Research Presentations
Martin Wynne 1996-
An almost complete list with links to slides and other materials.
- 'The Voices from Ravensbrük project: bringing together what is dispersed' (with Silvia Calamai and Stefania Scagliola), oral presentation athe Lessons and Legacies Conference, University of Southern California, November 2024 slides
- 'DR-LIB: CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Digital Resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain' (with Megan Bushnell), poster presentation at the CLARIN Annual Conference, Barcelona, October 2024 poster
- 'CLARIN in the UK' (with Megan Bushnell), poster presentation at the UK DARIAH Day, University of Leeds, September 2024 poster
- 'Natural Language Processing meets Holocaust Research' (with Isuri Anadhuri, Michal Frankl, Francesca Frontini and Rachel Pistol), EHRI Academic Conference, Warsaw, June 2024 slides
- 'DR-LIB: a knowledge centre to support the use of digital resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain', (with Mo El-Haj, Mícheál JO Meachair, Dawn Knight, Paul Rayson) at the UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association annual event, University College Cork, June 2024 slides
- 'The CLARIN and Libraries collaboration: the story so far', presentation to the DARIAH-EU Virtual National Coordinator Committee, 13 May 2024 slides
- 'Formulaic language in Early English Books Online:
from computational linguistics to classical rhetoric', paper and presentation at Formulaic Language Conference, Amsterdam, 9 February 2024
- 'Libraries as Data Infrastructures', paper and poster presentation at the CLARIN Annual Conference 2023 (jointly with Sally Chambers, Peter Leinen and Andreas Witt) paper poster
- 'Holocaust Testimonies as Research Data', informal 'bazaar' poster at CLARIN Annual Conference 2023 poster
- 'Corpus Query Tools: a Resource Guide' Poster at Corpus Linguistics 2023, Lancaster, July 2023 poster
- 'Libraries as Data Infrastructures: Towards a CENL Dialogue Forum', paper at DARIAH Annual Event 2023 (jointly with Sally Chambers et al), Budapest, June 2023 slides
- 'CLARIN – supporting language resources and technologies in Horizon Europe proposals', Webinar Horizon Europe for Arts, Heritage and Creative Industries sectors – 2022 Calls, 3 February 2022 slides
- 'Forty-five Years of the Oxford Text Archive: from magnetic tapes to CLARIN-UK', Invited keynote speaker at the DARIAH-CZ National Workshop 2021, online, 21 October 2021 slides recording
- 'CLARIN – Corpora, corpus tools and collaboration', Introducing the Written BNC2014 workshop, Lancaster, 19 November 2021 slides recording
- 'Exploring Rhetoric in the Electronic Enlightenment', Digital Stylistics in Romance Studies and Beyond, University of Würzburg, Germany, 29 February 2019 slides
- 'The role of CLARIN and linguistic annotation in the digital transformation in research'
Libraries as Research Partners in Digital Humanities DH2019 Pre-conference, The Hague
8 July 2019 slides
- 'CLARIN', BAAL Data-Driven Learning Workshop, Coventry University, 2018 slides
- 'Forty years of the Oxford Text Archive: reflections on digital data in the humanities', Wolfson College Digital Research Seminar, 21 February 2018 slides
- 'Forty years of the Oxford Text Archive: reflections on repositories, corpora, and research infrastructure', Working with Historical Data, Universität des Saarlandes, 8 September 2017 slides
- 'Language, Concepts, History: Corpus Linguistics', History Faculty seminar, Somerville College, 22 April 2016 slides
- 'User Involvement', CLARIN General Assembly Meeting, Copenhagen, 19 November 2015 slides
- 'Big Data and Digital Transformations in the Humanities – are we there yet?', Textual Digital Humanities and Social Sciences: Data > Interpretation > Understanding
Aberdeen, 21-22 September 2015 slides
- 'Poetry Visualization on the Web' (with Alfie Abdul-Rahman), Data Visualization Talks, IT Serivces, University of Oxford, 14 May 2015 slides
- 'Using CLARIN for Digital Research', DH2014 Tutorial Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland slides
- 'CLARIN and multilingual historical research', DH2014 Tutorial Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland slides
- 'Corpus Linguistics, Context and Culture', Panel discussion at ICAME35, 2 May 2014 slides
- 'When will there be a digital revolution in the Humanities?', Conference 'Was können und wollen Digital Humanities?', Austrian National Library, Vienna, 25 October 2013 slides
- 'Corpus Linguistics for Non-linguists: Opportunities and Dangers', Immigration Politics, Text Analysis and Public Opinion, Wadham College, Oxford, 8th November 2013 slides
- 'TEI or not TEI? Some anecdotal evidence from CLARIN and the UK', TEI Members' Meeting, Rome, 11th October 2013 slides
- 'Corpus and Text Analysis for Historians', HiCor Workshop, University of Oxford, 1 March 2013 slides
- 'Do we need annotated corpora in the era of the data deluge?', Invited keynote address, ACRH2 2012, Lisbon, Portugal slides
- 'Corpora in the Classroom: technical and practical issues', Corpus Linguistics in the South, Oxford Brookes, 23 June 2012 slides
- 'Distributed Infrastructures for Literary and Linguistic Computing', Interedition workshop, Meertens Institute, Netherlands, 19 March 2012 slides
- 'A Humanities Community with Requirements for the Grid?', European Grid Initiative User Sustainability Forum, Amsterdam, 24 January 2012 slides
- 'Discovering Babel: How to Make Your Language Resources Available', workshop, University of Oxford, 24 June 2011 slides
- 'The Humanities Research Environment of the Future: the CLARIN Vision', New Directions in the Humanities, Granada, June 2011 slides
