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Recent publications:
If you would like a pdf of any of these, please email me at janet.dyson at mansfield.ox.ac.uk
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan, G.
Webb, Global existence and boundedness of solutions to a model of chemotaxis,
submitted to Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena.
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan, G.
Webb, A spatial model of tumor growth with cell age, cell size, and mutation
of cell phenotypes, to appear in Mathematical Modelling of Natural
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan,
G. Webb, An age and spatially structured model of tumor invasion with
haptotaxis II, to appear in Mathematical Population Studies.
- J. Dyson, E. Sanchez, R.
Villella-Bressan, G. Webb, An age and spatially structured model of tumor
invasion with haptotaxis, Discr. Cont. Dyn. Sys.-B, 8, (2007), 45--60.
- J. Dyson, E. Sanchez, R.
Villella-Bressan, G. Webb, Stabilization of telomeres in nonlinear models
of proliferating cell lines, J Theoretical Biology 244 (2007) 400-408:
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan,
G. Webb, Asymptotic behavior of solutions to abstract logistic equations,
Math Biosci., 206, April 2007, 216-232, (Arino Special Issue),
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan,
G. Webb, The evolution of a tumor cord cell population, Communications on
Pure and Applied Analysis, 3, (September 2004) 331-353
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan,
and G.F. Webb, The steady state of a tumor cord cell population, with
maturity, proceedings of the DCDS Workshop, Discrete and Continuous
Dynamical Systems - Series B, 4, February 2004, 115-134.
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan,
and G.F. Webb, A semilinear transport equaion with delays, International
Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 32 (2003) 2011-2026.
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan,
and G.F. Webb, Asynchronous exponential growth in an age structured
population of proliferating and quiescent cells, Math. Biosci., 177&178
(2002) 73-83.
- J. Dyson, R.Villella-Bressan,
and G.F. Webb, A Maturity structured model of a population of proliferating
and quiescent cells, Archives of Control Sciences, 9 (XLV)(1-2), 1999,
- J. Dyson, R.Villella-Bressan,
and G.F. Webb, A nonlinear age and maturity structured model of population
dynamics. I. Basic Theory. J.Math.Anal.Appl. 242 (2000), 93-104.
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan,
and G.F.Webb, A nonlinear age and maturity structured model of population
dynamics. II. Chaos. J.Math.Anal.Appl.242 (2000), 255-270.
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan,
and G.F. Webb, An age and maturity structured model of cell population
dynamics, Mathematical Models in Medical and Health Sciences, Mary Ann Horn,
Gieri Simonett, and Glenn Webb (eds.), Vanderbilt University Press,
Nashville,TN (1999) ISBN 0-8265-1310-7.
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan,
and G.F. Webb, Hypercyclicity of solutions of a transport equation with
delays, JNA TMA, 29 (1997) 1343-1351.
- J. Dyson, R. Villella-Bressan,
and G.F. Webb, A singular transport equation modelling a proliferating
maturity structured cell population, Canad. Appl. Math. Quar.,4 (1996),

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