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Laura Vossen

Laura Vossen
Tel: +44 1865 271245

I am a visitor from the Netherlands, where I am a student in the Topmaster Evolutionary Biology at the University of Groningen. I am in Oxford for a Msc research project on contrast learning and sperm allocation in the red jungle fowl, co-supervised by Prof. Kacelnik and Dr Tom Pizzari of the EGI.

During my first Msc project, I made an individual-based model of the co-evolution of mate choice, extra-pair mating and parental care under supervision of Dr Tim Fawcett and Prof. Franz Weissing at the theoretical biology group in Groningen. Although my Msc projects suggest a strong interest in sexual selection, I am broadly interested in the evolution of behaviour, and research in this field that links experiments with mechanistic models. I am particularly fascinated by questions about the evolution of cognition.

While in Oxford, I am supported by the Marco Polo Fund and the Groningen University Fund.

Outside science, I love to play the violin and viola (simultaneously of course) in various musical groupings.


Vossen, L. E. (2008) “Mate choice and extra-pair mating in species with biparental care” Unpublished Msc project report, University of Groningen. (Presented at the EGI Student Conference, January 2009)

Vossen, L. E. (2007) “The evolution of increased brain size” Unpublished Bsc thesis, University of Groningen.