Source: F.E. Brightman, The English Rite Vol. II (London: Rivingtons, 1915) 880ff
The woman shall come into the churche, and there shal knele downed some conueniente place nygh unto the quier doore: and the prieste standyng by her shall saye these woordes, or suche lyke, as the case shall require.
FORASMUCHE as it hath pleased almightie god of hys goodnes to geue you safe deliueraunce, and your childe baptism, and hath preserued you in the greate daunger of childebirth: ye shal therefore geue hartie thankes unto god, and pray.Then shall the prieste saye this psalme.
Leuaui oculos. Psalm cxxi.
I HAUE lifted up mine iyes unto the hilles, from whence cummeth my helpe ?Priest. Let us pray.
O ALMIGHTIE God, which hast deliuered this woman thy seruant from the great payne and peril of childbirth: Grant, we beseehe thee (most mercifull father), that she through thy helpe ay both faithfully lyue, and walke in her vocacyon accordynge to thy will in thys lyfe presente; and also may be partaker of everlastyng glorye in the lyfe to come: through Jesus Christ our lorde. Amen.
The woman that is purifyed, must offer her Crysome and other accustomed offeringes. And if there be a communion, it is conuenient that she reciue the holy communion.