
I have been a fellow of St
Antony's College
and a member of the History Department at the University of Oxford
since 2004, after having spent the previous twenty-five years teaching
in the USA. For most of this time I taught at the women's liberal arts
college of Bryn Mawr, to which I retain my association as an emeritus
professor. Since I took both my undergraduate and
graduate degrees at Oxford in the 1960s/70s, I am now back home in a
double sense. Before I finally
committed myself to an academic career, I was research assistant to the
venerable historian Amold Toynbee, and I also worked freelance in
journalism and the publishing industry for a few years. But after I
received my doctorate in 1974, I went back to academia, and taught at
the University of Cambridge for several years. There I helped establish
one of Britain's first university courses in women's studies, a field
I've remained interested in alongside my primary work in European
history. |
My main research field has been the history of Nazi Germany,
and most of my publications are in this field, although I've had a
subsidiary interest in the history of women and of sexuality, and I
have now also moved into other fields of interest. My most recent
publications in the field of German history include an edition of a
memoir by
Gabriele Herz, a
German Jewish woman who was detained in an early Nazi concentration
for women, Moringen, in 1936/7: Gabriele
Herz, The
Women's Camp in Moringen. A Memoir of Imprisonment in Germany 1936-1937
(New York/Oxford Berghahn Books 2006); a collection of
essays on the history of Nazi Germany in the Oxford University
Press the
Oxford Short History of Germany series, Nazi
Germany (Oxford, OUP 2008); and, with Nikolaus Wachsmann, Concentration
Camps in Nazi Germany. The New Histories (London/New York,
Routledge 2010).
My other principal interest is in the history of individual identity
and identity
documents, and this is the focus of my current research. I began by
looking into the history of tattoos as marks of identity; this work has
been published in a collection I edited, Written on the Body: The
Tattoo in European and American History (Princeton
University Press and
Reaktion Books, London, 2000). I have also co-edited, with John Torpey,
a further collection
of essays on many aspects of the history of identification, Documenting
Individual Identity : The Development of State Practices in the Modern
World (Princeton University Press, 2001). Since 2008 I
have convened IdentiNet, an
International Network on the history of individual identity
documentation funded by a grant from the Leverhulme Trust, in
collaboration with Professor Edward Higgs (University of Essex).
I am currently working on the proof
and policing of invididual identity in Nazi Germany, most recently as a
fellow at the Max
Planck Institute for the History of Science in Spring 2011. I have
been an editor
of History Workshop Journal
since the 1970s.
My teaching tends to follow my research interests,
and I have always enjoyed working in cross-disciplinary courses and
other kinds of
team-teaching. At Oxford I contribute to undergraduate teaching in the
field of 20th-century European history, including the Special Subject
on Nazi Germany and the Further Subject on 'Culture, Politics and
Identity in Cold War Europe'. At the graduate level I currently
co-teach the option on 'Europe in the 20th Century. National,
Transnational and International Histories', and I
also teach on the faculty's 'Theory and Methods' course for first-year
graduate students. Among my
other academic activities I co-organize the History Faculty
seminar in
Modern German History and sit on the Steering Committee of the Modern European History
Research Centre. At St Antony's College I am Director of the European Studies Centre.
Not long ago someone asked me to describe in a few words what kind of a
historian I am - he wanted to know how I would place myself
intellectually in what is now a very diverse discipline. My answer was
that I thought of myself as an eclectic historian, i.e. not someone who
is committed to only one way of thinking and doing the subject. I think
this reflects an attempt to integrate all the ways in which a sense of
history has influenced me - my childhood fascination with the past
because, perplexingly, it was no longer there but somehow still with
us; a rather formal 1960s Oxford training in empirical history; the
period I
spent working with Arnold Toynbee, who was simultaneously a
academic, a man of formidably wide historical knowledge, and an
intellectual maverick; my exposure over the years to the intellectual
changes in the discipline, which have left me with a desire to try to
understand new and unfamiliar ideas before passing judgment on them; my
involvement in political activism of various kinds, from political
parties to trade unions to the feminist and gay movements, backed by a
consciousness of the history of popular politics; finally, a scepticism
and irreverence for dogmatic excess, which I hope isn't incompatible
with a firm commitment to certain principles of justice and humanity.
Since I hope that these will be better practiced in the future than
they have been in the past, it has always seemed to me to be very
instructive to study how (to paraphrase the words of a famous
historian) we do make our own history, yet not under conditions of our
own choosing but always with the weight of the past upon us. To me this
means that if we can understand that past we may also free ourselves
from some of its burdens.
you want to contact me about any of these topics, please email me at jane.caplan@sant.ox.ac.uk. |