Filip Wyszynski boasts the unique virtues of a traditional Polish upbringing set in the urban delight that is Birmingham, West Midlands. The loss of the distinctive Brummie accent has saddened him greatly, although some would argue this is probably for the best. He left behind the windswept aromas of chocolate from the nearby Cadbury [and smog from the nearby Rover] factories, to study Natural Sciences at Cambridge University. Following his matriculation at Corpus Christi College in 2002 Fil witnessed his interest for organic chemistry and biochemistry blossom, despite the unique rigours of the Cambridge social life. He graduated with an MSci in 2006 with a final specialism in chemistry.
Following a three month exile in New Zealand and Australia to reflect over his impending defection, Fil moved to Jesus College in Oxford in early 2007 to commence his DPhil. Although initially awed by the brand new edifice of the CRL and its glass everything, he soon settled to the task at hand. Over the course of his DPhil his project has evolved into something truly interdisciplinary, providing much excitement and the opportunity to learn a wide range of cutting-edge techniques across many facets of chemical biology. In his spare time, Fil enjoys skiing, college rugby and the occasional adventure on the Oxford Tube.
Last updated: 19-04-10
Prof Ben G. Davis
University of Oxford
Chemistry Research Laboratory
Mansfield Road
Oxford, OX1 3TA, UK
Phone: + 44 (0)1865 275652
Fax: + 44 (0)1865 275674