Born 1946, Birmingham UK. Married, with three daughters
1. Current position
Since 2001, Assistant Director of Oxford University Computing
Services, and head of Information and Support Group.
Manage 30+ staff, reporting to Director of OUCS.
Responsible for policy development, budgetary control, and strategic
planning across the largestof OUCS four groups, comprising the
Research Technologies Service, the Help Centre, Information
Services, and other sections. Provide
consultancy and training. Responsible for Oxford participation in
several international research projects, notably the Text Encoding
Initiative (TEI). Continued management of the British National Corpus project.
2. Recent research activities
MASTER (Manuscript access through standards for electronic
records): Funded 1998-2001 under the EU Libraries Programme, this
project devised and tested an XML standard for the detailed
description of manuscripts. I was responsible for development and
maintenance of the standard, and associated software. (See
Memoria: I was a partner in this EU funded digital library,
producing several working papers on delivery mechanisms for
textual material in collaboration with the Bibliotheque Nationale
de France (1994-5)
AHDS Feasibility Study: Together with Harold Short (Kings
College London) I carried out the detailed feasibility study which led
to the establishment by the JISC of the Arts and Humanities Data
Service (1994-5)
SARA (SGML Aware Retrieval Application): With the aid of a British Library Research Award
(1993-4) I designed a powerful SGML-aware text indexing and
concordancing system, appropriate to the needs of largescale
language corpus projects (see
BNC (British National Corpus): This 100 million word corpus of
British English, both spoken and written, was created by an
academic/industrial consortium with joint DTI/SERC funding between
1990-1994. I was responsible for Oxford University's participation in
the project, in particular the design of its encoding scheme and
management of the local development team, and remain responsible
for maintenance and worldwide distribution of the corpus: a second
edition was published in 2001 (see
TEI (Text Encoding Initiative): The TEI was set up as an international project to
develop methods for the encoding and interchange of machine-readable texts intended for literary,
linguistic, historical, or other textual research in 1988 with funding
from the US National Endowment for the Humanities, the Canadian Social
Science Research Council, the Mellon Foundation, and the EU
Language Engineering Programme. I was appointed TEI
European Editor in 1989, and have been a key figure in the
establishment and development of the standard ever since,
participating in a very wide range of teaching and advisory
activities, working with many scholars and experts worldwide, and
most recently active in the re-establishment of the TEI
Consortium, a not for profit membership body charged with
continued maintenance of the standard (see
3. Teaching and training experience
Regular short courses and workshops on SGML and the TEI, and on the
BNC and corpus linguistics. Recent examples include TEI Workshops
organized for the Cervantes Digital Library at the University of
Alicante in November 2000; for the Ontario Library Association in
Canada, August 2000; Text Encoding Summer School at Oxford
(annually, since 1997); the TEI and Corpus Encoding Workshop at
SSLMIT (May 2001; Nov 1999; May 1998; April 1997); a series of
two-day workshops on the encoding and cataloguing of Medieval
Manuscripts held as part of the MASTER Project in Milan, Paris,
Vilnius, Prague, Sofia, and London during 2001;
Some other recent training events include:
One day TEI workshops: Cambridge, September 2000; Oxford, July 2000; LDV Conference, Frankfurt, July 1999; Academica Sinica, Taipei, Jan 1999; Arnamaegnean Inst.,
Reyjavik, Sept 1998; Electronic Publishing
1998, Nantes, February 1998; EBTI Conference, Kyoto, October 1997;
PELCRA Workshop, Lancaster, Dec 1997;
BNC Introductory seminars: Paris, July 2000; Trondheim, February 1999; Warwick,
January 1998; Chemnitz, February 1998; Lodz, April 1997; Soria,
July 1997;
Invited keynote lectures: Mumbai, April 2001; Lyon, March 2001; Graz, July 2000; Duisburg, 29 June, 2000; USC, Feb 1998; University of
Georgia, March 1998;
4. Academic qualifications and appointments
2000- Member of TEI Consortium Board
1999- Standing Committee, Digital Resources in the Humanities
1996- Editorial board, Text Technology
1998- CEDARS Project Advisory Board
1996- ALLC Committee member
1996- Consultant for Evaluation of Corpora to ELRA
1992-94 Management Committee, UK SGML Project
1990-92 Member Editorial Board, Chadwyck-Healey's
English Poetry database
1988-92 Management Committee, CTI Languages and Literature Project
1987 Visiting fellowship Max-Planck Inst. fur Geschichte, Goettingen
1987-8 External Examiner, University of Southampton
1987 Elected member Wolfson College Common Room
MA (1979), M Phil.(1973), BA 1st class (1968) in English Language and Literature, Balliol College Oxford.
