Political Sociology (Course 220 for PPE and History and Politics)


The reading list is here.


Links to lecture slides below are to old ones (mostly from 2023-4) by Stephen Fisher, except where indicated. Slides are provided here for reference and for those studying topics in tutorials before the relevant lecture. They are not intended to be stand-alone teaching materials or a substitute for attending the lectures.


MT 2024 Lectures, Fridays 12-1pm

by Mathis Ebbinghaus

1. Introduction

2. Religion

3. Ethnicity

4. Anti-immigrant sentiment and populist right parties

5. Political culture and social capital

6. Change in social attitudes

7. Public support for welfare

8. Voter turnout


HT 2025 Lectures, Fridays 12-1pm

by James Tilley

1. Class

2. Gender 

3. Nationalism

4. Elites (Biggs)

5. Media

6. Political participation (Biggs)

7. Social movements (Biggs)

8. Civil Wars and Revolutions



Stephen Fisher

Trinity College

Oxford OX1 3BH
