Somerville College Medical Resources




For First year medicine; Second year medicine; Third year medicine; Graduate-entry medicine




Oxford English Dictionary; dictionary of cell and molecular biology;


Preparing for tutorials

A guide to preparing for tutorials by MJAW


Essay writing and writing tools

A short guide to essay writing by MJAW

A guide to composition, grammar and writing

A guide to grammar and style by Jack Lynch

Technical and scientific writing

Fowler's English usage - old fashioned but correct English usage

Various texts on English writing style and usage

'Politics and the English Language' by George Orwell, an essay on the uses and misuses of language

'The prevention of literature' by George Orwell, as essay on freedom of speech

An essay on plagiarism by Ronald Standler

Avoiding plagiarism: mastering the art of scholarship. From the University of California at Davis


Making a presentation
Online tutorial "Giving Presentations" by MJAW

A guide to preparing slides and overheads by Walworth et al. from the Society of Imaging Science and Technology


Reading research papers

A guide to using the scientific literature by Simon Hunt and William James


Data analysis

An exercise in data interpretation from a past examination paper



Writing examination essays - guide from the University of Indiana

Preparing for examinations


General web resources

PubMed; Oxford electronic resources; Nature Journals; Oxford English Dictionary; BBCi; Google




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Last modified: 06/10/2005