Since 1994 I have regularly reviewed research applications for the
EPSRC, and also, more recently, for the AHRB.
5. Employment History
- 1995-2001
Oxford University Computing Services Manager Humanities
Computing Unit (the HCU was disbanded as part of a reorganization
of OUCS in 2001)
- 1974-1995
Oxford University Computing Services Applications Programmer
Set up and managed Oxford Text Archive
Developed a range of software, consultancy, and training services
Obtained major national and international funding for research
projects (e.g. British National Corpus, Text Encoding
- 1972-1974
University of Malawi: Lecturer in English
Taught introductory courses on English and African literature
Developed creative writing and publishing courses
- 1970-1972
Research Student, MPhil 19th century English Studies, Oxford University
- 1965-1968
Undergraduate Student, English Language and Literature, Balliol College, Oxford
6. Publications
6.1. Books and monographs
2000 [ed. with Tony McEnery] Rethinking
language pedagogy from a corpus perspective Peter Lang
Lodz Studies in Language
1998 [with Guy Aston] The BNC Handbook:
exploring the British National Corpus with SARA
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
1998 [ed. with Marilyn Deegan and Harold Short]
The Digital Demotic London: Office for Humanities
1994 [with Harold Short] An Arts and
Humanities Data Service (Report of a feasibility study
commissioned by the Information Services sub-committee of the
JISC). Oxford: Office for Humanities Communication
1990 [with C.M. Sperberg-McQueen] Guidelines
for the Encoding and Interchange of machine-readable
texts: draft P1. Chicago and Oxford, ACH-ACL-ALLC Text
Encoding Initiative
1989 [with Malcolm Bain et al] Free Text
Retrieval Systems: a review and evaluation . Taylor
6.2. Articles, reports, book chapters etc.
2002 ‘The BNC: where
did we go wrong?’ (in Teaching and learning by
doing corpus analysis, ed. B. Kettemann and
G. Markus. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp 51-71.)
2001 ‘ On the hermeneutic
implications of text encoding’ (in New media and the
humanities: research and applications, ed. D. Fiormonte and
J. Usher. Oxford: Humanities Computing Unit, pp 31-38.
2001 ‘Dalle “due
culture” alla cultura digitale: la nascita del demotico
digitale’ trad. di Federico Pellizi. il verri 16: "nella rete", Milano: Edizioni Monogramma. pp 9-22.
2000 [with Claudia Claridge, Rainer Siemund, and
Josef Schmidt] ‘Encoding the Lampeter
Corpus’ in DRH98: selected papers from Digital
Resources for the Humanities London: Office for
Humanities Communication.
1999 ‘Using SGML for linguistic
analysis: the case of the BNC’ in Markup languages theory and
practice. I.2 pp. 31-51. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
(Also published in Maschinelle Verarbeitung altdeutscher
Texte V (Beiträge zum Fünften Internationalen Symposion,
Würzburg, 4-6 März 1997), pp 53-72. Tübingen:
1999 [with Michael Popham] ‘Putting
our headers together: a report on the TEI Header meeting 12
September 1997.’ Computers and the
Humanities. 33 pp. 39-47. Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
1999 [with Peter Robinson and Elizabeth Lalou]
‘Vers un standard européen de description
des manuscrits: le projet Master’ Les documents
anciens: Documents numeriques
3.1-2. Paris: Hermes science publications
1998 [ed with Marilyn Deegan and Harold Short]
The Digital Demotic London: Office for Humanities
1996Introducing SARA: exploring the BNC with
SARA(Paper presented at TALC 96)
1996 [with David T. Barnard and
C.M. Sperberg-McQueen] ‘Lessons learned from
using SGML in the Text Encoding Initiative’ Computer Standards & Interfaces 18
1995 ‘SGML on
the web: too little too soon or too much too late?’
Computers & Texts 15: 12-15
1995[guest editor] Electronic Texts
and the Text Encoding Initiative Text
Technology5, 3.
