I am a member of St Ebbes Church, Oxford and have been for the last 3 years, after attending a series of meetings called the Tavern, in which the basics of the Christian faith are explored in small groups in a pub. This provided me the opportunity to consider the truths about the life of Jesus and the consequences for me. I had never taken the time to think through what the consequences of his claims and death on the cross meant for me. When I did stop and think I realised that the only response I could make was to ask for forgiveness for my rebellion against God and trusting that on the cross Jesus took the just punishment for my sin.
I am currently studying for a DPhil in Materials Science at the Department of Materials, at the University of Oxford. My Project involves looking at the response on cells in vitro to various Biomaterials surfaces. It is a multidisciplinary approach involving work on the preparation of material surfaces and deposition of Calcium Phosphate along with the culture of cells on these surfaces to assess the cell response.
Other interests include Rowing - I am a sculler at heart and currently trying out
doubling But have raced in college eights for the last few years - including both Exeter
College and Wolfson college first eights. I am a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, as I can row,
cox and scull, but a master of none.
I am also interested in running and cycling and I have also just returned from a 3 and a half
week cycling trip to Pakistan along the Karakorum Highway