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Oxford VRE Projects
- Led by Humanities Division (over 15 AHRC 'ICT' projects)
- Pre-existing commitment to humanities research node / e-science link
- Oxford has long history of humanities computing (since c.1975!)
- BVREH one (important, requirements) phase in Humanities Division ICT strategic plan
- EPSRC-funded Integrative Biology (IB) e-Science Pilot Project led by Computing Laboratory
- international consortium; large-scale complex specialised research
- Development of the Grid Infrastructure to support modelling of complex systems relating to cancer and heart disease
- IB VRE to support 'in silico' research process for real
Sakai VRE Demonstrator
- Partner via RTS, building on earlier work in access management and resource discovery
Humanities Division
800 years of humanities research
Largest division in University (students/staff)
Feasibility study (Summer 2004) for Humanities VRE
Has input from Research Technologies Service/e-Science Centre
Across the projects there is an emphasis on the environment and the development of sharable tools
VRE has to be integrated with existing research infrastructure and day to day research (user requirements essential to both projects)
For IB VRE this includes in vitro experimentation as well as insilico
For humanities this includes physical location, books, communication with people
Emphasis on standards e.g. IB VRE originally proposed Sakai, was asked to use OGCE, now looking at uPortal
Sakai Demonstrator should benefit from SPIE project and earlier work with Z39.50 (Jafer and SPP) – but only if standards such as WSRP available
Sustainability always requires an exit strategy from the technology