Elizabeth Frazer

Doctoral Theses Supervised




2005 Ben O’Loughlin, New College, The Diffusion of Ideas: Ideas of ‘the market’ in public policy in US and UK 1968-92.  Ben O’Loughlin, Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Wales Swansea, and Visiting Fellow, Department of War Studies, Kings College London. ben_oloughlin@hotmail.com


2005 Emma-Jane Watchorn, Merton College, Citizenship in School.    emmajane.watchorn@citizenshipfoundation.org.uk;  Citizenship Foundation - Welcome


2000  Douglas Wolfe, St Anne’s College, Participatory Liberalism: participation and contemporary liberal thought   Douglas Wolfe, Privy Council Office, Ottawa,    dwolfe@pco-bcp.gc.ca


1998  Annie Chan, St Antony’s College  Middle Class Formation in Hong Kong: the role of boundary work  Annie Chan, Lingnan University, Hong Kong


1997  Laurie Bernotsky, Lincoln College  A Step into Politics: Concerned Women for America and Political Mobilisation of Traditional Women  Laurie Bernotsky, University of Westchester


1996  Myra Hird, St Cross College, Female and Male Adolescent Negotiation of Violence in Relationships.     Myra Hird: Queens University, Kingston, Ontario  http://www.queensu.ca/sociology/Faculty/Hird.htm  


1994  Nina Wakeford, Nuffield College   A Degree of Risk: a study of mature students  Nina Wakeford, University of Surrey








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