
goods, 25 sheep and 54 lambs £6, a flitch of bacon 15s 4d, corn in the barn £18.
Discharges by son Henry totalled £105, inc funeral £10.
352 TAYLOR Henry of Wood End, yeoman    1728    B.R.O.: D/A1 219: 10
  Esther Taylor of Botley, John Taylor of Botley and Richard Taylor of Botley granted bond
of administration over the goods and chattels of deceased, who died intestate. Richard signs,
other two mark.
Inventory appraised by John Speen and Thomas Toune his mark, at £132. 3s 6d, inc. team
of horses £20, the barley £30, hempen sheets, pair of Holland sheets 8s.
354 TRINDER John of Cumner, yeoman    1782    B.R.O.: D/A1 130: 176
  Bequests to sons Richard, Thomas, James, daughter Sarah wife of John Hutt, daughters Mary,
Hester, Elizabeth, Cassiah, Dinah
Bequests of money £100 and less..
Executor: son Thomas.
Signature witn. by William Harting, Hannah Harting her mark, James Harper.
355 TRINDER James    1810    B.R.O.: D/A1 163: 76
  Bequests to brothers John, Richard, Thomas, sister Mary wife of Thomas Ward,
sister Sarah widow of John Hutt, sister Elizabeth wife of John Battin, wife Binah.
Bequests of money, 5s.
Executrix: his wife.
Witn.: John East his mark, James Cooper his mark, James Harper.
357 TUBB William of Farmoor, yeoman    1775    B.R.O.: D/A1 219: 60 (and 71)
  William Tubb of Farmoor yeoman, John Tubb of Farmoor yeoman, William Dry the younger
of Oxford tailor and Levi Hill of Oxford tailor granted right of administration over his goods
and chattels, he having died intestate. Effects under £600.
Ann West, William's widow, renounced her rights in 1790.
361 TURNER Thomas of Cumner yeoman    1805    B.R.O.: D/A1 163: 62
  Bequests to grand-daughters Hannah and Elizabeth Warner, grandson Thomas Warner. Their
father Robert Warner to keep money secure till they reach 21. Daughter Susanna.
Bequests of money £20 and less.
Executrix: daughter Susanna.
His mark witn. by John Smith and Ann Sherwood her mark. Effects under £300.
368 WERDNAM Tobias of Cumner yeoman    1709    B.R.O.: D/A1 139: 147
  Bequests to sister-in-law Ellenor Grounham and her six children, his wife Elizabeth.
Bequests of 1s each. Executrix: wife Elizabeth.
Signature witn. by Christopher Swan his mark, Thomas Ruffin and John Quainton.
Inventory appraised by William Perry his mark, Thomas Aldsworth, at £38. 7s 0d.,
inc. 2 acres and half of corn growing in the ground £5, 2 cows and 31 sheepe £8,
household and farming goods.
369 WHITE Thomas of Comner, tailor    1628    B.R.O.: (fiche 10060: 473)
  Memorandum that whereas Thomas White of St. Magdalen parish in suburbs of Oxford
likely to cause trouble and a charge upon his father Thomas, he agrees to grant and sell
to his father certain apparell and 50s.
Witn.: John Longford, Edward Bond and Thomas White his mark.
372 WILLIS Edward of North Hinksey    1727    B.R.O.: D/A1 138: 98
  Bequests to daughters Hester Brooks, Margaret Willis, wife Hester.
Executrix: wife Hester.
373 WINTER Thomas of Swinford Ferry, yeoman    1766    B.R.O.: D/A1 224: 175
  Hester Winter of Cumner widow and John North of Woodstock granted bond of
administration over his goods and chattels, he dying intestate.
378 WRIGHT Thomas of Botley, victualler    1666    B.R.O.: D/A1 222: 84
  Inventory appraised by Francis Peacock and Edward Painton, at £47. 14s 4d., inc.
horse worth £3,3 sheep and 2 hogs £2. 5s, household goods, pewter ware, timber in
ye wharf and faggots lying in Henry Ruffin's backside at Hinksey, executor's year £10.
Discharges £66, inc. physick, apothecary and physician £1, debts to family members, and
to brewers Haywood and Tipping of Oxford £11. 2s 6d.
379 WYATT Richard of Comner, yeoman    1718    B.R.O.: D/A1 224: 22
  John Baptiste de Bellfoss of Oxford gent, John Wyatt of Cumner yeoman and Edward
Prickett of Oxford granted bond of administration over his goods, he dying intestate.
Addition that Joan Wyatt of Appleton, widow, having received half of late husband's
estate and recognising dissention and misfortune among some of her generation,
renounces her half in favour son John Wyatt of Appleton yeoman who already held
other half.