Example WWW O-Entry Form

Due to various requests, here is entry form devised by Pauline Sinclair for OUOC's Bernwood Badge Event on 9/2/97. This was the first event in the UK to take full email entries.

The copy below has been disabled. If you wish to use it you will need to add a POST address and change the other details to those of your event.

Name of Submitter (Forename first):

Email address (if you have more than one, please give the one you prefer):

Select if you want the final details emailed to you. Otherwise it will be assumed that you will get them off the web

Full name (Forename first) Club BOF Number Course Preferred start time Split Starts (*) Year of Birth Fee (**)

(*) No. of minutes between parent's split starts (assuming start & finish are adjacent)
(**) Late entry fees are:
£6.00 for Seniors and
£3.50 for Juniors, students and +65's

Special Requests:

Note: The results will be on the web. If you want a paper copy then put a results envelope in on the day.


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