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JISC Strategy
Aim 1: ...the innovative use of ICT.
- Aim 1: “Providing high-quality sustainable infrastructure to support the research community” [and] “sustainable and coherent procurement and delivery services for online content” [and] “a future proofed eResearch infrastructure and sustainable software outputs” [in particular] “a sustainable eResearch infrastructure;”
Aim 5: ... strategies of government, funding councils and research councils.
- “Improving research outreach activities in particular to: benefit the broader education agenda through a sustainable eResearch infrastructure...; ensure that the eResearch agenda is developed in such a way as to serve the needs of the arts, humanities and social sciences communities as well as the physical sciences through a sustainable eResearch infrastructure and relevant advisory services.”
Value for Money
- : .. It is important that JISC’s work is embedded within the community, in order to ensure its long-term sustainability.”