1995 [ed]
Users' Reference Guide for the British National Corpus,
version 1.0. Oxford: Oxford University Computing
1995 [with C.M. Sperberg-McQueen] ‘The design of the TEI encoding scheme’ . Computers and the Humanities 29.1 17-39. Rpt. in The Text Encoding Initiative: Background and Contexts, ed. Nancy Ide and Jean
Veronis. Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers
1995 ‘What is SGML and how does it
help?’ Computers and the
Humanities 29: 41-50. Rpt. in The Text Encoding Initiative: Background and Contexts, ed. Nancy Ide and Jean
Veronis. Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
1995‘The Text Encoding Initiative: an overview’ in Leech G., Myers, G. Thomas, J. Spoken English on computer: transcription, mark-up and application. London: Longman
1994 ‘The TEI: towards an
Extensible Standard for the Encoding of Texts’ in
Electronic Information Resources and Historians
ed S. Ross. London: British Academy.
1993‘Rolling your own with the
TEI’ Information Services and
Use vol 13 no 2. pp 141-154 Amsterdam: IOS Press
1992 ‘The Text Encoding Initiative:
a progress report’ New Directions in
Corpus Linguistics ed G. Leitner. Berlin: de Gruyter
1992 ‘Tools and techniques for
computer-assisted text processing’ in C.S. Butler
Computers and Written Texts, Oxford: Blackwell
1991 ‘Analysing information for
database design: an introduction for archaeologists’
Computing for Archaeologists eds. J. Moffett and S.Ross. (Oxford Committee for Archaeology, Monograph no 18)
1991 ‘Information
Management’ in The Humanities Computing Yearbook
1989-90 ed I. Lancashire. Oxford: Clarendon Press
1991 ‘What is SGML and how does it
help?’ and ‘An introduction to the Text
Encoding Initiative’ in Modelling Historical
Data: towards a standard for encoding and exchanging machine-readable
texts ed D. Greenstein. St Katherinen: Scripta Mercaturae
Verlag. Halbgraue Reihe zur Historischen
Fachinformatik herausg. von Manfred Thaller, serie A, band
11. pp 81-91 3-928134-45-0.
1990 ‘The Historian and the
Database’ Historians, Computers and Data:
applications in research and training ed E.Mawdsley,
N. Morgan et al. Manchester: Manchester University Press
1990 ‘On the intelligent handling
of text retrieval’ Prospects for Intelligent
Retrieval (Informatics 10) ed K.P. Jones. Assoc. for
Information Management
1990 ‘Publishing Presenting and
Archiving the Results of Research’ , Information
Technology and the Research Process eds M. Feeney and
K. Merry. British Library Research.
Bowker-Saur. 0 86291 476 0
1989 ‘Relational Theory and
Historical Practice: the Case for SQL’ in History
and Computing II eds. P. Denley, S. Fogelvik and
C. Harvey. Manchester: Manchester University Press
1989 [with Malcolm Bain et al] Free Text
Retrieval Systems: a review and evaluation . Taylor
1988 ‘Report of Workshop on Text
Encoding Guidelines’ in Literary & Linguistic Computing, 3 (1988)
1988 ‘HUMANIST so far’
ACH Newsletter, 10.1
1989 ‘IZE: Software Review’
Computers and the Humanities vol 23 no 6
1988 ‘The Oxford Text Archive:
Principles and Prospects’ Standardisation et
Échange des bases de données historiques
ed. Genet. Paris: CNRS.
1987 ‘CAFS: A new solution to an
old problem’ in Literary & Linguistic Computing, 2 (1987)
1987 ‘Knowledge Base or
Database?’ Towards a Computer Ethnology,
eds. Raben, Sugita and Kubo, Osaka: Senri Ethnological Studies 20
1987 ‘Principles of Database
Design’ in Information Technology in the
Humanities ed. Rahtz.
1987 ‘Primary to Secondary’ History and Computing, eds. Denley and Hopkin
1987 ‘Famulus Redivivus: a case history in software development’ University Computing
1987 ‘Report on the Computers and Teaching in the Humanities Conference’ Literary & Linguistic Computing2
1986 ‘From archive to
database’ Méthodes quantitatives et
informatiques dans l'Étude des textes,
ed. Brunet
1986 ‘CAFS and text: the view from Academia’
ICL Technical Journal 4,
1985 [ed] CAFS in action: Report of the ICL
CUA CAFS SIG London: ICL Computer Users Association.
1980 ‘An application of CODASYL
techniques to research in the humanities’
Databases in the humanities and social sciences,
eds. Raben and Marks. North Holland.
1979 SNOBOL: The language for literary
computing ALLC Journal, 6 (1978), 7 (1979)
1975 Oxeye: a text-processing package
for the 1906A OUCS User Guide. Oxford: University
Computing Services.
