Training is a key part of Oxford University Orienteering Club. Our Training Officer this year is Aidan Smith.

Club training takes place during Full Term (Weeks 1-8) only.
Monday, 6pm - OUAC circuits - Iffley Road Sports Centre
We join the athletics club on their weekly circuit training.
Wednesday, 5:15pm - Club Run - meet at the Radcliffe Camera
A group run around Oxford, usually about 45mins. Suitable for all abilities.
Other great sessions are available with OUCCC (the Cross-Country Club) and I would especially recommend the Tuesday Reps session.
If it’s your first time please feel free to email me and let me know that you’re coming along so I can look out for you! We always welcome new people. One OUOC alumnus started her orienteering whilst at Oxford and is now running for Great Britain in the World Championships, so it’s never too late to start!
Aidan Smith
OUOC Training Officer 2014-15
We normally join the CUOC Christmas training tour in the Lake District in 9th week of Michaelmas term.

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