- 'Using Google data for research in Oxford - some possible scenarios', Vice-Chancellor's Research Seminar, 25 March 2011 slides
- 'Building a shared services infrastructure for language resources', IntelliText workshop, University of Leeds, 11 March 2011 slides
- 'The Humanities Research Environment of the Future', Invited keynote lecture at the D-SPIN Sommerschule, 2010, Bad Homburg, Germany slides
- 'Corpus and Text Analysis for Research in the Humanities', Invited lecture at Digital Humanities Seminar, Darmstadt, Germany, 22 November 2012 slides
- 'CLARIN-UK: a UK network?', Enroller Spring Colloquium, Glasgow, 25-26 February 2011 slides
- 'CLARIN: Common Language Resources, and Technology Infrastructure', EGI-TF2010, Amsterdam, 2010 slides
- 'CHAIN – Coalition of Humanities and Arts Infrastructures and Networks', Introduction to Panel session at Digital Humanities 2010, King's College, London slides
- 'Sustaining Digital Resources in the Humanities', 6-7 July 2009 slides
- 'CLARIN: A Pan-European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technologies', workshop on sustainability from the Scriptorium: Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Online project. Cambridge slides
- 'Corpus Approaches to the Language of Literature', Keynote for Colloquium at Corpus Linguistics 2009, 20-23 July 2009, University of Liverpool slides
- 'Institutional, National and International Infrastructures to Support Sustainability', Research Technology Services Seminar, University of Oxford, 2009 slides
- 'Preserving Babel: CLARIN and long-term preservation', Workshop on Digital Curation in the Humanities at ECDL2009, 30 September 2009, Corfu, Greece slides
- 'Practical Applications of Corpora Outside of Linguistics', PALC 2009, Łódź, Poland, 8 April 2009 slides
- 'Digital Humanities at Oxford', Project Bamboo Workshop, 2009, Chicago USA video
- 'CLARIN: a Pan-European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technologies', OUCS Seminar, Oxford, 23 April 2009 slides
- 'CLARIN: A Pan-European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technologies', Building a Virtual Humanities Collaboratory, 5-7 January 2009 slides
- 'CLARIN: Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure', poster presentation at Digital Humanities 2008, Oulu, Finland, 25-29 June 2008 poster
- 'The Oxford Text Archive', Guest lecture at University College London, 2008 slides
- 'Building Communities in the Digital Arts and Humanities' (with Peter Wittenberg), International Expert Seminar on the topic of 'Building Communities in the Digital Arts and Humanities: Research Practice and Research Infrastructures' at the e-Science Institute in Edinburgh, November 2008 slides (to be located)
- 'Sharing corpus resources: archiving, standards and sustainability', New Trends in Corpus Linguistics conference, Granada, 23 September 2008 slides
- 'Corpus Approaches to the Language of Literature', seminar presentation, Viterbo, 2008 slides
- 'Developing a pan-European grid infrastructure for language resources' New Horizons in Linguistics symposium, University of Oxford, 20 September 2007 slides
- 'Introduction: The OTA and the AHDS today', OTA at 30 Symposium, University of Oxford 21 September 2006 slides
- 'Corpus stylistics: a public inquiry?', IVACS (invited plenary lecture, with Peter Stockwell), 23 June 2006, University of Nottingham slides (to be located)
- 'Developing Linguistic Corpora: a Guide to Good Practice', poster presentation at DRHA2005, Lancaster University, September 2005 poster
- 'Annotation of Linguistic Corpora: some basic principles', Seminar, 9 December 2004, Bergamo, Italy slides
- 'Sharing Language Resources: the Oxford Text Archive Perspective', Fourth Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative, Geneva, 2004 poster
- 'L’apprentissage du français langue étrangère à l’aide d’un corpus: le partage des ressources' (with Angela Chambers), AFLS2005, Chambéry, 2005 slides
- 'Stylistics and Language Corpora: where did it all go wrong?', PALA, New York University, July 2004 slides
- 'BNC-baby: using corpora in the virtual classroom' (with Ylva Berglund and Lou Burnard), Teaching and Language Corpora conference, Granada, 4-7 July 2004 slides
- 'Evaluation of Electronic Resources in the Arts and Humanities Data Service', EVALUED workshop, 16 June 2004 slides
- 'OLAC: Open Language Archives Community', Third Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative, Geneva, 12 February 2004 slides
- 'Faithfulness of speech reports in Holocaust autobiography: the case of Primo Levi’s If This is a Man', PALA, Istanbul, 24 June 2003 slides handout
- 'Virtual Corpora at the Oxford Text Archive', Corpus Linguistics 2003, Lancaster University, 30 March 2003 slides
- 'Linguistics and the Arts and Humanities Data Service', Setting the agenda: languages, linguistics and area studies in higher education, Manchester Conference Centre (UMIST), 24-26 June 2002 slides
- LREC2002 slides (to be located)
- 'AHDS Technical Assessments: the service provider's perspective', presentation at AHRB workshop, 2002, University of Bristol slides
- 'Oxford Text Archive: library, archive or corpus?', TELRI Seminar, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 26-29 September 2002 slides
- 'Corpus Linguistics without the corpus', PALA, Birmingham, April 2002 slides
- 'BNC: last of the line?', (written by Lou Burnard), 2001, University of Nijmegen slides
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 2001 slides
- 'An archive for all of Europe: the TRACTOR initiative', ACL 2001 Workshoip on Sharing Tools and Resources, Toulouse, Saturday 7th July 2001 slides