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OU Korfball Club

The Oxford University Korfball Club is the oldest university Korfball club in the country having been established just over 30 years ago and is the oldest club outright in Oxfordshire. The rounded nature of the sport means our club ranges from freshers to PhD students and of course split between guys and girls. We're pretty fun-loving but competitive nevertheless and along with the Oxfordshire league, the BUCS tournaments and Varsity match every year are a BIG deal. While admittedly one of the lesser known half-blue sports, Korfball definintely stands as having one of the most exciting track records of late where both Cambridge and Oxford's 1st teams are top15 in the country (and ascending) and the last three Varsity matches were all decided by a single point!

Most of our players have never played Korfball before coming to Oxford and we're a club who care a lot about being as inclusive as possible for beginners so don't worry if you're not sure whether it's your sport for definite, just come and give it a try!

What is Korfball?

Korfball is the Dutch cousin of Basketball and Netball. It's a mixed-gender sport which emphasises team work rather than how tall you are! Movement with the ball is less limited than Netball and although you can shoot from anywhere in the attacking half, players cannot shoot if closely marked. This means your team must work together to create space to score by either beating the opposing teams defence or shooting from distance. Teams of 8 are made up of 4 boys and 4 girls and they are split evenly into attack and defence halves of the court and change every two goals, meaning they have to be able play in every position.

For a higher level look at club Korfball, check out this commentary from the final of the EKL (a couple of tiers above what we play!)

Committee for 2023/2024

Jack Whitehead
Jacob Thompson
Isobel Howes
Matt Strutton
(Social Secretary)
Alejandro Fernandez
(Welfare Rep and Tournaments Secretary)
Saskia Proud
(Kit Secretary)
Lizzie Jones
(1st Team Captain)
Anežka Macey-Dare
(Alumni Secretary)
(2nd Team Captain)
Emily Hesselink
(IT and Publicity Secretary)
Lennie Nucinkis
(Transport Secretary)