6.3. Book reviews
Review: Research in Humanities Computing 4
and 5Computers and Textsno
14,April 1997
[Review of Richard Ennals,
Jean-Claude Gardin (ed).
in the humanities: perspectives from artificial intelligenceLondon:
British Library,).
1990. xv, 367pp.
and information research report 71)]. Journal of Documentationvol 47 no 2, pp
197-90022 04181991ennals.sgm
[Review of David Gelernter
and Suresh JagannathanProgramming
Linguistics.] History and ComputingIII.2
(1991) pp 129-301991gelernter.sgm
[Review of I. Lancashire,
McCarty (ed).
The Humanities Computing
Yearbook. 1988.] History
and Computing 1991lancs.sgm
Software Review: IZE version 1, March 1988.
By Persoft IncComputers and the Humanities23
(1989) pp 501-5C. 1989
[Review of C.J. DateRelational
database: selected writings, C.J. Date A
Guide to INGRES, C.J. DateA
Guide the SQL Standard] Computers
and the Humanities22 (1988) pp 161-3date.sgm
[Review of Friedmann, Daniel
P. and Matthias FelleisenThe Little Lisper] University Computing10, p. 1000265-43851988friedmann.sgm
[Review of John J. Simon
Jnr :From sand to circuits and other
inquiries. ] University Computing10, p. 2050265-43851988simon.sgm
[Review of Chris Naylor The
PC Compendium, vol 1]. University
Computing10, p. 990265-43851988naylor.sgm
[Review of B.H. Rudall
and T.N. CornsComputers and literature: a
practical guide] Computers and
the Humanities22 (1988) pp 163-4rudall.sgm
[Review of A.F. Grundy (ed).
Proceedings of the fourth British National Conference
on Databases]. University
Computing9, p. 330265-43851987grundy.sgm
ICEBOL 85 [Review of Eric
Johnson (ed).
Proceedings of the 1985 International Conference
on English Language and Literature Applications of SNOBOL and
SPITBOL] Literary and Linguistic ComputingI.1
(1986) p. 52johnson.sgm
Byt and myth [review of Robert
PinskyMindwheeel] TLS,7
Feb 1986p 150pinsky.sgm
A passion for control [review of Dorothy
SteinAda: a life and a legacy] TLS,7
March 1986p 242stein.sgm
More and more addressable [review
of Duncan
Campbell and Steve ConnorOn the record] TLS,
25 July 1986p 813campbell.sgm
[Review of Simmons, R.F.
Computations from the English] University Computing7, p. 1540265-4385simmons.sgm
[Review of Sherry TurkleThe
second self: Computers and the human spirit] Computers and the Social Sciencesvol 1 no
2, p107-9 0748 9269Osprey,
(Paradigm Press, Inc).
The devil's circuitry [review of Peter
Large The micro revolution revisited and
Michael Shallis The silicon idol] TLS,
14 Dec 1984,p 1444large.sgm
[Review of Stig Johansson (ed).
Computer corpora in English language research(Bergen
1982)] ALLC BulletinX
3 (1983) p 109johansson.sgm
Into the dreaded database [review
of David Burnham Rise of the computer
state] TLS,
25 Nov 1983p 1328
[review of Jüergen SchäferDocumentation
in the OED: Shakespeare and Nashe as test cases (Oxford, Clarendon Pr,
1980)] ALLC BulletinIX
2 (1981) p 30 schafer.sgm
[review of Zvi Malachi (ed).
of the international conference on literary and linguistic computing,
Israel] Computers and the Humanities15.2
pp 118-20August 1981malachi.sgm
[review of Richard Conway
and James Archer Programming for poets: a gentle
introduction using FORTRAN with WATFIV] ALLC
Bulletin viii 1 (1980) 92-3conway.sgm
[review of Allen B Tucker
Jr Text processing: algorithms, languages and
applications] ALLC Bulletin viii
2 (1980) 206-8tucker.sgm
At home with the hardware [review
of Robert
L Oakman Computer methods for literary
research and
Susan Hockey A guide to computer applications
in the humanities] TLS 9
May 1980 p 533hockey.sgm
Camp Conflicts [review of
T. Coraghessan Boyle Descent of Man] TLS,
20 Jun 1980 p 714
Growing up in Ulster [review of Ian
Cochrane F for Ferg] TLS,22
Aug 1980 p 943
Set authors [review of Fred
UrquhartA diver in China seas] TLS,19
Sept 1980,p 1044
[Review of J. F. Gimpel Algorithms
in SNOBOL4(Wiley, 1976)] ALLC
BulletinV 2 (1977) p 211-2gimpel.sgm