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I joined the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and
Phonetics in October 2006. These are my previous posts.
- British Academy Post Doctoral
Research Fellow, University of Cambridge, October 2003 - October 2006
(Intermitted between October 2005 - June 2006).
- Bye-Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, October 2003 -
October 2006.
- Temporary Lecturer in Italian Linguistics, University of
Cambridge, October 2005 - June 2006.
- Visiting Lecturer in Clinical
Linguistics, Department of Human Communication and Deafness, University of
Manchester, February - June 2003.
- Visiting Lecturer in Italian, School of Management, Community and Communication, University College
York St John, February - June 2003.
- Research Assistant on ESRC-funded project on
bilingualism, University of Manchester, September
- December 2002.
- Italian Lettrice, University of Hull, February - June 2002.
for Linguistics and Philology - Walton Street - Oxford - OX1
2HG – All contents Copyright © Sandra Paoli, Last
modified December 2011.