Field Research
"Crow Cams": Movie clips
The table below provides links to four movies taken from our crow cams, accompanying the paper by Rutz et al. (2007). Movie S1 is provided at both high and low quality, whereas Movies S2-S4 are only provided at low quality. Please contact to request high quality versions of all files. All movies are in Quicktime (.mov) format.
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Movie S1 [high: 96MB] [low: 13MB] |
Movie S2 [low: 26MB] |
Movie S3 [low: 30MB] |
Movie S4 [low: 6.4MB] |
Compilation various subjects |
Case Study 1 crow 'CC1'; scenes in temporal order |
Case Study 2 crow 'EK1'; scenes in temporal order |
Case Study 3 crow 'HK5'; scenes in temporal order |
Scene | ||||
1 | extracting and eating snail | capturing lizard; ground foraging | overlooking study area | flight |
2 | handling snail | tool manufacture; tool use | manufacturing tool 'A' | ground foraging |
3 | flight; picking fruit; consumption on ground | capturing lizard | using tool 'A' | ground foraging |
4 | capturing lizard | ground foraging | flight | branch-to-branch hopping; flight |
5 | tool use in loose substrate | capturing lizard; long-distance flight | using tool 'B' | other crow in view; flight |
6 | long-distance transport of tool | eating fruit | walking with tool 'C' | landing on ground next to other crow |
7 | tool use in dead wood | handling snail | using tool 'C'; prey extraction | handling fruit on ground |
8 | ground hopping | handling snail | long-distance transport of tool 'C' | branch-to-branch hopping |
9 | branch-to-branch hopping | flight; picking fruit; consumption on ground | walking with tool 'C' | |
10 | inter-perch flights | flight; investigating fruit; flight | using tool 'C' | |
11 | settling at night roost | walking with tool 'C' | ||
12 | walking with tool 'C' |
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