Cristina completed her undergraduate studies in Chemical Engineering at Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania, in 2009. She spent one year at Ecole Polytenhnique Paris as an Erasmus student, undertaking courses in Organic Chemistry and doing a research project with Dr Joelle Prunet, on the synthesis of nucleoside analogue precursors. She was then awarded a scholarship at Ecole Polytecnique to undertake a Molecular Chemistry Masters, which she completed in 2010. During this time she worked in the lab of Prof. Zard exploring the uses of xanthate chemistry for the synthesis of natural products and allyl hydrazines. She then moved to London, to do her PhD in the group of Dr Jamie Baker, at University College London. Here, she developed novel maleimide reagents for the site-specific modification of therapeutic proteins. Since 2014, she has been a post-doctoral researcher, working on a joint project between the Chemistry department (Prof Davis) and Oncology Department (Prof Vallis and Dr Cornelissen). Her work focuses on the design and synthesis of radiolabelled immunoconjugates for in vivo PET imaging of DNA damage response processes. Outside the lab, she enjoys baking, making greeting cards and classical music.
Last updated: 18-04-16
Prof Benjamin G. Davis
University of Oxford
Chemistry Research Laboratory
Mansfield Road
Oxford, OX1 3TA, UK
Phone: + 44 (0)1865 275652
Fax: + 44 (0)1865 275674